Nima Vantoon
Birthplace | Vardos |
Age | Born 19 BBY; biologically 43, chronically 881, as of 862 ABY |
Rank | Major, formerly; currently, Operative, FOSB |
Faction | The First Order |
Home | Château Vantoon, Kestro, Vantoon |
Species | Korunnai/Human |
Gender | Female |
Force Sensitive | Yes |
Height | 5"7 |
Weight | 185 |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Brown |
Skin Color | Black |
Distinctive features | Cybernetic right arm |
Writer | Matma Bernu |
Image source | avatar reference here |
861 ABY. Dosuun. Undisclosed First Order Security Bureau (FOSB) Station.
Somebody is encased in a block of carbonite. Her vitals are being monitored by a team of doctors. The head doctor, satisfied with whatever he is seeing, orders his team to begin the carbon-thawing process. Two stormtroopers watch over the proceedings, warily. Two men view the medical theater via a one-way mirror, looking at the woman intently.
Man #1: So...Professor Alvos, can you tell me what the fuss is? Your pulling me away from the theater. We're making the push to get these filthy dinosaurs off of Dosuun.
Man #2: Director, with all do respect, this can wait. This- this is big. This is big for the First Order. This is history.
The Director looks on, unimpressed.
The thawing process finishes, and a one armed black woman falls to the ground. She is disheveled and caked with dirt and blood, as if she has been in a pitched battle. Picking herself up, she looks around the room wildly, ventilating. Wordlessly, she thrusts her good hand out- people and equipment go flying. She gets five steps before she is stunned by the troopers.
Director: ...Intriguing. Who is she?
Professor Alvos: Sir, FO records and genetic markers have confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that this...this is Nima Vantoon.
The Director furrows his brow.
Director: Is that supposed to be familiar?
Prof Alvos: Her name has been out of the galactic spotlight for centuries, so...I suppose not, sir.
The doctors have sedated the woman and strap her to a gurney. More stormtroopers have a arrived, escorting some doctors wheeling a bacta tank into the medical theater.
The Professor takes out a datapad. With a few clicks of the keyboard, the woman's face jumps out.
Prof Alvos: This is Nima Vantoon, born 19 BBY.
Director: She's remarkably well-preserved.
Prof Alvos: Born to Aegis Vantoon, of The House of Vantoon- at the time, a respectable noble family Vardos, and of the Core Worlds in general.
The image changes to a rather serious man in military regalia.
Prof Alvos: He served with distinction during the Clone Wars, Under a...General Mace Windu, at Dantooine, Ryloth, Anaxes, and Coruscant. Continued to serve under the First Galactic Empire, and was one our first generals.
Still strapped to a gourney, the woman is lowered in the bacta tank, mask securely on.
Prof Alvos: Now, what's interesting is the mother.
The image changes to a dark-skinned woman, surrounded by men. They are carrying a peculiar type of shield.
Director: Who is she?
Prof Alvos: Rava of Haruun Kal. Whole race of Force sensitives- called "Korun". Vantoon was sent there to embed and aid the Korun against the CIS in 22 BBY.
The image changes to a video of the Korun fighting alongside the Grand Army of the Republic, deflecting blaster-fire with their shields, and stabbing and cutting down the battle droids and partisans alike. The video zooms in to Rava throwing her vibroshield, decapitating a droid about to get the drop on Vantoon. She flips in the air, calling the shield back to her. She lands behind Aegis, swatting aside blaster bolts, and darts off camera.
Director: Remarkable. Why haven't I ever heard of these Korun?
Prof Alvos: The Empire executed a BDZ on Haruun Kal in 19 BBY. Intelligence indicates small communities persist across the galaxy, but most of them were on-world.
Director: I see. And so how did Rava avoid this...purge?
Prof Alvos: After the campaign, Vantoon was so impressed by her skills, he argued for her inclusion under his command. General Windu was surprisingly amiable.
Director: And things progressed from there.
The image changes to Rava and Aegis wedded; there is a noticeable swell in her dress.
Director: So, let's skip to Nima.
Professor Alvo: Absolutely, sir.
Image changes to a young Nima, Rava, and a dignified couple that could only be Nima's grandparent sat a stately affair.
Professor Alvo: Vantoon was promoted to General following the end of the Clone Wars. And even then, he was rarely on Vardos. His parents, nobles of Vardo, ensured that their grand-daughter was raised to become a lady of The Most Noble House Of Vantoon.
Image changes to Rava training Nima furiously at night; view is grainy, but at one point Rava is throwing rocks with the Force at the young girl.
Professor Alvo: ...Her mother raised her to honor and carry on the traditions of the Korun.
Nima twitches in the tank. The doctors eye her with concern. Stormtroopers surrounds her.
Director: Professor, the exposition is appreciated, but there's something to be said about brevity.
Prof Alvos: Absolutely sir; but I'm trying to establish who Nima was, to tell you how she got here.
The Director sighs.
Director: ...Proceed, Professor.
The images change rapidly. Nima, continuing to train. Riding alongside her grandmother in the fields of Vardos. Attending Future Imperial Leaders Military Preparatory School. Nima graduating Imperial Academy, smiling widely alongside her family. Across various battlefronts, ending at the Battle of Jaku. The image stops at a stone-faced Nima and Aegis, watching Rava lowered into the ground.
A small droid descends into the tank, to start attaching nerve endings to the stump.
Prof. Alvos: Vardos, in many ways, represents the best of what the Empire should aspired to be. Tradition. Honor. Integrity. A true meritocracy for all of it's people, human or not. Quite honestly, they represent the ideas of the First Order stands for now then the Empire then. Small wonder about why Palpatine did what he did. If you change any of those details, Nima Vantoon isn't the same person.
