Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was rare, very rare to receive defectors; but not just any kind of defector that belonged to the bottom of the barrel, and was insignificant and seen as just another number. No, someone that meant something; someone that had a brand on their name; someone worth more than a legion’s worth of soldiers. He was not unfamiliar of interrogating and processing defectors that wished to join the Empire. Most of them were cowards, people with visions and dreams of becoming a hero the Galaxy would adorn with planting their flag with a confidence of victory. Those were just sweet delusions that were shattered the moment those who constructed those visions faced reality.

Most of these defectors he had them drowned in the vast ocean of Tion. If they betrayed their former masters, what stopped them from doing it a second time? Only ones he spared were those had information to share or at least something invaluable that balanced the scales.

The name alone of this subject was enough to tip the balances beyond his standards. A woman who had the courage to face the Emperor and able to tell the tale, an impressive feature that not many could pull off. That and her innate abilities with the Force proved her beyond measure.

He felt a mixture of emotions. Confusion, doubt, a hint of excitement, wonder; but the most he felt was precaution. He already read the reports; apparently she came to Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps and pledged herself to the Empire.

Of course, Jorryn would receive praise on that front.

Fucking Echani

But it would be up to Djorn to failproof Locke...if that was possible.

Many parsecs from Bastion, away from the warfront, was brilliant blue world of Tion where it hosted the headquarters of the Foreign Intelligence Agency. Like Dubrillion there were small patches of islands with the largest land mass being impressive facility of said headquarters. It gave habitat to different divisions with each having their own operations on an independent island.

Of course, every division and department were experiencing different administrations, and with that cane new policies that would eliminate the sin of sloth in these halls. In time everyone would adjust and adapt.

Much like how Allyson would learn to adapt to Djorn.

Deep below the facility, with complex engineering and designing, there were sections available in the water; however, it was nothing magnificent compared to the underwater cities of Mon Cala. In appropriate attire that symbolized his rank in the Empire, Djorn awaited patiently in a chamber where he expected Allyson to join him. She would be escorted by a four man squad of operatives that worked closely to him as he was confident in leaving the woman without surveillance, not until she met his standards of loyalty and obedience.

“Let’s see how you keep up with your little game.”



//: Matchmaker //:
//: Tion //:
//: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline //:
It was beneficial that she had been given some time to recover from both Borosk and Dubrillion. The Corellian had taken substantial damage during that time, mentally and physically. Wounds she had sustained mostly healed, or healed enough for her to begin the grueling questioning that followed her defection. Allyson hated that word, she didn’t defect because it was her grand plan or scheme, she did because there was nowhere else to go. She had a better chance at surviving this ordeal if she aligned with someone instead of being rogue.
There were other reasons she chose to join with the Empire outside of the CIS or any other faction beyond the Alliance. A few included the likely burn notice that would have gone out if it hasn’t already and Jorryn Fordyce. She had to owe it to the Echani if it wasn’t’ for her and her position - Allyson probably would be walking to her death. Though, there wasn’t anything that was stopping the Grand Moff of Foreign Intelligence from doing just that. The Corellian cringed just thinking about it, especially since she knew who the Grand Moff of Foreign Intelligence was. He seemed to dislike the Lord Inquisitor, so much to jab at her during talks with Taeli Raaf.
If he knew they were lovers, well, what’s the sweetest kind of revenge. Allyson groaned as she was escorted by the four operatives. Seeing how much security Djorn put into this, she was impressed. Also, made her feel a bit special about it. Allyson was entirely unaware of her notoriety in the world of spy work. To her, she was just doing her job, and she did her job well. She was trained specially by the best in the SIS during the first iteration of the Alliance. Thinking back to those times, she wondered what drew her to work for the SIS, she was barely seventeen at the time.
Maybe that’s why they went after her, she was young, impressionable, easily trained, and manipulated. Thinking about that made the Corellian uneasy, especially after finding their hand in preventing Kaili from reminding Allyson who she was after Bespin. Another nail in the coffin against anything Alliance related ruined her happiness to have a perfect spy.
She was the perfect spy until she met Jorryn.
Upon entering, Allyson let her professionalism wash over her, she was still considered the enemy, most likely to Djorn. She had done these types of interrogations before, and she was trained for them. Secrets never passed her lips unless they were supposed to. A spy always prepared to take their secrets to the grave, but Allyson didn’t feel like dying.
The Corellian had escaped death enough to know that she wasn’t quite ready to die. Musing to herself, the Corellian was escorted to the room where Djorn waited for her. A small smirk spread across her face as she saw the man, she hoped surprise would wash over him as he met Rae once more face to face. This time, as her true identity. “Hello, Moff Djnorn - I do apologize, but I forgot to bring caf with me. I’m sure one of your boys here would be gracious enough to get us some.” She spoke with the smoothness of a perfect Imperial accent, showing her class and skill as the mimicry spy. The Corellian gave the Moff the most dazzling smirk as she mocked his previous statement to her back in Taeli’s office. Obedience and loyalty were always hard to get out of a Corellian, Djorn had his work cut out for him.
That face.

