Crazy Man McJangle
Okay! Trying to rehash this one more time!
No, nothing horrible is going to be posted here that will wish you gouged your eyes out.
Rather, I'm looking to find someone for Torjesgo to share a warped connection with across the galaxy. A connection that causes the two ends to exchange nightmares of events that passed, of events of their imagination, and potential visions of things to come.
There wont be any link where if one gets hurt the other gets hurt or anything like that (unless we determine that's something to add on), I'm mainly looking for a method to roleplay out Torjesgo's freakish imagination of things that happened while his race was being devoured by the Rakata. Someone to share that with while also unleashing his own anger and hate upon the receiving end in a dreamscape where at one point he could be as powerful as any Sith and unleashing lighting across continents, and other settings where the other character and he are thrown back into a fight against the Rakata where the odds are next to impossible and they watch as his people are defeated.
A little gloom and doomy, but I figure it opens up for whoever YOU end up being to try and figure out what sort of thing is in his dreams, why these are happening, and who this monster is that visits his nightmares far too often.
Ideally, I'm looking for a Jedi (or lightside character) of some significant power to deal with this issue. As prototypical Jedi-y as possible as the gameplan is not to have Jedi A run and go slash Torjesgo's throat as soon as they see one another.
At the same time, I don't want to close this off to Sith or non-force users so if it really grabs you I'm sure we can finagle a reason for it!
So yeah, general concept, flexible, and just poking around to see if it gets a rise out of anybody!
If you're curious about 'Jesgo, hit his bio/race link below and you can peak at the two (incomplete) threads. :laugh:
The Thread
So lets see if there are any hand wavers for this one! xD
No, nothing horrible is going to be posted here that will wish you gouged your eyes out.
Rather, I'm looking to find someone for Torjesgo to share a warped connection with across the galaxy. A connection that causes the two ends to exchange nightmares of events that passed, of events of their imagination, and potential visions of things to come.
There wont be any link where if one gets hurt the other gets hurt or anything like that (unless we determine that's something to add on), I'm mainly looking for a method to roleplay out Torjesgo's freakish imagination of things that happened while his race was being devoured by the Rakata. Someone to share that with while also unleashing his own anger and hate upon the receiving end in a dreamscape where at one point he could be as powerful as any Sith and unleashing lighting across continents, and other settings where the other character and he are thrown back into a fight against the Rakata where the odds are next to impossible and they watch as his people are defeated.
A little gloom and doomy, but I figure it opens up for whoever YOU end up being to try and figure out what sort of thing is in his dreams, why these are happening, and who this monster is that visits his nightmares far too often.
Ideally, I'm looking for a Jedi (or lightside character) of some significant power to deal with this issue. As prototypical Jedi-y as possible as the gameplan is not to have Jedi A run and go slash Torjesgo's throat as soon as they see one another.
So yeah, general concept, flexible, and just poking around to see if it gets a rise out of anybody!
If you're curious about 'Jesgo, hit his bio/race link below and you can peak at the two (incomplete) threads. :laugh:
The Thread
So lets see if there are any hand wavers for this one! xD