Nike Esok
Chiss Alor
Chiss Alor of Clan Asok, Nike
Out of Armor:
In Armor:
NAME: Nike Esok
FACTION: Mandalorians (Clan Esok)
RANK: Alor
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 134lbs.
EYES: Chiss Red
HAIR: Chiss Black
SKIN: Chiss Blue
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Nike has an outgoing personality which makes him easy to get along with, but it can be hard to take him seriously sometimes. He enjoys a good joke, relaxing, and taking care of his own. Something like a family man, sorta. Nike has been known to be ruthless though, not particularly caring for anyone's life but his and his own, and showing no mercy. His pretty good all around with most weapons of different types, but he isnt the best by no means. He's still young compared to the other Alors, giving him a lot to learn still. His people see him as a little bit of a black sheep as he doesn't care too much for his species' culture, or the concept of them being superior to others. Nike is also a little frowned upon because of his taking over Clan Esok through the rite of challenging the previous Alor who had adopted him into the clan. Nothing was wrong with the previous leader, Nike is just greedy and wanted more, this can make him seem like a bad leader at times, but he does have the clan's best interest in mind, sorta. Women are his biggest weakness, he enjoys their company, too much. Nike is also a little psycho, more than willing to detonate bombs with himself only a few meters away from the radius.
Standing shorter than most Chiss, Nike is well built all around with a balance in all attributes regarding the body. He has a neck tattoo that is Mandalorian tribal that goes down to his chest, and to his shoulders. His armor is very different in the concept that is doesnt have the signature T-shape visor, but something of his own notion of Mandalorian armor, it is very clean and well taken care of. His pasture and gait is very relaxed, and almost uncaring of the things going around him. Usually, Nike can be seen with a smile on his face.
Born on a ship, dropped off on Mandalore, Gareth Esok took in the little baby Chiss for the clan. For the longest time, Gareth treated the boy like he was his own son, showing him the proper Mando way, and teaching him how to be efficient in battle. For the most part, the boy met all of Gareth's expectations of being Mando, the few exceptions being his smart mouth remarks, and psychotic actions, Nike was, for the most part, a good model of a Mandalorian. He quickly learned the language, the gestures and the culture. As the boy got older and went out with the clan more and more, he learned that Clan Esok originally had it's name lost from a long time ago. Longer than any files could date back, only the name Esok could be found within the records held by the Mandalorians. Gareth had revived the clan under the name Esok in honor of the solely named man, and built the clan from scratch.
This gave Nike a new goal, to build the small, but self efficient clan of Esok into something big, and well known. As he watched Gareth and how he lead the clan, he saw that it was going no where and fast. With confidence, Nike challenged Gareth to be Alor of Clan Esok, and a duel that lasted for no longer than two minutes began but seemed like hours had passed. With only three shots fired, Nike had already been upon Gareth, a knife deep in his gullet. While death could happen in these duels, the rest of the clan found it unnecessary and over the top even for Nike. It was later revealed that Nike's father was a mass murderer and the notion that some of the mental disorders his father had was passed over to his son. Regardless, Nike had won fare and square, Clan Esok followed their new Alor with a grain of salt.
Nike would begin turning Clan Esok from a honest little clan of the Mando'ade into a full blown private military corp to begin skirmishes, and take on large scale missions to gain wealth and power where ever Nike could find it.