Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NO. 1 Alpha "The Elder"

[member="Adrian"] [member="Arctica"] [member="Aven Blanc"] [member="Hildegard Stormbrew"]
The below is not a speices, nor is it in the codex approved creatures list.
Speices: 5% Akk wolf, 25% Sithspawn (Altered Wookie), 10% Zeltron, 20% Energy Vampire, 40% Epicanthrix.

Please be sure and submit a development thread explaining how biologically incompatible creatures can be mixed into this super creature and submit it to the codex. It will save you so many headaches for you later.

[member="Darth Vitium"] - Gonna stab you.


I think we may have met in a parallel universe, no?
Awesome character and loving the faceclaim!

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