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NAME: Niobe Balthazar
FACTION: Outer Planets Alliance
RANK: Smuggler
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.78 meters
WEIGHT: 59 kilograms
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Deep Brown
SKIN: Swarthy
VOICE: T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh as Bumblebee
Credit: This template Created by Pluperfect
Before she became a known smuggler, the girl that became Niobe Balthazar grew up on the junker's world of Jakku. She remembers some about her parents, but mostly bad things. They were criminal scum that seemed to care little for their daughter, having sold her and abandoning her. For years, she had to scrap and struggle in the wastelands.
It was one, fateful day that she was able to stow away on a smuggler's ship. While initially caught by the ship's captain, she was able to charm her way into becoming a part of the crew. She served as a part of this crew for years before she amicably broke away to strike out on her own. In her travels, she met her eventual companion Dee-Dee and the duo have been inseperable. It was also in this era that she gave herself a surname: "Balthazar", after the supposed middle name of Lando Calrissian, who she considers her favorite historical figure. She has loosely affiliated herself with Outer Planets Alliance due to its friendly stance toward smugglers, and sees it as a great place to network connections.
Niobe can come off as a little cocky and reckless. She lives for the adventure life brings. She also acts charming, trying to use her wit and words to negotiate before pulling out her blasters. Just as much, she isn't opposed to pulling out her blasters if words fail. Her biggest flaw is her wariness of making close bonds with people. Having been abandoned by her parents insights a slight distrust of people.
- Dee-Dee: A dark violet BD-3000 droid who acts as Niobe's co-pilot and smuggling partner.
- Dee-Dee: A dark violet BD-3000 droid who acts as Niobe's co-pilot and smuggling partner.
- The Lucky Usagi, a fuschia-accented VCX-100 frieghter
- A black Balutar-class swoop she calls the "Black Beast"
- A pair of K-16 Bryar Pistols
- A pair of vibroknucklers
- Gunslinger: Niobe is a quick shot with her blasters, and is a good person to have in a fire-fight.
- Dirty Fighter: She is not above using underhanded tactics in a fight if it means that she (and her allies at present) comes out on top
- Reckless: She is a bit of an adrenaline junky, and isn't above pulling reckless stunts in order to get her kicks. This increases her likelihood of dangerous situations that could get herself or others hurt / killed
- Insecurities: As previously stated, Niobe is insecure about getting to close to people, given that the two people that were supposed to keep her safe abandoned her in a place of wretchedness.