Name: No. 7 Alpha
Preferred Name: Pyro
Alias: Phoenix Septum (used when in public)
Nickname amongst Alphas: "Fireball, Seven"
Other Nicknames: "Firecat"
Faction: None
Rank: Fire-Shaper
Gender: Female
Age: Biologically 4 ; Physically 18
Species: 20% Human; 25% Zeltron; 25% Epicanthix; 30% Vahla
Hair: beautiful raven hair (usually down)
Skin: pale with a tinge of rose
Eyes: blood red
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 Lbs.
Sexuality: straight
Status: Taken by Blue Fire Goat (Cobalt) ^u^
Force Sensitive: Yes (Extreme limitations)
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Combat-bred- Pyro was made to fight. She uses her Fire Shaper skills and swords made completely by her Fire Shaping abilities
+Fire Shaper- Due to extreme physical and mental augmentations while in her growth chamber, Pyro has the ability to manipulate and create fire through the Force.
+Fire Resistant-Because of her extreme physical changes and abilities, Pyro can withstand very intense heat.
+Fairly efficient- Pyro tries gets the job done no matter how long or how far it may take her.
+Very clever - Pyro likes to outwit others whether it be for fun, or because it may be life or death.
-TOO COLD- Pyro can only take extreme cold for so long without any method of keeping herself warm. This is very dangerous in her case; too much exposure could very well kill her.
-Pyromaniac- Pyro LOVES fire and sometimes get carried away with the flames. Fire...
-Fiery personality- Pyro has a bit of an anger management problem, can be very aggressive, and tends to be very stubborn. Oh and one thing, NEVER call her a matchstick. It tends to send people up in flames.
-Force Limitations- The process that made Pyro so prone to Fire Shaping was so extremely altering that it made it impossible for her to use anything else Force-wise. All she can improve upon is her Shaping ability. Other than that area, she's basically Force-dead.
- Loyalty - Pyro will not stand by and watch her loved ones get hurt, she will do irrational things that can get her seriously injured or worse, dead

No. 7 Alpha came into the world as the exact opposite of No. 4 Alpha. For instead of ice and cold, this Alpha was bred to be fire and heat, meaning No. 7 Alpha did not get along with her "older sibling" very well. The Alphas trained under the direction of their Sith and criminal scientists for 3 1\2 years, then everything changed.
The Alphas wanted out, surprisingly one of the only thing No. 7 agreed with No. 4 about, and out they got, each heading their separate ways but promising to find each other again. No. 7 Alpha, now Pyro, found her way to Mustafar, which she like so much she carved herself an underground home to live in. The locals started to call her the Phoenix, for her fire abilities and beauty, and the alias stuck. Now Pyro is happy and can't think of any reason why to leave Mustafar, except an urge in the back of her mind that says to find her family.
A year had gone by and Pyro had gotten an urge to see the galaxy. Taking the name of Phoenix Septum, she made friends with Mustafar's droid overlord, Ultimatum, and began to leave the planet frequently, most of the time trying to track down a sibling, or because she wanted to.