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Faction [NJO] Knighthood Ceremony - Shan Pavond



Everything had changed when the Dark Empire attacked.

Kahlil glanced down the emptying halls of the Jedi Temple, a small smile on his face as he did so. There was a lingering air here and now of the threat of war, of chaos and destruction. How many times had this temple alone been rebuilt? The truth was, it didn't matter. He walked with his head high, even as he passed by some of the empty classrooms. The younglings that had once been there were elsewhere now, another temple, safe for the time being.

That's what mattered. They had rebuilt this temple so many times, and they would again. So long as the Jedi survived, so long as they continued to grow and learn. So long as they continued to believe in the good of the galaxy. Shan Pavond Shan Pavond was one of those such Jedi. Kahlil had been watching him all this time as his Padawan, seeing the good. The refusal to just dismiss someone as unsavable, as just evil. It was a hard mentality to have, especially for one who grew in peace and experienced the horrors of war.

But he hadn't lost that light. He made the Jedi better for it.


"By the right of the council..." Kahlil stood in the center this time. His silvered eyes gazed down to his own Padawan as he ignited his saber to settle just above Shan's shoulder.

"By the will of the Force..." The blade moved, hovering above his head.

"I dub thee," Finally, the opposite shoulder.

"Knight of the New Jedi Order."

He stepped back to let Shan stand on his own, giving a brief and small nod. Kahlil wasn't much for showing emotion, but the smile that had crept over his otherwise stoic expression spoke volumes. Shan was the first Padawan he'd knighted. The first of his own Padawan's he'd knighted. He couldn't be more proud.
To say this was a surprise for Shan would be putting it lightly. He had been too focused on the threat of the Dark Empire and the jobs that he would have on the horizon to even think about his knighting. There were dozens upon dozens of thoughts rushing through his head as he knelt down, staring down at the floor.

There was so much he was thankful for when it came to the Jedi. They had given him both a purpose and a path to the purpose. The Jedi had been more of a family to him than his own family. The family was just...very chaotic. And maybe had a few bad apples...but hey! Apples could be fixed...On the outside at least. Maybe they'd stay a bit mushy on the inside...Wait no. Focus on the ceremony.

"I dub thee," Finally, the opposite shoulder.

"Knight of the New Jedi Order."

At that, Shan stood himself up carefully, unable to contain the grin that was on his face. A part of him wanted to hug Kahlil to thank him for all the hard work and effort he had put into helping Shan grow into the man he was now. There was so much he owed, both to Kahlil and Valery. He owed so much to the entire Noble family. But this was no time to be all mushy and sappy. That could happen later, when he was with the family himself. Instead, Shan just said two very simple words.

"Thank you, Master Kahlil."

He lowered his head to Kahlil at that, before turning his attention to the rest of the Hall, bowing to everyone in the Hall. It was amusing to him. He never liked the idea of people bowing to him, but loved to bow to others...and now that he thought about it, he was probably going to be getting a lot more people bowing to him now.

"And thank you, everyone here. I appreciate you all more than you could ever know."

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble @anyone else who shows up

Braze had been in attendance at the ceremony, his demeanor noticeably quieter since Ko's knighting. He watched the proceedings with a stoic calmness, his features softened by a faint smile. Shan deserved this honor, he thought, reflecting on the shifting world around him. Everything was happening so quickly, wasn't it?

"I hope you have a speech prepared Knight Pavond."

Dozens of eyes watched the motion of Kahlil's blade as it swept over the Mirialian. First over one shoulder, then the other.

Cora smiled, pure and genuine.

They'd first met on Ukatis, which had felt like a lifetime ago. Shan Pavond Shan Pavond had come a long way from the uncertain boy he'd once been. Things between them had been rocky at times, and he'd been through so much in his young life, but he'd used his experiences to grow as a person. As a true Jedi of the Order, worthy of being knighted.

When the time was right, she approached and clapped a hand over his shoulder.

"I've no doubt that this day was coming, my friend. You've worked hard and it shows."

Cora squeezed his shoulder before letting her hand fall away.

"Remember that there are people who care about you, and they've come here today to celebrate your achievement."

She grinned.

