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NK-GDI Armaments Alliance


NK-GDI Armaments Alliance was founded in 867ABY by the boards of Guardian Defense Industries [GDI] and Nakaioma Defense Dynamics [NDD]. Focused for the most part around the research and development of small arms weaponry, and infantry-based armaments, the company has quickly established a presence on both Corellia and Coruscant, the respective primary headquarters of both partnered parent corporations. Sharing resources to maintain the still growing entity, as it grows its foothold, and establishes the infrastructure essential to the development of small arms, NK-GDI Armaments Alliance less exists as a proper company, and more as a means of facilitating business, and technological innovation sharing between its owners. Currently not producing any of its own designs, there has been rumors that the subsidiary will begin to produce some of its own designs under joint-programs between NDD and GDI, although what shape these projects will take is unknown as of the time of writing.


Jointly owned by Nakaioma Defense Dynamics, and Guardian Defense Industries, NK-GDI Armaments Alliance is an incredibly young corporation, founded on the premise of cross-corporate cooperation in the realm of small arms and infantry-based weapons innovation, research and development. It was additionally established to function as a bridge for any potential future business between NAKAIOMA; the parent corporation of NDD, and GDI Incorporated. Onami Prime; it's headquarters was chosen due to its historical significance to Nakaioma, and to its relative closeness to Corellia, the headquarters of the latter party, while the company logo was simply designed to contain the icons of both owners. Both entities have been wise enough to retain their closest kept secrets, a general level of mutual respect has been found mostly within the company to ease the strains of cooperation, and widespread access has been given between both partners to one another's current small arms arsenals to hopefully combine the best aspects of both. For NAKAIOMA this represents a relatively new effort to test the fruits of partnership in the private sector.

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