That damn face.

He had seen it before and did not forget to who it belonged to. She was, after all, that failed to get him a cup of caf out of spite towards him; spite because of how he treated Jorryn in front of the Lady of Secrets. And yet she had the audacity to make a comment in regards to caf.

“What my boys will do is up to me and only me, Locke,” he retaliated with a firm tone in annoyance towards her. “Now that you’re under my authority, I will make sure you prepare my caf every damn morning before I walk into the doors of my office.” He didn’t bother in asking her a “got it” as it was an order and he expected her to follow it by the letter.

“Leave us,” and the escort of operatives that accompanied Allyson left with a salute and walked out in perfect harmony, accurate synchronization. His eyes fixed on Allyson, observing her and his mind making many wonders about her. Clearly she knew what he was thinking and perhaps he could get a read on her thoughts as well. Djorn didn’t know how to exactly feel. There was a hint of respect and admiration on how she managed to get so close in a room with Taeli, himself, and Djorn. She had to be undercover for a good amount of time and it wasn’t exactly easy to slither her way into the ranks of the Military or some other department of the Empire. Billions upon billions lived in the conquered worlds of the Sith and it was rather difficult to monitor and process every individual, and much so if the people responsible with that task were incompetent and lazy. Was it hard to spot traitors? Not really unless the individual camouflaged well with their surroundings. Was it hard to keep track in newly oriented citizens? Perhaps, he had never bothered himself on how to properly perform that line of work.

Respect and admiration he felt, but also doubt in that this woman could be trusted now that he knew her true colors. She could be a sharp tool that can cut into his enemies or turn on him. She was dangerous and risk if not managed correctly. Was angry and upset? Slightly, but he knew how to recognize and appreciate someone’s art in espionage.

“It would be wrong to not commend you on your line of work, Locke. It’s very impressive from the reports I’ve read on you, I must say. But don’t feel too confident, for I wouldn’t keep that smirk up if I were you. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

His mind was now in different thoughts. Thoughts on how he could break her and mold her into his own liking. Jorryn vouched for her, but he did detect some sort of relationship between the two. Friends, perhaps? Since when did a Sith gave a damn on having friends?

“We both know the complexity of the mind as agents, so yes, I do not trust you. I know you can have a read on me, but I, too, know how to deduce people.”Psychology was an important aspect in espionage. There was theoretical and practical methods applied. She wouldn’t be any stranger to it...especially to torture.

“You say your loyal and proud of the Empire which I doubt, but feel free to prove me wrong. Otherwise...” otherwise he’d start with Jorryn.

“Now then, I have a few tests for you to take. Some will last hours, others will last days.”

“Your first test will be,”
a blaster pistol was presented to her, “shoot me.”

Was he mad? He would be if he wasn’t wearing a personal shield against blasters. It was loaded, no tricks. His intent was to take her off guard. Make herself question what to do. Or maybe she truly was ahead of him in the game.



