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No Place Like Home (Darlyn Excron Feat. Commenor).

Location: The Royal Palace; Chasin City, Commenor.
Tags: [member="Darlyn Excron"].

How long had it been since Veiere Arenais had been Home; Perhaps while he was visiting, Veiere would also visit The Commenor Jedi Enclave. Alas, for the time being, his visit wasn't for recreational purposes. Instead, he had been called for by the former Minister of Justice and now Presidential leader of the World, a Brother of sorts (not by blood but family all the same), Darlyn Excron.

Truth be told, Veiere had kept his distance from Commenor for a number of reasons, the most obvious being that since [member="Kay Arenais"]' admission of guilt, Veiere hadn't wished to ruffle any feathers and show his face before things on their former home-world had quietened down and seemingly returned to whatever the new sense of normality was to be, now under Darlyn's leadership. Comfortable or not, Commenor was still a home to Veiere and it held many great and terrible memories for the Jedi Master. His Children had been raised upon this world, though it was also upon this world that Veiere had fallen to the Darkside and many had been injured in his former Order's attempt to free him from captivity. His past was heavily mixed with negatives and positives, though it was always the bad that outweighed the good and did so at the cost of innocent lives that continued to haunt his conscience in the nights he was alone to allow his guilt to break through and surface.

"To whom should I tell the President is calling?" a man asked him from behind the desk of reception, Veiere having explained his appointment and purpose for being there, though not yet having had to give his name until now. "Veiere Arenais" he replied plainly. The receptionist laughed a little under his breath and looked back to Veiere as though he had been joking. The look of amusement seemingly vanished quickly however when the receptionist realized that the Jedi before him was being very serious, showing nothing in the way of humor.

"I...See" He replied apprehensively, for a moment seemingly not knowing what to do with himself before adding swiftly, "One moment please!" he raised a hand in passive gesture before scurrying off in search of the Presidential Office and someone able to pass on Veiere's arrival to [member="Darlyn Excron"].
  • Location: Presidential Office, Presidential Palace, Chasin City, Commenor
  • Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"]
It hadn't been nearly that long since the meeting with the.. Viceroy. Not nearly long enough for the President, who had felt rather unsettled by the whole situation. International politics were something he, surprise surprise, was quite unaccustomed to still. Not so much between planets, he was not the best but he understood how that worked for the most part, it was these massive governments that proved to be the real challenge for him. By no means was he representing one, he merely represented his planet, albeit strongly represented it... but the fact that he was dealing with those alliances and relationships thusly as his first time? Well, it wasn't the most pleasant of introductions to say the very, very least.

He'd barely managed to settle into his office before he'd taken out a bottle of whiskey, or three for that matter, and began to ease his mood with alcohol. Still in his beautifully tailored purple suit, he'd thankfully had the time to unwind just enough that he wasn't going to snap at anyone anytime soon when word came his friend had finally managed to find his way to Commenor. He downed the glass he had in hand, and stood himself up with a groan. Seeing as he'd asked him here, the least he could do was greet him himself.

He walked down through the hallways, taking the time to straighten himself out somewhat, until at last he caught sight of the Jedi Master himself. He gave the man a rather genuine grin, and made his way over quickly, hand extended to shake his friend's before he spoke. "You certainly come quick when called. Good to see the change in pace has soured your mood towards me at all. Come come, we have much to talk about." Whether Veiere shook his hand or not, Darlyn motioned for him to follow and headed straight back, locking the doors behind them both once they'd made it. He poured himself another glass of whiskey (using the Force, naturally) as he made his way back to the desk, before grabbing the bottle and a second glass. He remembered Veiere would have a drink or two, and now felt the right time. "A drink?"
The appearance of [member="Darlyn Excron"], followed by his grinning out of reaction to Veiere's standing there within the Royal Palace once more. "It's good to see you Darlyn" Veiere greeted him, shaking his hand gladly. The new President of Commenor commented on Veiere's haste, the Jedi Master soon explaining "Your message sounded urgent. It's been a long time since I've been back here, the fact that you were asking me to visit...-It seemed a priority that I respond in kind" he smiled faintly, though remained concerned for whatever had convinced his long time friend to call upon the world's former King, nowadays associated with a rather unfortunate past.

Offering a nod to the receptionist as the man returned to his desk, Veiere moved to follow alongside Darlyn as he was led to the Presidential Office where they could speak with a little more privacy and comfort, away from prying eyes. "Whiskey, thanks Dar" Veiere smiled appreciatively as he was offered a drink, never one to turn down a good drop of alcohol. "For the record, I know I was hard on you at times but it was never personal. You know where my belief in the Force comes from..." Referring to the Jedi Order, for which Veiere's practice and behavior often contrasted heavily with Darlyn's.

