Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Credit -

NAME: Nighttooth (Galactic Basic Translation)

FACTION: Iferetes Empire

RANK: Hirion Loner

SPECIES: Hirion (Iferetes Wolf Subspecies)

AGE: 34

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1 meter

LENGTH: 1.5 meter

WEIGHT: 70kg

EYES: Blood Red

HAIR: Grey

SKIN: Not visible due to hair but is grey



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Size - Simply put, this is an otherwise massive creature to face down, at 1.5 meters long and 1 meter high with an average weight of about 70Kg, it is mostly muscle. A threatening force for those that had never faced one in battle it is a towering wall of muscle to contend against thus allowing for its swipes of its claws of bite force to be heavy.​
Quick - While its Size alone makes it a threat, it is also quick allowing for it to run down prey and cut it off with the aid of other pack members or alone if needed. This also allows it to outrun would be hunters should the need be.​
Intelligent - Contrary to popular belief on Iferetes, he is highly intelligent and can communicate with nearly any race through Telepathy, though most view them as a threat and will attempt to kill them before this is shown.​
Seen as dangerous - His weakness for his size and speed is that he is hunted as a prized trophy and nine times out of ten attacked on sight by would be hunters. Allowing for him to live a life away from the civilized world even if he is intelligent.​
In ability to use any tools - No apposable thumbs. Done and over with. In other words, these things cannot use any tool or device or anything to save their life except a button... So yup.​
Cannot wear Armor - Cannot wear or put on any form of armor what so ever without another creature's help, so he is virtually defenseless against a weapon head on.​

As posted above he is a large Hirion that possesses Blood Red eyes and a greyish white pelt. Like any other Hirion he possesses a set of large canine teeth and razor sharp claws. He holds few distinctive features other than his left ear is scarred from a fight with another creature on Iferetes a long while back.


Born thirty four years back the young Hirion showed a high level of intelligence among his people and openly participated in conversations with Infereti without heed. Fearing he would endanger the rest of the pack he was ousted and has been forced to live a solitary life within the a cave on Iferetes' massive forest. With the planet's eternal winters the wolf had to take risks and continually hunt alone to survive until he came in contact with the Matrians whom have been aiding the wolf and he them when either side needed such aid.







Would love to once i finish the campaign that unlocks Hyperspace travel to the planet this char is on. @[member="Emily Vani"]

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