//: Matchmaker //:
//: Tion //:
//: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline //:
It was a great moment to see the man show his frustration at the revelation that the spy had skated under his nose. He was so upset with his failure to become the Lord Inquisitor and Jorryn - he completely missed the woman gaining secrets and passing them along to the Alliance. There was a satisfying sigh as she sat down and mused over what was happening in his mind. Even his words dripped with frustration. Still, the man was smart enough to give praise where praise was owed. The little smirk on her face remained despite his attempt to detour it.
“I’m quite fond of my smirk, Djorn - so I think I will enjoy it.” She nodded and then chuckled a little at his previous statement. “You’ll be waiting a long time for that caf then.” She wouldn’t bend to him like some underling. She was Allyson Locke, a woman that could weave intricate patterns with her skills in espionage. She had been a top agent for both iterations of the Alliance and was one of the best Shadows in the Silver Jedi during her stint. No one was better at this game than she was. Though her relationship with the Lord Inquisitor of the Sith said otherwise. Allyson chalked it up to her, finally deciding to live her life - outside of her loyalties and duties.
Allyson nodded away, agreeing with everything Djorn was saying. The man sounded as if he was giving a lecture to a new recruit about how things worked. Was he trying to intimidate her? She raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Of course, you and I both know it takes a special person to do what we do. You don’t need to tell me, Sir. I’ve been in this game since I was seventeen - I’m still alive, so I must be good at it. I mean I played in the Empire without you noticing. Allyson spoke matter of factly as she mused poking at the Moff. Words about loyalties to the Empire made her bite her tongue, no her commitments would never sit with the Empire. Her loyalties belonged to Jorryn Fordyce and no one else. She only lay with the Empire because of the woman, but the moment anyone turned on the Inquisitor - Allyson would defend her.
From what she could glean off him, Djorn had no clue the reality of her relationship to the Lord Inquisitor. He assumed that the woman had been fooled, but was thoroughly impressed by what she had done or that they were just friends. She bit her lower lip just thinking about his surprise when he eventually found out that she had taken the Echani as a lover, and that’s why she defected. Emotions were a potent cocktail that no many could avoid - especially lust and love, topped with a desire to comforted.
“Tests?” She questioned. Djorn was taking an interesting route, but Allyson would play along. Her viridescent gaze spotted the blaster and took it. She could have killed him, she was a great shot - but what man in his right mind would give a traitor a blaster and then say ‘shoot me.’ No, this was a test within a test. It was one to gauge her loyalty while also testing how smart she was. She held up the blaster and went “Bang.” Then chuckled, shaking her head. “I’m not an idiot. I defected, why would I shoot the person who’s supposed to be my new handler. I might have bitten the hand that fed me before, but I had my reasons.” No, the man had protection somewhere - he wasn’t stupid. “Take the blaster back; that was such a simple test, Djorn. I expected more out of you.”
These multiple tests would serve different purposes, but ultimately would show how loyal she was. Allyson didn’t fool him with that facade. If she had been corrupted by the Darkside with the influence of a Sith, she would have acted more obedient towards him and not have that obnoxious attitude of hers. Djorn did not appreciate her not wanting to shoot him. She did it not because she cared, but because it wouldn’t be in her best interest. Did she fail this particular exam? She certainly did not act the way he wanted her to be.

“You’re not wrong that it was a simple test, Locke, but it gave me insight on you.” Information was worth more than all the credits in the Galaxy, it was an operative’s currency. They all had secrets, and the more he knew about Allyson, the more he’d have a grip on her. She acted out on her own interests, not out out obedience.

“You failed to execute an order I gave to you,” but then again when would she not disobey a command? The Alliance and the Jedi bred the kinds of traits Allyson demonstrated. Doing whatever they wanted, lack of discipline, allowing freedom without policing it. Dangerous aspects that could lead to collateral damage.

Would he punish her for disobeying? No, that would only encourage her to continue.

“Keep the blaster, we’re not done yet. Now follow me.” Was she at least good at following from behind? They would walk out of then chambers and into a hallway before reaching to a room adjacent to it. Inside there would be four people detained, all of them related to each other; a family. They were his guinea pigs for this experiment.

“Interrogate them.”

He didn’t care how well her skills were, he wanted to know if she had the stomach for it. Was she capable of dirtying her hands with the blood of innocents? Especially to the children, in their teens, that had yet to experience what life truly was.



