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Faction [NJO] Knighthood Ceremony — Gatz Derrevar




Valery looked around the room and smiled warmly, even though a more somber thought crossed her mind as well. These ceremonies had traditionally always been held at the Coruscant Temple, within the halls of Knighthood. Ko Vuto Ko Vuto 's knighting had been the last held there, but after most Jedi withdrew from the Temple to prepare for the Empire's invasion, they'd be forced to hold their ceremonies elsewhere. Now, the Coruscant Temple was heavily damaged, so any hopes of returning there were for the future, and thus she had chosen to organize the ceremony on the Prosperity instead.

But in the end, the location mattered very little. Most important today was a focus on Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

He had come a long way since first setting foot inside a Jedi Temple. After a few early years of training, Gatz had left the Jedi Order to wander as a smuggler and make his living. He had been forced to learn how to survive and thrive in the harsh reality of the underworld and made himself into a great pilot. But following a meeting with her, his mindset about the Jedi began to change. The encounter with a Jedi Shadow that had turned him away from the Order no longer controlled his decision, and he once more continued his training within the New Jedi Order.

Until today.

After passing a set of trials that had pushed him to the breaking point, his big day had finally arrived. He had once believed that he'd never become a Jedi Knight, but as he stood before her, that dream finally was coming true after all.

With the gathering of Jedi watching her every move, Valery stepped closer to raise her violet blade high above the ceremony, before carefully lowering the blade down to hover just above Gatz's left shoulder. "By the right of the council.."

Slowly, she re-positioned the blade to rest just above his head. "By the will of the Force.."

Finally, Valery lowered the blade again, hovering it over Gatz's right shoulder. "I dub thee..."

"Knight of the New Jedi Order."

A final salute of her blade followed before she disengaged it and returned the weapon to her belt. Her eyes were still focused on Gatz for a moment longer, but with his new rank made official on behalf of the Council, it was time for others to recognize the Order's new Jedi Knight.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Kneeling here, before Valery, it struck Gatz that this was actually happening.

A Jedi Knight was the first thing Gatz could remember wanting to be. It had been his earliest fantasy, growing up in the creche at the Coruscanti Temple. And then that dream had been ripped away from him by his own fear. At all of nine years old, Gatz had absconded from the Order, returning to his homeworld of Naboo, and thus his dream had come to a tragic end.

Until he met Valery. Without her, he would never have taken those first steps away from his debauched life of crime. Without her, he would never have remembered that there were things—so many things—more important than infamy and credits. A life in the service of others was painful, he knew that all too well. But it was also worth the struggle, and worth bearing the pain.

Never in his life had Gatz felt fulfilled. Until these past few years. As tough as they'd been, they'd somehow become the best of his life.

And now he was here, reclaiming a dream he'd long surrendered, being knighted by the very Jedi who'd reminded him of who he truly was.

Gatz felt the heat of Valery's blade hover over him, and he trembled. Not out of fear or trepidation, but because his time had finally come. No longer was he that selfish, cruel smuggler who'd only cared about himself. He'd shed that skin, and finally, what was underneath was visible for all to see:

Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight.

Gatz rose at last, finally a version of himself he could be content with, and be proud of. Valery stepped back, to let the others who had gathered congratulate him, but she was always going to be the first person he was going to thank as Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight. Everything he was now had started with her: her kindness, her compassion, her wisdom, and her faith.

So naturally, Gatz broke this solemn moment by practically tackling her in a hug, as tight as one he'd ever given.

"Thank you," he croaked, eyes squeezed tight to hold back his tears, "thank you."


Cora remembered a time when Gatz thought that this day would never come.

To be fair, she didn't know if or when he'd ever stopped thinking that. What she did know, is that his progress had been undeniable. No one made it to the rank of Jedi Knight by taking a single great leap or bound forward. It was a slow process, an accumulation of little steps that sometimes zigged and zagged, on a path of self discovery.

