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Faction NJO | A Quiet Birthday



Birthdays were a funny thing for Jonyna. To be honest, she didn't really remember when her actual birthday was. Downside of being on the run for so long from the Empire, months and years start to blend together. But, she knew the vague time of year, and it was a tradition at this point to throw a small bash. Normally, that would've been with her crew. Giran, Sevs, Zash, Hep, Od. Hell, even Kraden.

But those days were gone. She hadn't thrown a birthday party for herself since she came out of the ice. Didn't feel right. But after Coruscant...

She wanted to move past it. Holding so tightly to her past. This felt like a good way to do so. Finally throw herself a party. She had sent out a general invite to the NJO, whomever felt like showing up would be offered a chance at the local culture. Jonyna herself had set up the party back at her old home, with food and drinks for whoever came by. The Starport of the City-tree had been set up so whomever would come by would be led to the small home.

The rainy season had passed, thankfully, so Jonyna felt herself at home again. It was a part of her she relished in. The art of making homemade stew, the smell of grilling Wark meat.

She just hoped today would be a quiet day.

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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Ran Dum Kuun | OBJECTIVE : It's a surprise! ;-)
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si |​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"
OOC - Read to the end.

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor had been traveling the galaxy for a while, honing his skills and seeking out new adventures. But when he received an invitation to his friend Cathar Jedi Master Jonyna Si's birthday celebration on the planet Cathar, he knew he had to make the journey.

Ran Dum Kuun was a lush and vibrant tree on the beautiful Cathar world, a world filled with towering forests and crystal-clear lakes. Connel was in awe of its beauty as he made his way to Jonyna's secluded home deep in the heart of the wilderness.

When he arrived, Jonyna greeted him with a warm smile and a hug, grateful that he had made the long journey to be with her on her special day. The two friends spent the day exploring the planet, sharing stories and reminiscing about their past adventures.

As the sun began to set, Jonyna mentioned how much she missed the grilled sandwiches they used to enjoy together when they first met. Connel's eyes lit up with an idea, and he excused himself to retrieve a duffel bag of supplies he had brought with him.

That night, under the starlit sky, Connel and Jonyna sat by a crackling fire, grilling sandwiches and laughing together like old times. The aroma of melted cheese and toasted bread filled the air, and the two friends savored every bite.

As they finished their meal, Jonyna turned to Connel with tears of joy in her eyes. "Thank you, my friend," she said. "This is the best birthday gift I could have asked for."

Connel smiled, knowing that he had brought happiness to his dear friend on her special day. As he packed up his duffel bag and prepared to leave, he felt grateful for the bond they shared and the memories they had created together.

And as he knocked on the door to Jonyna's home one last time before departing, he knew that their friendship would endure, no matter how far apart they may be in the galaxy.

Only he wasn’t departing…

He had just walked up to her door, duffel bag full of food and supplies for those same sandwiches he had made for them that night. Buster was hopping around excited for the possibility of playing in her yard and being the center of attention. He was in some kind of trance up to this point? Why didn’t Connel remember coming here?

What just happened?

knock knock knock

Hey! Happy Birthday, kitty! I brought sandwiches!

Pack it down, deal with it later.



Location: Cathar, Run Dom Kuun
Objective: Deliver Gift
Tag(s): Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Ko had begun to not feel like so much of an outsider on Cathar, especially on Ran Dom Kuun. Trying to make it more of a habit of speaking the native language as well to better bridge the gaps between himself and Cathar. He even had the tribal tattoos as well, although they were almost always concealed under his Jedi robes and tabard. It also helped that his Master was such a popular figure in the arboreal city.

The Kel Dor had acquired a special gift he thought that she would like. He had a habit with his gift giving of blending elements of his own interest with those he was giving to. This was no different. He kept it in a cooled pack he carried on his back. Keeping close to him and away from any interested onlookers as he traversed Ran Dom Kuun. He knew that the Cathar had a pretty sensitive sense of smell unlike himself.

He also used this moment to test himself and some of his recent training. Climbing up the main trunk of the tree with his own claws. Sinking them into the thick bark to ascend up to the elevation of Jonyna’s home. Occasionally slipping back some, since it was still rather damp. It also helped him feel a little more cat-like, similar to Jonyna and Rayia Si Rayia Si . Plus it was a good exercise.

Eventually he got to the branch that her home was situated on. Making sure not to slip off the wood and fall. Ko found the idea of living in such trees as a bit unsafe. But also wondered if Cathar could more easily survive high falls like other feline species. Thus rendering the threat of falling to death not a threat at all.

Ko didn’t really realize until now though just how out of breath he was. The locals made it looks so easy climbing up and down the tree, perhaps Ko just wasn’t used to it. Then again his antiox mask was likely needing to work overtime to keep him safe from the fresh, oxygen rich hair of Cathar. Which was probably why he found himself so short of breath.

Before he knocked on her door Ko made sure to take a few deep breaths to regain his composure, not wanting to come in looking like he’d just finished fighting a horde of kiltiks just to get here. Then he knocked on the door and entered. “Good… um… Afternoon?!” He said, second guessing the time of day. “Got ya something I think you’d like.” Ko added before setting his cold pack down.



TAG: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Jonyna had spent the day preparing for guests. Not alone mind you, as the ghost of her mother helped her as best she could. The sight of a cathar woman glowing blue working the stove was probably a strange one to anyone looking in, then again, so would be the sight of two glowing owls and a wolf prepping the dinner table.

Jonyna was never really alone.

Hey! Happy Birthday, kitty! I brought sandwiches!
“Good… um… Afternoon?!” He said, second guessing the time of day. “Got ya something I think you’d like.”
The moment the door opened, the ghosts were gone. The sight of a redheaded Denik was all that met them as the two entered, currently in the middle of stirring a pot of her favorite stew.


That was a new one.

"Hey you two." She offered a smile. "I do like sandwiches and gifts. The table is right over there, I'll be prepping bowls for whenever people start piling in."

She expected more folks. Once upon a time, this house had been home to a family of 12, despite what one might assume from the quaint exterior. The benefit of building into a tree was the fact you could build into the tree. The table that was set up was massive, clearly meant for a large family. The only spot already set up was the head of the table, a spot clearly reserved for the woman herself.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

There were times when Rayia loved the mixed blessing and curse that all Felacatians were saddled with. There were other times where she needed it desperately. Today was one of those times. Rayia awoke with a start as the sun’s piercing rays pricked her closed eyelids. The warmth infusing her had been so nice that she had dozed off, luxuriating in its blanketing prescence. But now, she was late. Late, late, late for a very important date.

Pushing herself, Rayia blurred through the treetops as she let the strength of the beast within surge into her. The residents of Ran Dom Kuun would see a tawny blur rustling the tree leaves as the Felacatian put all her speed and effort into climbing and ducking through the crowds with the aid of her motion sensitive tail. Strapped to her chest was a hermetically sealed box.

A gift that she had intended to give her adoptive mother at a different time. But it had never come to pass, and the extra time on Rayia’s hands meant that she could make a few modifications to the gift. ‘Better to give it now in celebration of her, than to let it sit in a corner accumulating dust anyway,’ Rayia thought to herself.

Thus it was, clawed fingers stinging and raw with the effort of pulling herself up the tree so quickly, that Rayia found herself stumbling to the door and knocking on it. When it opened to reveal Jonyna, Ko, and a stranger already there but no one else, Rayia’s ears drooped slightly. “Oh, no. I’m too late aren’t I? Did I miss it?” She asked.

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