//: Matchmaker //:
//: Tion //:
//: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline //:
Allyson tucked the blaster behind her as she followed. Frowning, it seemed her thought process of the plan was wrong. She was thinking like a Jedi, not like a Sith or one of the Inquisitors. Allyson struggled the most with being herself, she could be anyone else in this galaxy and do whatever was necessary to fit in. Nothing was stopping her, except herself.
Following Djorn, she kept her mouth shut for the most part. He was up to something, and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. The man was calculating, and she could see why even as a non-force user, he was able to surpass also his Force powered counterparts. During the meeting in which she had met the man, Allyson was frustrated with herself for not learning more about him there. She allowed her emotional attachment to Jorryn to cloud her mind.
Once more, the thoughts filtering back to the Lord Inquisitor created a haze, and she half-listened to Djorn as he spoke, giving her a lesson. They rounded the corner, and Allyson found her mental state again. Looking at the family, she looked at Djorn, who gave her the command to interrogate them. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "No. I'm a spy Djorn, not an interrogator. This isn't my job and wasn't what I signed up for."
She paused and looked at the family. Each one of their faces, she saw her own family. Thinking about them brought pain to her chest; the man looked like her father and the woman her mother. Both being so supportive and yet would have been so disappointed in the path that she had chosen. The Corellian continued to stare at them as she watched the two children, both teenagers one girl had the fierce determination she saw in herself at that age and the younger boy who instantly reminded her of her younger brother.
Emotions churned inside of her as she realized if she didn't do this her way, she would have to watch Djorn do it or someone else. Sighing, she shook her head. "I do it my way, though." Grabbing a small device from her pocket, she entered the room and sat down. She had no idea what she needed to question them about, but instead, she started a simple conversation.
The conversation was casual, asking about their home and where they had come from. She apologized for the way they were being treated and began to earn the father's trust, and then the rest of the family soon followed. As she spoke, her hand moved to start where the family member's head would be in her vision and down to the device. No one took notice of her actions, the conversation remained pleasant, and Allyson soon excused herself. She grabbed the device and pocketed it, leaving the room.
Standing in front of Djorn, she frowned. "What are they in here for? If you don't let them go, I'm not going to give you the knowledge that I drained from them through the Force." Wiggling her fingers," she smirked, "Could always give you a live demonstration if you want, Boss."
She fought against him, she resisted him. She thought she was in control, in command. Perhaps she had always felt like that before, always making her own decisions without consultation from others and maybe if Allyson was consulted, she'd go against the wishes of her superiors. One thing for sure was the fact Djorn appreciated Allyson not wearing a facade in front of him. She probably wouldn't have lasted too long with him in that disguise if she was ordered to do questionable things. She dared protest about interrogating the family that had been detained, making the excuse that her skills were not competent in that line of work. The stubborn Jedi within her wasn't shy in showing her colors. He needed to diminish it or at least control it. Torturing wouldn't work on a woman of her caliber. No, it would only give her ammunition. The best way was to subject her to scenarios she resented and went against her code. Make her feel less in control and have her disciplined against her will.

Djorn observed her "interrogating" the family, focusing on the mother and father. It was just a simple conversation, asking details on their background and being polite as ever to them. He could tell they put some trust in the woman, after all everything was against them. Why not trust in someone being sympathetic towards them? If they were cooperative, surely they would leave.

But this wasn't about this family.

It was about Allyson. He did not care for them as the limelight was focused on Allyson.

She was finished in her conversation with the family, leaving her seat and coming back in the same room she had just left. The frown on her face was obvious, he knew she resented him. Could he blame her? No, and it didn't bother him for one bit. All he cared about was results and was hardly driven by empirical means. Once emotions influenced an agent, that agent was compromised and unable to function.

Although, secretly, he did felt some emotion before and somewhat today...

"You're not in control here, Allyson," a sly smile crept on his face, amused that the woman had any power or a say with him. "I decide what happens to those people, not your terms. Your interrogation was nothing close to my standards. You will go back in there and pry the answers you need before we continue." He was not going to give her any hints or clues why they were brought in, that was her to figure out. Did he care about the knowledge in her hands? No, not one bit. He could've gotten whatever answers he needed in thirty minutes; fifteen if he was relentless.

"Unless you want a live demonstration, Locke."

That was a challenge and she knew what he meant by those words.


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