Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nixara Zann

Nixara Zann


NAME: Nixara ''Siren'' Zann
FACTION: Zann Consortium
RANK: Crime Lord
SPECIES: Human (Half-Hapan)
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Average
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde, rather long.
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, currently unaware of it IC.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
A young woman with a love for credits, Nixara was trained by her adoptive Mandalorian father in the art of combat from a very young age, though she never really got into the Mandalorian lifestyle. She is exceptionally skilled with a blaster, able to score shots with a blaster few in the galaxy are capable of, thanks to a sensitivity to the force Nixara isn't currently aware of. She's also a expert pilot. Despite her skill and hidden potential, however, Nixara has a few fatal flaws. She's greedy for wealth and pleasure. She also has a slight problem with alcoholism, turning to the drink when she's feeling down. Nixara also harbors a deep hatred for the Hutts after the death of her adoptive father at the hands of one of the Hutt families.

A young woman in her early twenties, Nixara has long blonde hair, blue eyes and a level of femininity, physically, that some tribal societies she's encountered have mistook her for a beauty goddess. She often wears a tight latex bodysuit with fishnet stockings, knee-high black boots, a black leather jacket and a pair of black gloves. An antique DL-44 heavy blaster pistol would be in a holster strapped to her right thigh.

Nixara was originally an orphan found by a travelling Mandalorian bounty hunter during a contract on Ryloth. Deciding to adopt the young girl, the Bounty Hunter brought her up as his own, and over the course of her childhood and teenage years, he taught her how to fight, wield a blaster and fly a ship. At the age of 18, her adoptive father was killed by his Hutt employer after being framed for stealing a large chunk of his credits. Swearing revenge, she took her adoptive father's savings and over the course of the last few years, began establishing a small criminal empire on Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta. In recent years, it has been discovered she happens to be a genetic descendant of the legendary crime lord, Tyber Zann, and now currently assists her long lost family in running the newly reformed Zann Consortium.

Nixara doesn't own her own ship yet, though that will change soon enough.




Nixara Zann

Thankies! Just had to give her that nickname. X3


I find that the art you are using is rather sexual, and my character would do the exact opposite of what [member="shadow dragon272"] said he would do, at the moment Zes doesn't seem like that sort of guy, although we certainty could do a roleplay sometime soon...
[member="Nixara Zann"]

Nixara Zann

She's supposed to look like that. And to be fair, I'm wearing more clothing than Darth Talon. *Sage nod*
And I'd definitely enjoy RPing with ya at some point!


I knew that your avatar was meant to be like that, I was fooling around with ya and stating the obvious, and yeah the roleplay does sound nice
[member="Nixara Zann"]

Nixara Zann

Sounds good, Gabriel! I'm actually thinking of bringing the Zann Consortium into play, if you might be interested?
[member="Gabriel Audemars"]

Nixara Zann

Just made the Zann Consortium if anyone fancies getting involved! Hoping to evolve it into something major if I can garner enough interest.
[member="Gabriel Audemars"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Miss Zann. [member="Nixara Zann"]
I am an operative and would love to work with you. I have always been a fan of the Consortium.
I also have a smuggler who would be willing to work with you as well. If you are interested :)

Nixara Zann

Brilliant! Go ahead and join up, we're on the faction page right now.
[member="Hunter Cain"]

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