Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nikki Kideki



Name: Nikki Kideki
Alias: "Rhosyn"
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Intelligence Agent
Species: Human
Age: 20
Height: 5'7" (1.70 m)
Weight: 125 lbs (56.6 kg)
Eye Color: Grass Green
Hair Color: Rubescent Red
Skin Pigmentation: Alabaster
Force Sensitive: No


  • Strengths:
    Nikki Kideki is a strong, confident, and independent woman whose strengths stem primarily from her mind. She is a vastly brilliant individual and has developed her intellect over the course of many years of study; attending the top private academies the Sith Empire had to offer during her youth. Nikki also has a strong sense of strategy, and as such has an affinity for the game of Chess. Mental capabilities aside, Nikki is an especially deadly hand-to-hand combatant on the field of battle. She is proficient in the usage of many weapons, ranging from domestic to military grade arms. Lastly, Nikki is an adventurous individual whom seldom backs down from any challenge. She is courageous and never afraid to freely speak her mind, regardless of whom she is addressing.
  • Weaknesses:
    First and foremost, Nikki Kideki is a human being whom lacks sensitivity to the Force. As such, she is completely normal, completely mortal, and completely vulnerable to all types of weapons. Furthermore, despite her exceptional mental prowess, Nikki has a tendency to make rash, impulsive decisions and also has a short temper to boot! She tends to, on occasion, act first and think later, which could potentially lead to putting herself or her allies in harm's way. Also, though this particular trait may be hailed as a strength by members of the Jedi Order, Nikki is gentle by nature. She does not engage in combat unless absolutely necessary and takes no joy in the harming of another living being. Lastly, Nikki exhibits signs of claustrophobia and is very uncomfortable in enclosed spaces: especially elevators.

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Kills: None
Bounties: None
Role-Plays: None

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