Voices of The Deep
◈ A Z U R E ◈
"Glory is attained only through me." - Emperor Cassius
[member="Lark"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Lord Depravious"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Hazel Zanteres"] @Cinder Rose
Me. One word.The only word that mattered. The Red Cloaked Lord sat within his cushioned throne, emerald eyes flicking and narrowing tightly among the great Colosseum before him as the ringing roar of the crowd echoed through the air so thick with blood the emperor could taste the iron. The people demanded their pound of flesh and blood and as always they got it...but to the Cassius, this place had become so tedious and mundane.
Once upon a time it had been a darwinist struggle, an addiction, a puzzle to conquer of which he'd sell his soul and virtue in pounds for its idiosyncratic pieces, all the while determining only vaguely where his next sacrifice would come from and whether or they would be ripped from the comfort of their every day lives and put into chains for his amusement...oh these gladiators with their amusingly trite dreams of freedom as if their fortitude high enough to deserve control of their own fates. This had been so much willing obsession breeding in his brain since the moment they'd arrive here young and vestal and in recollection likely begging to be split open to the skull. Enjoying the convoluted psychosis of it all. Enjoying the fatalistic thrills. When every moment in the arena was eye-catching and heart pounding...
But the game was becoming boring. And Cassius hated boring.
Where had the depravity gone from this hellhole, where everybody strutted around like they meant business, irrational aggression the noxious brew of either heat softening the brains of naive recruits or simply the whimsies of the useless, inbred psychotics Shimura attracted like children to crackers and juice? Where was the spark, the spatter, the fire, the life, the screaming, the brawls, the megalomania, the dirt, the death? It was just so typical now...watching a man clearly at disadvantage fight a helpless battle against a far superior opponent. The Crowd ate it up like Candy...but he wanted something new.
A single finger would stroke along the spine of his pet Ysalamiri, holding fruit within his palm as the smaller creature ate steadily.
Then a whisper, one of his advisers leaned down to utter news into his ear.
"You're Majesty...the newest batch have just landed...they should be arriving shortly. What shall i tell the Game Masters?" The young woman spoke, forcing a grin onto Cassius's face.
"Depends...what does this new batch consist of? I certainly hope this new gladiators will entertain me." He'd must, leaving his assistant silent for a moment as she rubbed her chin.
"If i recall...a young doctor, a couple Sith Lords and their apprentice...and some, horned beast." She replied cautiously. Cassius giving a brief nod and sighing.
"Very well then, bring them to the front after this battle ends...they will be tested immediately of their worth. But for now just keep them in the dungeons." He ordered, waving a hand and dismissing the woman.
And in the back of his mind he wondered...just what these new slaves had to offer.