He'd gone from a man full of doubts with zero self-esteem, to someone who'd learned that he had worth, too. That he could care, that he could protect, that he could lean on others just as he'd let them lean on him. Along the way, he'd become one of her closest friends.

Gatz would not be standing here, under the violet glow of Valery's blade – the same blade that swept over her shoulders at her own knighting ceremony – if he did not deserve this.

When he finally released Valery from his vice-grip and when it was appropriate for her to do so, Cora stepped to Gatz with a bright smile.

"I'm proud of you, Gatz Derrevar. You've worked incredibly hard since your return to the Order, and rose above everything you had to contend with. I know that I'm not the only one here who thinks that-"

She paused to appraise Gatz before awkwardly placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing. The aristocrat in her wasn't great with public displays of affection, so this was as good as it was going to get. Seeing the own tears in his eyes, her smile turned a little watery.

"I suppose I no longer have the authority to assign you any homework. Your training is truly complete."

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Valery Noble Valery Noble
It was funny to think that their first ever interaction together had been Colette telling this man to stop sulking around and actually do something about his problems. Now she stood as part of the crowd at his knighting, quietly cheering him on as he was rewarded for his determination.

And while others moved up to hug him, she stood still. Part of her had come to accept that she just wasn't a very physical person in those regards and would instead give him a smile once a passing glance came her way. They had seen each other several more times since that day in the library, and while she most definitely saw him in a vastly different light these days, there was no denying just how much of an impact that first impression had made on her and how it truly put his journey towards becoming a knight in a better light.

A knight was after all an ideal and a symbol of something greater than yourself. Gatz had shown that he was ready for that. He was a symbol of a person's ability to go against their own beliefs at any given time and make things happen. There was an immense power in that alone.

Maybe someday, eventually, Colette would feel the same kind of joy that he seemed to be experiencing today. She had played around with the idea, asking herself what symbol she would like to be. Part of her wanted to stand for justice, or freedom, but in reality (where everyone else lived) there was just no denying that in this very moment she was a symbol of very little beyond maybe how to befriend someone influential and infiltrating their family, which didn't feel like a very 'Jedi' kind of symbol.

So, back to the cadences of reading and exercising it was for her. The time would come eventually for her to take a knee. There was no time pressure on it, and even so she was nothing if not patient.
Makko gave a distinctly undignified holler.

It was now becoming a tradition of knighting ceremonies. A whoop, a cheer or a call for a speech.

Today was the success story of another man's second chance. Makko had very little impact on Gatz's development, beyond a few sparring sessions.

Maybe, he thought to himself, they could serve as examples to those who came from the wrong end of the galaxy who needed more self belief.

For now, he hung back at the edge of the circle. There were those - like Cora - who had been a much larger part of his triumph to go and offer personal congratulations first.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Jedi Temple - Coruscant | OBJECTIVE : Wishing well
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Connel had only seen Gatz in passing, he had no issue with him, or confident compliment to make. Connel just didn't know him. This was not a negative reflection on the Ace Pilot, it just “was”. One thing about being here, it reminded the younger Vanagor that he did not have anyone around when Father Knighted him. So he was here to not only witness, but experience this.

Not wanting to interrupt, Connel waited until Derrevar had a free moment and approached.

Hi. We've never met, but I wanted to offer “congratulations”. Connel Vanagor. In fact, I have someone else who wanted to say something.

Pulling out and turning on a holovid emitter, the familiar blue encompassed the array of light shooting upward. Slowly but surely the image of Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor filled the view.

Greetings Knight Derrevar and congratulations on your new station. My apologies for not being there in person, but I am increasing my teaching schedule and it requires a lot of my time. That is what my message to you is. Not everyone has the ability to effectively train others. I believe you are one who can. You have an inspiring personality that Learners can not only learn from, but be set up to excel. That is special. Again, congratulations and may the Force be with you.

As the emitter shut off on its own, Connel pocketed it and nodded.

What he said… I'll see you out there.