"We'll have to catch up soon. I'll treat you to a meal - no tea, of course."

Braze's call for a speech made her chuckle quietly, and she stepped back to let others congratulate the Order’s newest Knight.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Braze Braze
"I hope you have a speech prepared Knight Pavond."

There had been a stern look for Makko's rude call for a speech at the last knighting. With Braze having done the job in a far more polite manner, Makko kept his voice down.

He followed in Cora's wake. With a group already forming, he was relatively brief in offering congratulations and placing a hand on his shoulder before moving on.

"Well done mate, you've got this," Makko said.

His own promotion had come quite quickly. With his head down he had worked hard on his control of the Force and skill with the lightsaber. What he had found upon becoming a Knight was that he was unprepared for the change in responsibility. A knight had to make decisions, the Force was a guide but it was no substitute for experience.


Ko had come to view the newly knighted Mirilan as something of a fellow paragon in their own right. Both of them seemed equally principled with their respective beliefs as different as they might be. Ko might be a bit of a critic internally, but he never saw Shan as misguided or lacking. Nor did he see them as undeserving of his knighting.

Secretly Ko found it a bit convenient that their promotions were obtained when they were. Not that he thought the NJO was cynical enough to try and get new knights in response to the Dark Empire’s war. It was just unfortunate that their graduating class seemed to be growing into such troubling times.

He then heard the familiar voice of an echani boy. Which made Ko chuckle some under his mask. “That’s right, I hope you’re not expecting to get out of this without giving a speech as well.” The Kel Dor teased and laughed, referring back to how Shan and Makko had put a spotlight on him during his own ceremony. Although because of that there was a good chance that Shan might have been more prepared now to give something as impromptu as his own.

Stepping a bit closer after Cora and Makko, Ko added. “Congratulations Knight Pavond, I have no doubt that you’ll fill this new role phenomenally. I’m sure you’ll make an excellent teacher as well.” Shan is more or less a part of the Noble’s diaspora here among the Jedi, a legacy likely to be passed on to their own padawan whoever that might be. Ko could only imagine the pride the Sword and Sheild of the Jedi must be feeling now.​

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Heh. Shan had already prepared his speech beforehand. There were a lot of people he wanted to thank, and it wouldn't have been good for him if he had to make it off the top of his head. Especially with all of the nerves that were starting to build up. The trio of Makko, Cora and Ko only helping to make him even more nervous, though it was more of a...content sense of nerves. He wasn't panicking over it.

"First off, I would like to thank my master, Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble for helping to guide me through my journey. Without him, I would surely have been lost, or at least not be as skilled as I am now. I owe the same amount of thanks to Master Valery Noble Valery Noble as well however. Both of them have given me the skills and lessons I needed to survive. Not only that though, they gave me a place I felt like I belonged. Amongst them and their own family. So I suppose I should thank the entire Noble family."

Shan gave a short nod in the direction of Kahlil, keeping a bright grin on his face. They had all supported him to be who he was. On the days when he struggled to think of what a Jedi should be, he always knew the answer as soon as he thought about Kahlil and Valery. Even if he wasn't Kahlil's padawan anymore, the Nobles were still going to be family.

"This leads me to the next person I want to thank. Colette Colette Noble A star in my life. Someone who is both so different to me but also so similiar. And thank you for always giving me the confidence I need to get up in the morning. I know you're probably embarrassed at all of this public affection and stuff...but I love you Colette. You mean the Galaxy to me, and always will...Oh. And you also taught me that I need to learn some plumbing."

Part of him felt like Colette was going to hate him for bringing her into the speech...but it was a one in a life time experience to be knighted, and he wanted to make sure that he was mentioning everyone who was special to him. Of course there might be one or two people he forgot about, but Colette was never going to be one of them.

"The next people I want to thank are the various Knights and Masters who took time out of their life to teach me. Knight Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Knight Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Master Amani Serys Amani Serys , Knight Efret Farr Efret Farr . Each of you have taught me something that I will always treasure. Knight Si taught me skills that I can use to protect myself in a fight. Knight Ka'iel taught me more non lethal ways to protect myself and others, Knight Efret gave me a new appreciation for our history and Master Serys has helped my love and appreciation for healing to flourish and blossom. For that, I am grateful to the end of my days."

