Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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in the footsteps of a stranger

During the Galactic Alliance's defense of Eiattu 6 from encroaching Sith forces, Field Camp Nu was established in the capital city by Jedi Master Efret Farr Efret Farr , her archeological crew, and security detail led by Commandant Noah Corek Noah Corek .

As many more battles against the Sith wage and Jedi step foot onto new planets, it is inevitable that Alliance forces will either happen upon or have the opportunity to uncover artifacts that have been too long lost to Darkness, as well as others that are to dangerous to leave to Sith hands.

A textual holomessage went out to all Alliance personnel deployed to the southwestern border.

The Chief Curator of the New Jedi Order asks anyone who finds any artifacts in the aftermath of upcoming battles to report to Field Camp Nu in the Eiattuan capital after following these steps:​
  1. Record the artifact’s context as completely as possible. Pictures, holoscans, and drawings of the artifact in situ are all very helpful, as are any notes on field conditions;​
  2. Gently remove the artifact from its surroundings;​
  3. Package the artifact carefully for transport to Eiattu 6. Label it with your name, and the planet and date on which it was found.​
Exercise caution at all stages of recovery!
A majority of artifacts that may be encountered will be of Sith origin or influenced by Sith corruption to various degrees. Where possible, do not approach an unknown artifact alone. If handling leads to sudden mind fog, irrational fear or anger, or the onset of any other strange emotional or physical symptoms, move away from the area immediately and seek out a source of Light.​

Hi all!

If you’re interested in participating in this contract, let me know via this discussion post, or site or Discord DMs (@shmaaandy), and I will make us a chapter in the Open RP Contract thread (to be linked here when live). This contract is put out through the NJO but is open to all GA members and friendlies. Sneaky Sith and other trouble makers may get involved too—let's plot!

Feel free to be creative with artifact finds while also keeping it reasonable. Also, here are a few Canon/Legends ideas for artifacts that could be uncovered on a battlefield in the future if combat reaches the planets in parentheses!
If you’d like to workshop any ideas, feel free to reach out through the avenues mentioned above. Happy digging!
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