Taeli Raaf

Image Source: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091120160741/starwars/images/0/05/TIE_Fighter_Construction_Facility.jpg
Affiliation: Krayt Industries
Manufacturer: Krayt Industries
Model: Nightshade-class Research Station
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel, transparisteel,
Classification: Research Station
Length: 700 meters
Width: 800 meters
Height: 800 meters
16 Quad Laser Cannons
30 Point Defense Lasers
16 Flak Guns
One Squadron of security fighters
Six shuttles
Special Features:
Communications array (heavily encrypted with comms being bounced around different satellites to disguise origins of transmissions)
Escape Pods
Holonet Transciever
Advanced Deflector Shield Generators
Standard Life Support Systems
Advanced Internal Shields (arranged at key checkpoints around the research labs)
Layered armor hull
Several internal research labs
Specimen holding areas for biological experiments
Safe rooms to store unstable samples
Power generator: Hypermatter
Maneuverability: 20 (only moves in an orbit around where it is built)
Speed Rating: 20 (only moves in an orbit around where it is built)
Hyperdrive Class: No hyperdrive
Heavily armored and shielded
Large amount areas of to do research and hold experiments in
Generally located in isolated systems, which provides secrecy but means no help will arrive if raided
Can't move beyond orbital drift
No offensive weaponry, has to rely on its limited amount of defenses against attacks
Deciding that a new variety of station was necessary for continued research into anti-matter and other more secretive matters, Darth Arcanix commissioned the design for the Nightshade-class Research Station. Developed exclusively for Krayt Industries, the Nightshade stations are designed to be the sites for top secret research and development of new technology for the company. The Nightshade stations are to be built in isolated systems to further increase the secrecy of their locations, but this also means it must rely on what defenses it has in case it is discovered.
Sixteen quad laser cannons, thirty point defense lasers, and sixteen flak guns are the stations' only armament, and even the hanger is only large enough to house a single squadron of fighters to provide security. The station instead relies on the layered armor that makes up its hull and the advanced shield generators that cover the station to protect it against attacks. As the station is stuck in a orbital pattern around the world it is built around, the station itself cannot move.
That being said, the station contains several research labs for various projects, including Krayt's anti-matter research and other secretive projects that might come up, and these labs have access to large holding areas and storage zones for specimens and samples. The labs also have internal shields placed at strategic checkpoints in case of a project gone awry to make other scientists are either not disturbed or the damage is limited.
Development Thread: If necessary
Intent: To develop dedicated research stations for Krayt Industries
Who Can Use This: Krayt Industries and those that have access to their facilities