Location: Jutrand Academy
Timeline: After Academy Trials
Tags: Kasir Dorran
The academy trials had finished, and she had survived. Not at the top of her class, but she was perfectly fine with that. Zarava didn't enjoy having the spotlight broadcasted onto her when she was trying to keep a low profile. After all, she had no intention of wanting to stay in a place like this for very long. She was forced here thanks to the likes of her mother who was probably living it up somewhere after giving up her only child once she knew she was force sensitive.
There was still a lot of learning that she would need to go through when it came to dealing with the Force and how to harness it. For the redhead, the easiest way seemed to be through the anger that she felt about her current situation. Even when she did use the Force, it was exhausting after just a couple of moments. Zarava knew with time that she would get better, and with potential threats around every corner in this damned place, she would need to learn fast. She had a sense of pride when it came to remaining calm under stressful situations.
The only way off of this planet though, was getting on a spaceship. She had no idea how to fly one, and she was certain if she even got close to any of the landing pads that the guards would punish her in some way. With how the trials went, she came to realize that the Sith weren't against using physical punishments, or even letting some of their students die in general. Culling the weak if she would have to guess. Regardless, she wouldn't even get remotely close, and even if she did manage to get a ship she would need to fly it first.
Other than the planet that she had grown up, Zarava had never been to any other planet. It also meant that she had never been on a spaceship up until the moment that she was brought here once she was discovered over a month ago. When she was on her home planet, Elrood, she would spend a good amount of her time at the port on the planet to watch all sorts of different ships. Zarava even managed to get hold of some schematics and study them. Knowing how a ship worked was only half of the battle, actually learning how to fly one though was another story.
Zarava was leaning against one of the walls of the main hall, not having bothered with keeping to the room that she was recently given. Her belt that was now around her clothing had a couple of pouches added to it. The redhead finally had access to some weapons after everything, opting to just have a couple of knives in the pouch. She didn't have enough experience to go through building a lightsaber just yet, but she knew in due time she would acquire one just like the rest.
She needed to have one for when she would try to escape, as she didn't know of any material that could combat a lightsaber so it would be her main form of defense if someone found out about her plan. Her brows were slightly furrowed as she read through the text on her screen, and the more that she read, the more that the text seemed to blend together. While she leaned there, she would occasionally shift her weight and scratch at one of her arms thanks to the scratchy material that her outfit was made out of. It was the only outfit that she had been given when she first arrived on Jutrand.
Zarava would occasionally look up to see if anyone was paying attention to her, more often than not people simply passed by her. However, she wasn't sure she would consider most of them people, as this academy had a habit of seemingly having walking corpses around. The redhead wasn't sure how any of them were even capable of walking around, but if she had to guess it had something to do with the force. Zarava would look down on her datapad and scrolled past to the next ship and begin to read it over as one of her fingers tapped the side of it.