Just the entire speech felt strange to Shan. Thanking everyone for the work and help they've given him. He'd have been lying to himself if he said he wasn't worried this day would never have came...but here it was!

"I should also thank my friends, right? Erh...Should I do this one at a time or everyone as a group...I guess I can do it one at a time. Knight Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , one of my best friends I've made in the order. Where do I even begin...You helped me feel more secure in myself. Helped me realise that the anger I held towards myself was wrong."

Considering the fact that Shan's trust in Cora had originally been shaken when they had been captives of the Sith...Well, now Shan was completely sure in his faith in his now fellow Knight. Huh...That was also a thought that was quite strange as well. His fellow knight...

"Knight Ko Vuto Ko Vuto is another one of my closest friends. Whilst our beliefs couldn't be more different, I believe it only helps to reinforce the bond I have with him. I know that if I need another..." Okay. Saying pair of eyes might be taken the wrong way, so how else could Shan say this... "...Fresh mind to help me deal with a problem, I can look to him. He is one of the brightest Jedi I know."

Shan wasn't sure if he had ever spoken for this long before in the past. But he still had quite a few more names to go through at this rate. Especially since there were still quite a few more important people to be named.

"Knight Makko Vyres Makko Vyres ...Where do I begin with you...I wouldn't say we're as close as I am with Ko, and Cora, but you're still someone I look up to. For lack of a better term...You're just cool. You're strong. Confident. Things I want to be myself. And also you and Cora are role models to me as well, in a more...mundane way of life."

Was romance really that mundane? Well. It was when you compared it to stuff like war, battling and everything like that.

"Padawan Braze Braze is another person I want to mention. The effort he puts into learning and trying his best honestly makes me somewhat jealous. He's growing up fast and it's because of Padawans like him that I want to help people as much as I can...Mostly because if he gets hurt, I have someone to practice my healing on."

Yes. Yes. Jokes are a good thing to add into a speech. Okay. He was almost done there. There were probably one or two people he forgot to mention, but he can always thank them privately instead of doing it in the speech.

"There's one final person I want to thank but erh...I'm not sure if she's going to be able to be here. That's Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti . First off, I'll say it might not come off as a surprise to anyone that knows me, that I am quite passionate in healing. I want to help people as much as I can, in any way I can. And whilst I did...originally plan on taking a break from the Order, to focus on getting a doctorate...Zaiya has made me want to put that plan on hold. She made me realise that...I actually enjoy the idea of teaching someone...I might not be the greatest at it, but it was fun. It was uplifting. And because of that...well, I'm going to stay on. At least for a little while. Need to make sure certain people I know aren't being too reckless either."

A small grin grew at that, as Shan rubbed the back of his neck. Debating if he should finish it there. He had spoken a lot about other people, what he had learned from them...but he felt like he still had to say how he had grown as well.

"Heh. If I think about it...It's somewhat ironic I talk about people being reckless. Considering it wasn't that long ago that I was the one being reckless myself. Tackling people off cliffs to defend others, nearly amputating my own arm out of fear of infection. I was also quite...misguided in my beliefs and viewpoints of the world. Thinking that there was no place in the Galaxy for fighting, or violence. But I can proudly say that I realised how incorrect those thoughts were. The Galaxy is vast, and has more than enough space for different cultures. The Jedi, the Mandalorians and more. To think that only one culture reigns supreme over the other...Well. It's just arrogant. Which is not me."

Was it arrogant for him to think that being arrogant isn't like him?...Eh. There was time for him to think about that later. For now? His voice was getting sore so he just wanted to rest it.

"I've been speaking for long enough I suppose. So I just want to end it all with thanking you all for being in my life. And that I hope I will continue to make you all proud."
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

This was… An occasion. Colette was rather naturally happy for her friend and lover, but she also knew that this marked the point where he would withdraw from the Order, at the very least just a little, to become a truly certified doctor and not 'merely' a healer. It would mean a place of his own, a home somewhere else, and…

No, now wasn't the time to think about that. Colette put her hands on her hips and let herself wallow in the contentedness of the moment. The boy was getting the recognition that he deserved and most likely rejected and she was happy for him, perhaps even for the both of them if she had to be.