Stepping back, Connel let others approach.

Raphael stood nearby watching, with a bright smile, as Valery knighted Gatz, knighted the man that had stood by him, that had helped him... that had saved his life. He tried clapping, for a moment, before his left hand passed over where his right hand would've been... He blinked, as it sailed past and then stared at the stump, for a moment. He wasn't certain whether or not he was going to get a metallic limb... It would be a surgery to be sure, but he had time.

He could wait, as he smiled.

He smiled as he saw Gatz. It was probably the best idea that he thought that the council could've made. Yet, seeing him, Raphael was reminded of the fight with Adeline. The enormous creature she'd become. He shivered a moment, before coming back out of the memory and approached his friend.

"Kriff, I feel like I only really met you the other day and already you're a knight!" he jested, grinning to Gatz. "But seriously, you deserve it, man. I'm glad to see you recovered well enough."



Cortana Jade stood at the edge of the platform, her cropped top visible beneath a vibrant yellow bomber jacket, completed by leather pants. Despite her casual attire, she was attentive to the festivities. The ancient tradition of knighting was one of the most revered ceremonies among the Jedi. Tonight, it was Gatz Derevar's moment—a nice guy, and a talented Jedi whom she met briefly back on Jakku. Somehow his journey had gotten intertwined with Romi Jade's teachings.

As the ceremony concluded, applause rippled through the crowd, a wave of approval and celebration. Cortana stepped forward when she found an opening to speak with Gatz, she was holding a small box in her hands.

"Hey, Gatz," Cortana began, her voice carrying the warmth of familiarity and the weight of the moment. "Congrats, man. You've worked your butt off to get here I'm sure."

Cortana extended the box towards him, her eyes shimmering with some sort of she wasn't exactly keen on sharing at the moment "I found this in my mom's quarters at the Enclave. It's addressed to you."

She nodded, encouraging him to open it. When he lifted the lid, inside he'd find a simple holoprojector and a necklace with a khair stone—an iridescent mix of black, purples, and blues, cut roughly yet beautifully.

When activated, a small, flickering image of Romi Jade appeared, her presence commanding yet warm. Her holographic form stood before him, her gaze soft yet powerful.

"Gatz," the hologram began, Romi's voice echoing through the amphitheater. "If you are seeing this, it means you've achieved what I always knew you would—you've become a Jedi Knight. I regret not being there in person, but my spirit stands with you, proud and unyielding."

She paused, her holographic eyes locking onto Gatz. "This necklace contains a khair stone, a rare and precious gift from the Nasvalo tribes of Manas. These stones are given to those who have proven themselves as upstanding members of their tribe, and they grant the wearer empathetic abilities. In our brief time together, I saw in you the qualities that these stones represent—strength, compassion, and an unwavering dedication to protecting others."

Romi's image flickered slightly, but her voice remained steady. "I chose this stone for you because, even in our short time together, you showed me that you have the potential to do great things. You've faced trials and tribulations with a heart full of light, and I know you will continue to shine brightly. The khair stone will help you connect with others, to understand and support them in ways only someone with your gifts can."

She smiled, the warmth of her expression transcending the hologram. "Gatz, continue to trust in yourself and the Force. You have made me prouder than words can convey. May this stone serve as a reminder of your journey. The galaxy is in good hands with you."

The message ended, and the hologram faded away.


Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
Location: Jedi Temple
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Colette Colette | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade | Cortana Jade Cortana Jade

Lily had heard that Gatz was finally returning to Coruscant and getting his promotion to knighthood. The Padawan decided to make the trek from Jakku since she knew that Gatz had been delaying the promotion as much as possible. She was glad to see that he was going to become the Jedi Knight that he wanted to be and the one that others saw in him already. It was also fun to see another knighting ceremony. They were always great and Lily always felt a sense of pride when she attended them.