"Beyond that, you are family to Kay and I" he added, moving to take his seat, glass and hand and looking to Darlyn to introduce Veiere to the reason behind his visiting the President of Commenor, after so long.
"We both had to warm up to each other, so it's nothing to apologize for. Only ever took a few comments you made personal as it was, and never anything worth worrying over." He took a drink from the whiskey he'd poured himself, as he sat down behind the desk. As much as he'd like to talk about the past, he had indeed called Veiere over for a particular reason. It would be best not to waste the time of [member="Veiere Arenais"] and get right down into it. So after taking the drink, he set the glass down, and began to recount the important bits.

"Recently I caught wind of a, somewhat threateningly toned message from one of the Viceroy's of the Confederacy. Not wanting to cause the Silvers any problems by choosing to not respond to this," He played the short message for Veiere that had been received. "Darlyn Excron. Your presence is requested on Vylmira. The Viceroy wishes to speak with you. Your refusal would be... unwise. You have one week to respond." It was clear most likely which bit Darlyn was interpreting as... threatening. "So I went to meet the Viceroy, after negotiating it to a space closer to home where we would be more equal. One ship each. Turns out Voph had sent the message, to discuss my personal situation. On Umbara specifically, you may recall I had unfortunate garb for the day's violence perhaps. I had also used personal means to try and investigate while helping with the hostage situation. Voph seems to have taken something from that day that makes me somehow a potential threat to himself, or I suppose the CIS or Silvers."

"He had a number of questions about the day and gave me a short, well interrogation for it. I answered and corrected him as politely as I could manage, considering what he was implying me to be. Truth be told I would've been quite happy to end the discussion and leave early but, I thought it best to at least try to mend the situation. However it seems Voph believes my ties to clan Cadera specifically make me a threat, and criminal perhaps. I wanted to reach out to you and catch you up to speed before he had a chance to taint the well." He sat forward and pulled up the recording of their conversation's end, the last bits after he'd explained everything he felt he needed to, and as Voph made more of what Darlyn interpreted as threats.

"I only remembered to record the tail end of the conversation, will have to wait until a later time to get a full recording. However Voph seemed to be taking on a more threatening tone as he concluded the meeting with me, and imply if I take a step out of what he thinks is the proverbial line he will correct it permanently. Were Voph some random lord of a planet I may have simply shrugged and cut all trade with Vylmira, and consider the matter settled. But Voph is a Viceroy, and I know how they align with the Silvers interests. Seeing as you actually are a member, rather than 'merely an elected official', I believe you may have an idea what to do from here. Besides, it means if you have to interrogate me now then we have the opportunity to do so."
Veiere did indeed recall the incident on Umbara that [member="Darlyn Excron"] was speaking of, another raid committed by Mandalorians looking to destabilize the presence of the Silver Jedi Order. There remained some question around the specifics of the battle and the tactics used by these culprits, however all obvious evidence had pointed to the United Clans of Mandalore. The colors of Clan Cadera had been nothing if not a dead give-away, though it was also an act of war and when the UCM had denied responsibility for the act, it was decided that further investigation was required. Though that part of the story, Veiere Arenais wasn't involved in.

"If I'm not mistaken, you were wearing Yasha's colors?" Veiere asked, seeking confirmation. So much had been going on and Veiere had been too busy fighting on another front to be conscious of Darlyn's movements that day. If [member="Voph"] was fishing for evidence, it was curious why he had sought out Darlyn rather than Veiere himself, though to the Jedi's knowledge there was no bad blood that would hinder the two from meeting that he could think of. "It was something of an unfortunate choice, I'll give Voph that much, though I know all too well how our familial ties can muddy the water of politics..." he added thoughtfully, Mandalorian culture was embedded in House Arenais through [member="Kay Arenais"] and their daughter, Loreena. In the past it hadn't complicated things like this, but rather offered a reason for mutual cooperation between the Jedi and the Clans of Mandalore over times such as the liberation of their home-world. Though it never seemed to last long and after Eshan, Veiere's willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt, had worn out completely.

"First thing's first, don't worry about the Confederacy until you hear word from the Order of the Silver Jedi that there's any due need for concern. Commenor is under the protection of the Jedi now, and if they have any concerns, they can bring it directly to us. In the future, you're welcome to refer them on to the Silver Assembly, or otherwise myself as I head the Ambassadors of the Order these days" Veiere offered counsel should the need for a meeting between the two ever arise again. It was for both Darlyn's protection as it was the Silver Jedi's relationship with the Confederacy; it was a questionable alliance where the Sith within their government were concerned, but peace had remained strong and it was safe to say that they had friends on both sides, ties that had been built to last since the last great alliance between the Sith Empire and the Mandalorian's had threatened the Galaxy. History seemed to be repeating itself...-But that discussion was for another time and place.

