The Shadow

Intent: (Example: 'A personal armor for Djingly Phett')
Image Source: XX I XXX
Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as part of the submission)
Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
Manufacturer: Sith Order - Tsis'kaar
Affiliation: Zanami
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Baffleweave
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: Weightless
Resistances: (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This Resistance Rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.
Energy: High
Kinetic: Low
Lightsabers: High
Other: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage? (Examples: Sonic, EMP/ION, Elemental. You must disclose each specific type that applies to this submission with its own rating.)
- Lightsaber / Energy Nullifier: It will disrupt energy-based weapons obstructing them from working, like blasters and lightsabers for example.
- Jammer: The small device's only purpose is to scramble communications.
- Holographic Projector Unit: When used, it will create a duplicate of the wearer in holographic form with the theory of confusing enemies or drawing away fire or attention to the wearer.
- Reflec I Shadowskin: The Reflec, a more advanced version of the Shadowskin, is a light and sensor absorbing substance that aids in stealth capabilities.
- Shadowcloak Device: Once activated, it cast the wearer in shadow to prevent being identified or recognized.
- Advanced Stealth Field Generator: It generates a field that will blur and fade colors and shapes, whilst disrupting sensors and scanners.
- Energy Hand Waver: The implanted and downsized nullifier unit aids in shutting down energy-based weapons, like blasters and lightsabers.
- Sneaky, Sneaky: It heavily relies on stealth technology.
- When is Tech, just too much: It's very vulnerable to ion and emp based attacks, or other nullification devices; as well as some Force based abilities.
- It's Not Just for Looks....ok, maybe: It does offer up much protection, in fact, none really.
The suit was fabricated using baffleweave, along with several implanted devices to assist her by using stealth technology. The devices have been thoroughly miniaturized and methodically incorporated into the suit. On each upper wrist, there is a small, padded panel where three buttons on the left, two buttons on the right for activating the devices.
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