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Approved NPC Nirrah, Efret Farr's Guide Convor

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in the footsteps of a stranger

Intent: To codify an animal companion of one of my characters​
Image Credit: Convor by SplinterStar (edited by me via Canva)​
Role: Nirrah is a working bird. She acts as a sensory guide for Efret Farr Efret Farr by seeing for her and making her aware of some sounds occurring in her environment by responding to them.​
Permissions: No permissions​
Links: Convor | Takodana | Efret Farr

Age: Twelve standard years​
Force Sensitivity: Force User
Species: Convor
  • Approximately 20 cm high feet to head;
  • Weighs 0.4 kg;
  • Wingspan measures 0.6 m;
  • Brown feathers on top of head, back, and most of tail;
  • Light tan feathers on belly, wings, face, and end of tail;
  • Tail striped with darker brown rings;
  • Yellow-green eyes
Name: Nirrah​
Loyalties: Efret Farr
Notable Possessions: Grey harness specially-designed for pet convorees customized with a darkly-colored patch that reads 'GUIDE ANIMAL'​
Personality: Nirrah is friendly with those Efret is friendly with. However, while working, she often ignores people other than Efret unless she is alerting to a noise they made. When her working harness comes off, Nirrah like to cuddle and play. Her favorite toys are fallen leaves, especially when they're in piles. She loves to pounce on them. When feeling mischievous or ignored, she likes to hide small trinkets and other items from people.​
  • Nirrah's ability to use the Force [see Force Abilities subsection below] is innate; however, she and Efret have worked together over the years to sustain their Force connection for longer lengths of time at once;
  • After mere months of knowing Efret, Nirrah came to understand both rudimentary Galactic Basic Sign Language and Galactic Basic Standard. She follows commands given in either language like Go, Come, and See;
  • She can also grab small things with her prehensile tail and bring them to Efret when asked.
Combat Function: Nirrah can support Efret in combat depending on the circumstances. She is capable of attacking with her sharp talons and beak, but, due to her size, is easily swatted away by beings larger than her. For this reason, Efret tells Nirrah to remove herself to safety whenever combat is imminent.​
Force Abilities -
  • Visual telepathy: Though this alternative application of traditional, verbal telepathy, Nirrah can share what she sees with Efret. When she does, her field of vision imprints over Efret's. The master can still see in her own blurry peripheral vision, as the near-human field of view (180°) is larger that that of convorees (110°), but she has learned to ignore it.
Strengths -
  • Nirrah be Nimble, Nirrah be Quick: Nirrah can fly at a maximum rate of about 55 km/h. She can also maneuver very quickly and agilely.
  • Sneaky Size: While her size is also a disadvantage at times [see Weaknesses section below], it also allows her to fit into small places that Efret cannot go.
  • Transitive Vision: Whatever Nirrah sees, Efret sees when their visual sense is connected via visual telepathy. Nirrah is often on the Jedi master's shoulder when sharing her sight, but she can also be elsewhere, such as flying overhead. This allows Nirrah to scout out areas or otherwise communicate visual information with Efret that she herself is not near.
Weaknesses -
  • I'm Just a Baby: While not literally a youngling, Nirrah's size makes her relatively vulnerable to any and all dangerous situations that she finds herself in.
  • Lone Wolf Owl: In the wild, convorees work in pairs to fend of predators. Nirrah doesn't have another of her kind to help ensure her safety, so she can get into trouble when hunting for small rodents or insects and stumbles across a larger animal who wants to hunt her.
  • Night (and Dawn) Owl: Nirrah is crepuscular by nature. Since meeting Efret, she's adjusted her internal clock to be more diurnal. However, sometimes Nirrah stays up late into the night after Efret has gone to bed and has to nap during the day, leaving Efret to navigate by herself.
0 years old - born on Takodana
1.5 years old - met Efret as she was on an excavation of the Takodanan Jedi Temple and developed a connection with the then-knight; Nirrah visited Efret almost daily throughout the trip, and would periodically help the Jedi navigate her surroundings and be aware of when someone in her crew was calling for her​
2 years old - left Takodana to join Efret on her archeological journeys as her constant companion​
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