Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Monsters on Monastery

Amilthi found herself to have been uninformed. Monastery was now bustling with aerial and space traffic, which in the area of the lately awakened T'ra Saa Nexus was centred not, as it should have been, on the headquarters of the Sacred Lotus, which were now entirely quiet, but on a newly erected structure in the mountains above the Nexus cave.

When she finally arrived at the gates, she looked, at first glance, like any other of the many refugees who found their way onto the planet, wrapped in layers upon layers of coarse fabric to protect her from the cold and snowfall and her head covered in a scarf. Oddly, however, she showed no signs of discomfort and appeared to be in no hurry at all even as the guard at the door ushered her in quickly, berating her, though not without kindness, for taking this journey upon her in such conditions. Amilthi merely smiled at him.

When asked who she was, she gave her name, but could produce no identification. Stating, upon request, her business, she offered modestly, with an innocent smile: "The cave is not accessible now. I would like to enter it."

The porter was somewhat out of his depth, and with a promise to return shortly, he left her under the eyes of the other guards and scurried off to be instructed on the proper way to proceed. Amilthi looked around herself dreamily.

Tag: [member="Amilthi Camlenn"]

Typically speaking...

On an average day, stewardship of Moorwood Peak would have fallen to the local Obsidian Masters situated on Monastery. They would oversee the refugees who flocked to their door, seeking healing and a reprieve from the hells of the Galaxy. They would make the determination of who could come and who could go. Conversely, the Lord Commander would typically be on Geonosis at the headquarters of their organization. Such were the demands of his role - and thus, he could usually be found within a stone's throw of any happenings at the nation's capital.

However. These were not typical times. The Galaxy, as always, was more turbulent than not. And, with the departure of the Sacred Lotus to do good across the stars, stewardship of Monastery became solely an Obsidian venture. Thus, as the numerous battles raged across the stars, Moorwood Peak would find itself subject to more and more refugees. Rience and many of his direct subordinates opted to move their stations to the Peak, as to aide in coordination and direct support of their comrades.

Thus, when the porter stepped lively through the corridors seeking a superior, it was the Lord Commander himself that he ran into. "What's the hurry?" asked Rience, chuckling as the man practically skidded to a halt. "Ah! Sir! Apologies. There's one at the door looking to enter the cave, I-I just needed to find someon-" Rience raised his hand at that point. "It's alright, I'm headed that way as is. I can chat with them." The porter simply nodded enthusiastically and led the way back.

Upon arrival, Rience extended his dominant hand to the bundled woman. It was not often that the average refugee would ask for this would certainly be an interesting conversation. "Welcome to Moorwood Peak." he began. "I am Rience, Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian. What brings you to Monastery today?"

Amilthi examined the imposing, dark-skinned man in front of her with a calm, friendly look in her eyes. The Knights Obsidian, then - what a strange arrangement for them to have taken charge of safeguarding the Healing Nexus, but it would certainly explain the air traffic patterns she had seen around. They were a strange group and Amilthi did now quite know what to think of them. They seemed rather inoffensive altogether, but from what she had heard, they had a curious collectivist focus and were possibly a bit too enthusiastically on board with the remarkable experiment that was the Confederacy. On the scale of life and the universe as a whole, these people were not her friends or allies - but Amilthi was prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt that they would not make a nuisance of themselves. There were so many who deserved it much less.

Her eyes lingered and she seemed to be in no hurry to speak. "Amilthi Camlenn", she said eventually and took the hand that was offered. She exerted little pressure of her own, and yet her hand, much smaller than the Lord Commander's, was neither limp nor frail and barely gave in to any pressure applied to it. She seemed slightly eager to withdraw it and return it to her other hand.

"I would like to visit the cave", she stated simply, as if it were perfectly obvious which cave the was talking about.

There was a strange air about the woman. She was modest without the slightest trace of meekness. Her body language showed not sign of dominance, nor the smallest gesture of submission. She acted somehow as if here presence here were a matter of course and the most natural thing in the world.

Slow to speak.

The first impression imparted by the mysterious woman was that of thoughtfulness. Though her expression did not give away any signs of deep contemplation, her pace and tone were a far cry from the hustle and bustle of the Peak. Her words were simple, yet not at all uttered with excitement - nor a demand for that matter. After returning his hand to his side, the Lord Commander eyed the woman for but a moment. His gut told him that there was no threat here - but curiosity soon reared its feline head.

"A pleasure to meet you Amilthi Camlenn." came his response, complete with a smile. "Come, I'll show you the way."

The man turned to head back towards from whence he came, pausing only to jut his chin at the porter. "Open the way." he said simply, before beginning the descent towards the Nexus. As they walked along, the presence of the Light would fall greatly upon them. Each step was as stepping into the noonday light. Warmth on a spiritual level began to permeate the man's skin - a fact that he had become used to over recent months.

"Have you ever been here before?"

[member="Amilthi Camlenn"]​

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