And then, he held a fucking speech.

Colette's cheeks flushed for a moment as he mentioned her. She crossed her arms, each hand grabbing a firm grip around her arms, her head shaking with a stupid grin.

I'm going to kill you. She mouthed. It was an obvious lie.
in the footsteps of a stranger

Master Farr watched on from near the back of the room, smiling as she watched the Jedi beside her interpreting Shan's speech. Once the signing came to an end, Efret's gaze slid to the new knight himself. She hadn't expected another Knighting to come after Ko Vuto Ko Vuto 's for a long time yet, but she was pleased she had been wrong.

<Become good Jedi, he will,> she signed to her companion. She had turned her translation clip off before coming to the ceremony. Sometimes the freedom to speak without causing a computerized voice to trigger was a nice luxury.

<Know him long, you?> the Jedi asked, calling Efret's attention back to her side.

<No,> she admitted with a shake of her head. <Not need. Just feeling.>

Outfit + equipment; lapel translation clip (currently switched off); lightsaber (green blade color)
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Katherine was nothing but smiles, watching as Master Kahlil knighted her fellow Padawan. She had caught wind of something happening, and knew Shan was going to be blindsided by the announcement. His recent focus had been on the Dark Empire, as it had been for many of their fellow Jedi.

But Shan was always thinking of those that would get caught in the middle of such a war. Those that weren’t able to defend themselves, that would need a gentle hand to help them back onto their feet.

After all, he had a healer’s heart.

The winged Padawan’s gaze flickered between Master and Padawan. Knowing full well that Kahlil rarely showed emotion in public, but knew he was proud of the Mirilian, just as Katherine was.

On the flipside, she knew damn well Shan was fighting a part of himself that wanted to hug the Jedi Master. Both Padawans wore their emotions on their sleeves at times, although Shan had a better control over it than her.

Nonetheless, Katherine was going to be damned if she didn’t pull the green bean into a big hug by the end.

She watched on, amusement clear in her eyes as Braze approached, inquiring about a potential speech. Accompanied by Ko’s agreement too, apparently. It seemed as though a tradition was starting to form in the more recent Knightings.

Katherine remained where she was, listening to Shan’s speech. Occasionally shifting her gaze to the people he mentioned. Though, she made sure to catch Colette’s reaction when she was brought up. Once he was finished, the redhead decided to make herself known.

Wonderful speech Shan, though I think you might’ve missed someone.” She looked at him with a look of faux offence, but a second later a big smile replaced it. “Come here.” Katherine didn’t hesitate to pull the Mirilan into a hug, giving him a pat on the back.

Couldn’t be more proud of you, Knight Pavond.

Like the Nobles, Shan was like family to her; a brother. One of the first people that accepted who she was, during a time where it was the predominant fear on her mind.


At the steps of the Jedi Temple


Zaiya hurried up the stairs of the Jedi Temple, her skirt in hand, desperate to make it on time. Each step was accompanied by the jingle and shake of her half-a-dozen bracelets and bands, creating a musical rhythm. Breathless and flushed with excitement, the Lovalla teen exuded a vibrant kaleidoscope of emotions; hues of citrine and teal flickered over her skin, illuminated by a faint bioluminescent glow.

She had caught wind last minute from Braze that there would be a knighting ceremony today. Unsure if she would be allowed to attend, Zaiya decided to take her chances. After all, Braze Braze would be there, right? And maybe Aris Noble Aris Noble too! She had been visiting the Jedi Temple without any issues so far. It all began at Loomi's birthday party, where she mingled with other Padawans and became a familiar face with Aris, Braze, and Loomi Loomi . She even met Colette Colette , Astri Elyse Astri Elyse , Shan Pavond Shan Pavond , and Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell here, and no one questioned her presence. The security at the Jedi Temple was doing its job, but it seemed unnecessary to question a teenager who often trained, studied, or socialized with other Padawans and notable figures.

However, today would be different.

As she was about to cross the threshold, two Jedi Temple Guards blocked her path, their pristine white and gold robes shimmering in the light.

