Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG [NJO/JJE] Jedi Enclave on Selvaris

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Ran Serys, Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order, has stepped foot on the planet Selvaris. She's laid her eyes on it's potential and has been gifted with visions through the force that have shown her what this backwater planet can become. Determined to make those visions a reality, Ran has gone back to the Jedi to seek volunteers and allies to help in the construction of an Enclave. One to usher in a new era and redefine what an Enclave can become in the modern age when it is born with traditional means.


Howdy Friends! Like the title says this is all about the Jedi Enclave on Selvaris. You might be telling yourself "Wait a minute! There is no Enclave on Selvaris." And you'd be absolutely right. Currently there is no enclave on Selvaris, and that's why I'm posting this. This is kind of an interest check, but also a promise. A check to see how interested people are in proactively building another Jedi Enclave, and writing stories on a backwater planet where there is little technology and no links to modern civilization except for what we take with us. So yeah, If you're interested in telling a story of building something new alongside your fellow Jedi, reply here!

Like I typed earlier, this is also a promise. It's a promise to transform Selvaris for force users and to add to the Jedi Culture in a meaningful way. Expect a lot of submissions coming from me in the future. I am going to make such a beautiful, lowkey, and fun-inspiring planet, and I hope you'll join me in its creation.

Let me know if you want to lend a hand with anything. From the smallest contribution to the biggest.

P.S. I'll be making a minor group for it real soon to coordinate with those who'd like to be a part of this.
Aris Noble Aris Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Efret Farr Efret Farr Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Romi Jade Romi Jade

Thank you for your interest and continued support, friends! I really value our little slice of the chaos community and the community as a whole. I look forward to writing with y'all across this idea, and I'll be putting up an open thread to start this journey in the next few days. It will be open to all and have a couple objectives to choose from, as I really like that format.

Anybody else who is intrigued by the idea, please feel free to volunteer your help here or reach out to me if you have specific ideas and want to collaborate.

Looking forward to this! Thanks again, friends.

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