Standing towards the back, she did not wish to disturb things too much and politely applauded when he was knighted and observed as others made their way to congratulate Gatz on his promotion. There was a good number of people here, showing how popular the Jedi Knight was. She was excited to see he had plenty of others to cheer him on and wishing him well for the future. Lily always had concerns that she would be knighted in a ceremony where none would attend, though there were parts of her that did not mind the lack of attention to her.

As others finished congratulating him, Lily walked over and gave a small wave, "congratulations on the promotion Gatz. I'm glad that you felt ready to take on the new challenges that life will face you with!" She gave a smile and a belief he can handle them glinting in her steel eyes.
in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret suddenly felt very unsettled alone in the Coruscant Temple's museum workshop. She had taken up leadership of the collection restoration project since the invasion. The former curator, like too many of the artifacts he had minded, had been lost to the Dark Empire's rage. While she and her newfound assistants couldn't restore him to life, they could work to do so for as many artifacts as they could manage to either put back together or recreate as faithfully as possible.

She drew back from the table she was working at and slowly stacked her spine straight. The uncomfortable sensation of good posture after slumping over drew a groan. She glanced over at a holoclock on the wall and realized that she had sat self-sequestered for the past three hours as she painstakingly painted adhesive onto the pieces of a prehistoric Twi'leki pot and fit them back together. Force healing would be a more efficient means of repair perhaps, but Efret had and would always be one for doing something like this physically rather than metaphysically. It made the process more fulfilling, in her opinion, and connected her more with relics of the past.

She also realized that, by the Standard Time system, Gatz' Knighting Ceremony had started a few minutes ago.

Ah, so that's what it was. Some of the anxiety might well be muscular tension or a plea from her stomach to take a lunch break, but even more she felt guilty having opted to miss his happy occasion.

Setting down her brush, she stood. Pins and needles rushed down into her feet under gravity and she braced herself on the tabletop. She took to shaking out her legs one at a time.

She had only attended two knightings since returning to Coruscant from her most recent tour. Before she had graduated from the Academy of Jedi Archaeology, she had made a point to go to as many as she could. Supporting her fellows, even if she didn't know them personally, had been important to her then. The value was returning to her now, so missing one of such ceremonies grated against the sentimentality.

But on top of that was the fact that its setting was on the Prosperity.

Many Jedi didn't seem nearly as opposed to moving freely between the Temple and either mobile one as she was. However, Master Farr was still of the opinion that was not a thing very many people should be doing, let alone so often and carefreely. She couldn't help but feel as if something awful would eventually befall either temple- or herdship for all of the unnecessary interchange, and, though she hoped very much to be wrong, she refused to be part of the possibility.

Still, she wished despite her standpoint that she could be there for Gatz today. She had only met him once but she was very invested in his journey nonetheless. Hopefully, the Force would see fit to cross their paths again.

<Good work, #Gatz,> she signed for herself and Nirrah.




"You've earned this, Gat-"

Valery's voice shifted up two octaves in pitch when he rose and wrapped his arms around her for a tight embrace. This wasn't part of the ceremony, and she hadn't quite expected it, but she did return the hug. Once it broke, she straightened out her tunic, caught her breath, and smiled at him with that same pride. Becoming a Jedi Knight had always meant a great deal to a Jedi. A long time ago, it was the conclusion of about a decade of training under a Master.

Now, a Padawan's journey wasn't always as lengthy, but it was still just as important. Gatz had gone through a great deal to make it, and for a long time, it had even seemed impossible. He had left and rejoined the Order and turned his entire life into a new direction, just to stand here today, ready for a better future.

Any Jedi would be proud of him.

Cora and others were quick to join, and Valery made sure to step back enough for them to approach him. This was his moment, so she wanted any and all available Jedi to take a moment to congratulate him.

"Don't worry, Cora," Valery said with a smirk, "I still have plenty of homework for him. Just of a different kind." It wouldn't be about learning lightsaber skills or Force abilities anymore. He'd be assigned missions and other important tasks befitting of a Jedi Knight.

She knew he was ready for it.


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