The image changes to the nascent First Order on Dosuun. General Vantoon addresses an assembly of soldiers. Nima stood by his side, clad in black armor. A vibroshield is on her back, a blaster on her hip.
Prof Alvos: Rava Vantoon was killed by stormtroopers, covering the evacuation of House Vantoon in the midst of what became known as Operation Cinder. Nima, in mourning, made a decision that put her in front of us- to find meaning in that loss.
A series of images. Nima, with a cadre of similarly dressed troopers, marching a group official out of their offices in chains. Speaking passionately at an assembly. Leading the charge against an incursion of Vagaari.
The droid carefully starts attaching the limb. Nima twitches.
Prof. Alvos: Overseen by General Vantoon, they were known as the Vanguard. Officially, their mission was to ensure that the malfeasance and corruption that plagued the Empire never infected the First Order. Unofficially, they held the line against anybody who tested us- the Vagaari, the Nagai, the Tof, even routed an advanced invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong. For twenty years, Nima led from the front, and she was hard to miss. The press, following her exploits, dubbed her "The Shield of Order".
Director: So how come we haven't heard of her? What happened?
Nima is lifted out of the bacta tank, still on a gourney. Stormtroopers watch her every movement.
Prof. Alvos: We now know that there was a contingent within the First Order- a contingent that was dedicated to fulfilling the whims of a madman. The Vantoons and their crusade, they believed, were a liability. And they could not allow liabilities to interfere with their plans.
A series of images. Vanguard officers, paraded through the streets and executed. The House of Vantoon, in flames. General Aegis Vantoon, slumped over his desk, a cauterized hole in his chest. Standing in front of the dying General is Nima, defiant to the last. As the House of Vantoon burns around her, she cradles her stump of an arm. Her vibroshield on the ground, her hand still with it. The bodies of stormtroopers litter the ground. A man holding a lightsaber, lazily walking towards her to finish the job. He's to busy basking in his victory, gloating in his superiority. So while he notices the corpse of a stormtrooper fly at him, he doesn't see the shield flying at him until it spears him to the wall.
Nima, with tears in her eyes, takes a look one at her home one more time before limping away, only pausing to Force pull the shield out of the assassin's body.
Prof. Alvos: Nima- I'm assuming after being grieviously wounded- is preserved in carbonite until she can receive proper medical treatment at a safe haven. Her allies are systematically murdered. Her accomplishments are either ignored, white-washed, or attributed to someone favorable to the regime; she was forgotten. Time moved on.
Director: Until now. Well, Professor, thank you for the brief. I think we can take it from her-
Nima's eye snap open. Stormtroopers are thrown into the walls, hard. Doctors scatter. Klaxons sound. Using the Force, she easily unfastens herself from the gurney. She seemingly ignores the chaos around her as she inspects her new, mechanical arm. Then she directly looks at the Director and the Professor.
"What is this?"
Despite himself, the Director smiles. Thoughts of the application of Nima in the field dance in his head. He's struck gold, and the Knights of Ren, or whatever they were calling themselves now, wouldn't get their hands on her if he had anything to say about it. He uses a comm-link to inform his aides to turn off the klaxons, then presses the intercom switch.
Director: I am Director...well, frankly that's not important, Lady Vantoon. I'm sorry for the accommodations- we wanted to ease into waking you up. You've been under the ice for a long time. You are in need of extensive rehab following the operation, I've been told your suffering from a fairly advanced stage hibernation sickness- your blind, not that seems to be stopping you. We'll explain on the way, but the First Order needs it's Shield, now more then ever.
Nima, not sensing any deception, indulges the man.
"Very well. Lead the way, Director."
- Strong in the Force. Nima was born w/ a strong connection to the Force, manifesting itself early on in lightning quick reflexes and a preternatural ability to sense imminent threat. She is particularly skilled at reading and controlling minds, mind tricks, and telekinesis. Nima relies on the Force to 'see' as she is blind from centuries of being trapped in carbonite.
- Capable fighter. Nima was trained to carry on the traditions of the Korun people; she is skilled in the art of the vibroshield. Additionally, an adulthood of Imperial training has taught her tactics, hand-to-hand combat, use of a variety of weapons, and piloting.
- Canny. A lifetime of mingling amongst the courtesans on Vardos has given Nima the ability to read individuals, and their motives.
- Sense of duty. Perhaps Nima's most defining trait is her unwavering sense of duty. She truly believes that the First Order is the last, best hope for a galaxy in Chaos.
- Out of touch. Nima is over 800 years old; she is struggling to grasp how much the galaxy has changed.
- Decisive. Nima is a woman of action; she will often make decisions for people, if they can't do so for themselves, consequences be damned.
- Wrathful. Centuries entombed in carbonite has depleted Nima's capacity for mercy.
- Zealotry. Some would call Nima's sense of duty fanatical- how far would she go to make sure history didn't repeat itself?
Galactic Basic (Fluent)
Korunnal (Fluent)
Double-barreled blaster carbine
Verpine Shatter Gun
WESTAR-34 blaster pistol
Lightsaber Shoto x2
- Nima is heavily inspired by Captain America. Here's the premise: what if Cap fails, but he has to wake up in new world and deal with his failure? What sort of person does he become?
- The good general was very nearly an ARC clone trooper; in addition to giving Nima a reason to be a badass, I wanted to show how to marginalized people (a clone trooper after the clone wars and a Force-sensitive immigrant) had to scrape their way by, and how that shaped Nima's perception of what's wrong with the Empire. I didn't expect to find a world where humans and non-humans in the Empire were happy.
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