Zaiya halted abruptly, startled but not deterred. With a bright smile, she greeted them, "Oh, hello! Sorry to bother, but I really need to get inside, I think the--"

"Please identify yourself, youngling" one of the guards interrupted, his voice calm yet firm.

Zaiya's eyes widened, her vibrant hues dampening slightly. "Oh, umm, I'm Zaiya Ceti."

The guards scrutinized her from head to toe, noting her attire, the absence of a padawan braid, and other identifying features. In light of recent infiltrations and Sith threats, including young padawans sneaking out in the middle of the night, every visitor's and padawan's movements and whereabouts were closely monitored ( Valery Noble Valery Noble ), prompting increased security measures and scrutiny.

One of the guards slipped out a small drone, which hovered and then flashed a green scan over Zaiya's face and figure. The teen recoiled slightly, blinking fast as her nictitating membranes swept over her eyes to protect them from the flash.

A pause, then a firm, "Follow us, please."

Zaiya blanched a pewter hue and her patterns drizzled a dove grey and anxious pale yellow hue.

"Oh... okay."


She was so proud.

Valery looked between Kahlil and Shan - Master and Padawan - and couldn't contain her smile. She knew how important this was to her husband, and she offered him a loving smile that projected her joy for him. But this wasn't just his moment. Shan was a Jedi Knight now, and it made her think about just how much he had grown, both as a Jedi and as a person.

In many ways, he embodied what a Jedi should be, and Valery knew the Order was much stronger now that he stood within its ranks as a Jedi Knight.

It was the perfect moment... until her comm unit bleeped.

Valery looked down, expecting some useless call or an action report, but it was something else. A Security alert. She perked a brow, sighed, and turned away from the ceremony. She did offer Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble an apologetic smile for having to briefly leave, but she was going to make it quick.

"Guards," Valery said once she reached the source of the call. They were escorting a young girl - old enough to be a Padawan and her presence in the Force suggested she could be one. But something was missing, and Valery picked up on it as quickly as the guards.

"Who do we have here?"

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Sneaky hotel post. Sorry for typos!

Shan was on top of the moon! Or at least, he was until Valery left and his mind nearly went into haywire. Of course Valery was important, so she couldn't stay at the knighting for too long...but what could have caused her to have to leave? Some kind of security threat? Important future plans? Of course, that thought was interuptted by a certain redhead who pulled Shan in for a hug. Letting his mind do a quick reboot, as he shook his head, turning his attention over towards Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

"What? How could I ever forget you...erh...Caitlin. Yeah. That's it."

A bright grin spread across his face at that, as Shan teased Katherine. Returning the hug for a moment before looking around for Colette Colette and waving her on over. If Shan was going to have a hug from Katherine, he was definitely going to make sure he got one from Colette as well. Stepping back from the hug for a moment to brush himself down before looking back at Katherine.

"To be fair, you technically got a mention. There are other people I can think of that I did actually forget to mention. Lily, Saria, Loomi...Probably a few more. But I also said I thanked the entire Noble family. And that includes you, technically."

The Mirialan gently prodded the Winged Padawan's forehead, keeping a grin on his face.

"Since the Nobles were like a family to me, and you're like a sister to me. So...Yeah..."

He didn't have much of a way with words. At least not right now, after having spoken for so long.

Direct interaction tags: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Colette Colette

Cora moved to the side, watching as the friends and mentors of Shan Pavond Shan Pavond stepped up to congratulate the Order's newest Jedi Knight.

He'd prepared a speech, too, taking the time to thank everyone who'd been in his life. Cora flushed briefly - both from the praise, and from the distinct feeling of pride in her chest. Above all, she was simply happy to hear that both herself and quite a few others had made a difference in Shan's life. The feeling was mutual. He was a good person with a lot to offer the galaxy.

His love letter to Colette Colette garnered a genuine grin and a faint raise of her eyebrows. She pinpointed the Padawan in the crowd, mouthing her displeasure through a blush.

Inspired, Cora reached to give Makko Vyres Makko Vyres a squeeze of his hand.

"They're cute together, aren't they?"
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond / Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

The hug came from behind, when Shan turned his attention to Katherine again, somewhere around Ye- and -ah. Call it something that was about as close to making true on her threat to murder him as Colette could ever get.

