Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nisha Decrilla

Nisha Decrilla

Name: Nisha Decrilla
Species: Human
Age: Adult
Height: Average
Weight: Athletic
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Dark
Skin: Tanned
Force Sensitive: No
[Natural Born Killer] Nisha has always had a fascination with killing things, she likes to see the panic reflected in the eyes of her victims when they realise there is no escape, and no hope. And she especially likes to watch the light fade from them.​
[Beautiful] And she knows it. She’ll use the beauty to slip past your defences and slip the knife into your ribs too, but only if she’s wearing the cheap dress. She doesn’t like to get blood on her expensive clothes.​
[Sociopath] Detached, in truth, from what’s considered ‘normal’ social behaviour. Oh she can fake it, she can delude even the sharpest of eyes, but she really is not a people person. That smile she’s giving you is her imagining what it would be like to see the light fade from your eyes.​
Nisha was a troublesome child, even for a noble. Not because she was a spoilt brat because all noble children are, but because she used to bring home dead animals. I was easy enough to sweep under the rug, threaten a few servants to keep their mouths shut and all was well.​
Until she started bringing home live ones and testing different ways to kill them.​
Then it became a real problem. So rather than try to cover it up or work it out of her, they handed Nisha over to the Mecrosa Order. Though not force sensitive, they still taught her the ways of the Order, taught her how to kill. Not just with weapons, but with toxins, how to make it look like it was someone else or suicide. How to lure her prey in, and how to move silently.​
Nisha loved all of it, drank it all in. When she wasn’t studying she was out observing the lesser members of the house, because everyone was beneath her in her own eyes. [member="Itash Mecetti"] fascinated her for his inability to stop himself from making the same mistakes, to take the same drugs with the same effects, sleep with the same sort of girl… she made a few of those disappear, the ones he was less careful with…​
That was her duty, was it not? Protect the House. Bastards were a threat to it. That was her excuse anyway.​
More dumb stuff, happened, the details of which Nisha doesn’t care about. All that matters is he was exiled and she followed him. Because someone had to cover his tracks.​

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