Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No more Invasion OOC threads


Disney's Princess
Dear Staff,

Man. I don't know who started this trend but it's annoying as hell these days. I swear these OOC threads exist sololy for the ever present, "I need peer pressure and public shaming to help me win an argument" stanzas. Sorry, I mean the public bulletin boards for: 'can you edit/clarify for me' posts. My bad.

Seriously. What ever happened to PMing? PMs with an RPJ? No. Not good enough anymore? We need OOCs now. I mean, I've never seen any post in an Invasion OOC that couldn't have been accomplish either via PM or inside the Faction's own Sub-Forums. Nah. The game is old. The "It's to help with clarifications" excuse and the "it's just for Ally SignUps" blah blah blah, is running dry quickly.

Can't we all just agree that Invasion OOC are about arguing in public so as to gleefully shame our fellow writers into submission? Because, wooo, I guess arguing in private doesn't give our ego's the public validation we need to eviscerate someone in fiction anymore? We need an audience. We need the salty eye of our peers to save us.


Can we please ban Invasion OOC's in the Roleplay Discussion Forum. Or at least enforce them as Ally Sign Up threads similar to LFGs. The public bickering and opinion dog-piling is nonsense and seems to be one of the main focuses for: 'achieving clarification' from our 'fictional opponents'. How do these threads not get locked and reported on a daily basis? Boggles the mind.

PMs people. RPJ PMs. Group PMs. Privacy in argument. Public 'clarification' or 'can you edit' or the ever persistent, 'shame on you' posting is not helping the communities cause. Hell, a blog post would do you more good than posting your 1v1 drama to an Invasion OOC. At least that way the commentaries section is finally correctly labeled for the task. Whoosh.
Tried that route. Ended up people were just taking all that animosity straight to PM with absolutely no accountability for what they they stated.

If you have an active faction administration with the necessary stopping power to actively moderate, wide open ooc threads work out well enough. Why? Well imagine people asking for edits in pm ad nauseum. Now imagine them having to do that in the open. Sort of helps to deter that activity if those requests have to be made in public.

Just another set of my two cents, damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Reverance said:
Tried that route. Ended up people were just taking all that animosity straight to PM with absolutely no accountability for what they they stated.

If you have an active faction administration with the necessary stopping power to actively moderate, wide open ooc threads work out well enough. Why? Well imagine people asking for edits in pm ad nauseum. Now imagine them having to do that in the open. Sort of helps to deter that activity if those requests have to be made in public.

Just another set of my two cents, damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I definitely agree here [member="Reverance"] people are going to talk either way, so let them talk in a public place where there is accountability. Also personally I like how it allows both sides to mingle in one thread.


Disney's Princess
Reverance said:
Ended up people were just taking all that animosity straight to PM with absolutely no accountability for what they they stated.
Dude. Nah. I don't care about animosity in private. That's a Report Issue having to deal with harassment at worst. I'm talking about animosity in public. Which creates public drama, opinion commentaries, white knight complexes, and dog-pile scenarios. Even gets threads locked. (Which ain't exactly a conclusion, IMO.)

Now I'll admit. Pushing the OOCs back into the dark spaces of the Faction Sub-Forums just moves the symptoms to a new moderation team. (IE: The FAs.) But that's got to be a better option than these public displays of affection we keep getting.

So yeah. Damned if you do, damned if ya don't. Bugger me mate. :(
I don't think Staff is going to do something that increases the number of reports they get. On top of this, instead of the admins of factions having to moderate one thread, they suddenly have to moderate an increased number of private messages which are limited based on allowed recipients. Its messy, it's more work, and it doesn't work.

Sorry about the inconvenience, but I suggest not reading the ooc invasion threads if you don't need to.


Disney's Princess
Darth Prazutis said:
I definitely agree here [member="Reverance"] people are going to talk either way, so let them talk in a public place where there is accountability. Also personally I like how it allows both sides to mingle in one thread.
How is there no accountability in private? You can save PMs. You can report PMs. PMs can be used as evidence when interacting with an RPJ. All you're missing is the audience.

What you call accountability, I call playground rules for leveraging anxiety and shame. And that ain't classy. Report, drop, RPJ moderate, or Block the fools. And all of that can be done in private just as well.

Accountability. Pfft. :p


Disney's Princess
Reverance said:
On top of this, instead of the admins of factions having to moderate one thread, they suddenly have to moderate an increased number of private messages which are limited based on allowed recipients.
Whoa. Nobody said anything about FAs moderating PMs. That's cray.

But I get your drift. Let the kids play. If you don't like the noise, don't walk by the playground. Alright. I can work with that. :(


Disney's Princess
[member="Anija Betna"]

Nah. You can't report that stuff.

However, if everything happened in PM or in a Sub-Forum? You could throw them out or not have them show up at all. Eh eh eh?


*beats that horse dead*


Disney's Princess
Anija Betna said:
Please don't assume.
What? Oh come... Anija. Anija. It's my suggestion thread. How am I not supposed to assume you where being on-topic? I'm...

Okay. Ya know what. Your right. ...You're right. You were venting. I'm venting. It's whatever. I shouldn't have assumed anything. (Hell, I probably shouldn't have replied either.) But I digress.

My bad. I got cha'. Crystal. Won't happen again. ...Cheers! :D


Disney's Princess
Darth Kentarch said:
For a second I thought the title of this thread said no more invasion threads. lol.
It doesn't? Damn. ...I'm getting old Ken. I'm getting old. Hold up... I'll fix that...

(no I won't) :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Kentarch"]

I won't deny I enjoy a little human suffering from time to time. But. But... Seriously. This:

  • Notice a concern
  • PM other writer about said concern
  • Get rebuffed via PM
  • Go into public forum and post about concern to garner support and public attention pertaining to your cataclysmic plight of ultimate doom
  • And consult a RPJ only if peer pressure does not cause your opponent to admit a crushing defeat

...Is not my kind of workflow. Nah. I'm more of a:

  • Notice a concern
  • PM other writer
  • Get rebuffed
  • Consult an RPJ via PM for moderation

...Kind of guy. #OldSchool
Where will I get my salty entertainment from if not Invasion OOC threads?

WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO HERE [member="Jay Scott Clark"] ?!

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

*picks through the salt rack*

There's so many jokes I could use, but...I need to find the right one...There!

But, Jay! Where else am I going to get my daily intake of sodium? I love a little role play to go with my salt...
PMs have a limit of occupants and are private. OOC threads are public and have no limit.

Jay Scott Clark said:
Seriously. What ever happened to PMing? PMs with an RPJ? No. Not good enough anymore? We need OOCs now.

There's only ever been Invasion OOC threads. Invasion threads let members talk about where they are in the Invasion, what they're doing, across factions, and serve as a single focal point for everyone involved in the Invasion to pay attention for news. There are no other alternatives than the roleplay itself, which is IC, that ALL factions involved can look to. A single point of disseminating information may serve as a lightning rod, but it's also extremely necessary.

PM's are for resolving disputes privately. Invasion OOCs are for communicating publicly.

The same exact reason any other roleplay thread would have an OOC thread.

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