She let the boy go and gave Katherine a smile. She was a good egg in Colette's book. A good fighter, and together they had shoved Valery's nose when she wagered on a spar they had. All in all, good times.

"He's the biggest idiot around." She said. "Surprised they'd ever knight him, honestly."

A grin shot out to Shan.

"Must be his looks…"

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond , Colette Colette , Katherine Holt Katherine Holt


"Must be his looks…"

"Oh my," Saria stated with a grin as she made her way towards the group. "I wasn't expecting to be intruding on something."

Saria liked to keep up with rumors and such. It was entertaining. Not to mention Shan was a good friend of hers. On the one hand, it was very funny to think that he could wind up in a scenerio such as this. On the other, she was actually happy for him. That, of course, was just a small thing.

The big thing was that Shan was a knight now. That was something worth giving praise on.

"Congratulations are in order, I believe," she continued, her expression becoming more formal. "This is a milestone we all strive to achieve. I'm sure your teachers are considerably proud of your progress. And... I wanted to express my thanks as well. I will miss you being a regular around the halls."

Saria would present her hand for a firm handshake before later turning to the other two present.

"Katherine," the Mirialan greeted, dipping her head to the winged woman whom she had met at Shan's party, then turning to Colette. "And Colette, correct? I don't believe we ever had the chance to formerly meet. Saria Rae."

Inspired, Cora reached to give Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Makko Vyres a squeeze of his hand.

"They're cute together, aren't they?"

"They are. Shan's such a great person."

He gave Cora's hand a squeeze back. To this day, any public exchange of affection made him feel warm and content. Makko took a step closer, slipping his hand from hers and placing it on her waist.

"But more importantly, he said I was cool," Makko added.

He felt a deep satisfaction well up. There had been so many trials, but they were just lessons when they reached a moment like this. A great achievement and all the pride and joy Makko could feel flowing freely through the Force.

"Remember those obstacle course runs we used to do through the junkyard as padawans? Has that whole group come through and been knighted now?"

Cora frowned twice - first when Makko Vyres Makko Vyres put his hand on her hip, a scandalous public display of affection. Then again, when he mentioned the Tangle.

It was hard for her to be actually upset, though. The mood of the room was far too joyful. Shan Pavond Shan Pavond was joined quickly by Colette Colette , Katherine Holt Katherine Holt and Saria Rae Saria Rae - all friends (and in one instance, lovers) that had come with congratulatory intent.

"I remember being chased by unhinged droids." She murmured wryly. "But yes, I think most of that cohort has graduated by now. Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el will be knighted soon, I'm sure."

Quite a few had disappeared from the Order, though.

"The first time I met Shan was on Ukatis. He didn't even know me- and he wanted to help me, a stranger, even then."

She smiled, lips quirking upwards.
Ariana Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Jedi Temple


Ariana silently clapped for Shan, his Knighting now formalized for everyone to see, but the young Du Couteau heir always knew he was always ready to become a Knight of the Jedi Order. It was quite a beautiful sight to see, Ariana's smile grew as the rest of the Jedi present walked over to congratulate Shan. If there’s something that can always brighten my day is seeing the Order celebrate one of our own.

Still Ariana felt her own head wanting to lean forward, the darken rings beneath her eyes felt like weights. But with a quick shake and rub of her head with her left hand, Ariana felt the blood rush upwards and kept her somewhat lively as she watched the proceedings. She glanced towards Master Noble, who appeared to be talking to a nearby Guard, but Ariana refocused her attention back to the Ceremony. I can think about the situation outside the Temple later. . . or never preferably.

Ariana walked closer to Shan and offered him two gloved thumbs up whenever he looked towards her direction. It took considerable mental effort to resist her impulse to bow, but Ariana steeled herself and proved that she could break old habits. She wasn’t one to push herself into an active conversation, so for the meantime Ariana found a bench to sit and rest for a moment.

She’d find an escape to a silent and empty meditation room soon, but it was a gentle and comfortable sensation to be surrounded by people simply being happy. It felt encouraging even.

|| Shan Pavond Shan Pavond ||​

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