"What happened on Commenor before you came into leadership remains an issue...-Though I'm not sure what the answer is now. Laws were broken, and unfortunately Kay's freedom was forced, not earned legally. As much as it pains me to say it, those who respect and look to enforce law in the Galaxy still see her as a criminal element, as well as the Mandalorian's that freed her. I have tried to warn her about this...-She wasn't exactly happy to hear it". It had put Veiere and anyone associated with their family in a very tough position where sides had to be drawn, Darlyn was sadly having to figure this out for himself now. "What's important for you to keep in mind, and for Commenor's future is that these things are in the past. They do not reflect upon your leadership now....", though that didn't exactly account for the Mandalorian side of things which had been heating up lately.

"It may be time to put some distance between yourself and the Clans of Mandalore however...-Denouncing your ties to them publicly would be the easiest way to settle this dispute and any concern around where Commenor stands in terms of loyalty. The Silver Jedi have no need to question this, but for the sake of keeping our friends appeased, it couldn't hurt if you were willing to do so." Veiere knew what lay ahead of them all, tension in the Galaxy had been building gradually between the Forces of Darkness and the Wardens of the Light. The Jedi Master could see the reason behind Voph's intentions, though the way he had gone about things could have been a little much, given how Darlyn was left feeling.
Darlyn nodded to confirm what Veiere asked, and couldn't help but laugh a bit when Veiere finished. "Easiest, I agree. But that's why I don't like it. Call it a recent change of heart, but I started to listen to some of the things Jedi like you have said to me before. So isn't the right thing to do rarely the easiest? I haven't been one for easy paths anyways, I'm sure you can agree on that much. And besides the point, it wouldn't take long at all to tell if my heart is fully invested in such a public statement." Another drink, and this time he sat back quietly, considering how to put it in words. "I've seen the other side to people like Yasha. I can't well ignore that, or the fact that I've felt more at home with them than I have most anyone else. Not the 'them' that you all see on the battlefield but the 'them' at home when peace is settled. It would be equally easy to find a replacement and spend my days with that 'them', at least as easy as denouncing them. But I don't have the heart to do either."

"I never really talked to you much about the past. I told Kay but, it wasn't something I exactly let her talk much about. I lost my family when I was young, or was lost by them at least. Much as it complicates things both they and your family have filled that spot in my life. I can't very well in good conscious turn on them when it's convenient like, well like what happened with my dad. If I do that then I have no right to be angry at him, because I'd be an equal piece of filth. I'd also be proving I'm the bad guy, which would be pretty demoralizing. A public denouncement like that would do me harm, and it'd be rather obvious my heart isn't in it. Fuel for the fire rather than the water to put it out."

He sighed, and quickly downed the rest of his drink. Whiskey burned his throat, but it helped calm him down greatly. "You're my friend, so I'll be open with you. I question sometimes whether or not this place is right for me. Not, Commenor. Commenor is as much a home to me as any, and little is ever going to change that. But this whole game of nations crap is just, it's not remotely correct. Between the way I basically exist and there are folks in the Order who expect me to turn evil and, I don't know, burn everything to the ground for kicks I guess, and the way I first get to talk to its allies in the Confederacy immediately makes me not want to talk to them again. I'm not stupid, I know I have Commenor to look out for first and foremost and I plan on doing that. To that end I don't plan on marching to war either, though. We did that once and it killed Munto. I'd feel irresponsible taking that step again."

[member="Veiere Arenais"] might well remember that lesson in neutrality. The consequences of taking action too quickly. Especially, he'd point out, aggressive action. "I've affirmed anyways that my loyalties are to Commenor, and that Commenor will do what's best for her. I'd rather not fire up a public broadcast just to reaffirm the obvious, you know?"
"Commenor will do what's best for her".

Veiere listened and considered for a time, all that [member="Darlyn Excron"] had said; The Jedi Master understood where he was coming from, having been in the same position during the Monarchy's tenure. "Keep in mind, things have changed since back then..." Veiere sought to caution him. "The Sith forced us into that War, and now Commenor remains under the protection of the Silver Jedi Order. An agreement that was struck with mutual arrangements. Their protection over Commenor was gained through Commenor's support of the Silver Jedi" Veiere explained; "This doesn't mean you'll be forced into any battle that you'd otherwise wish to avoid, that decision remains solely yours as does the government of your people. There are however conditions that need to be kept in mind...-With these recent raids on Silver Jedi Worlds, tensions are already at an all time high and I wouldn't want the Assembly to have to question the motives of the world's under it's protection" Veiere had been there to solidify the alliance between Commenor and the Silver Jedi Order, it had been his last act as King over the trade world, and it had been put in place because the Monarchy was collapsing and control was being removed of them. With Kay's incarceration, it had been the best hope for the World's continued stability and salvation from forces like the Sith whom had ambushed them several times before. Now the Mandalorian's had allied themselves with that same Empire.

"I know how difficult it is with the political climate, and believe me when I say that I haven't asked for things to turn out this way. The United Clans of Mandalore have allied themselves with the same people that invaded and held Commenor for the better part of a year" Veiere took pause, letting those words rest with Darlyn while he sought to take a drink from his own glass. The whiskey was a nice touch to be sure, the subject between them wasn't much of a positive one.

"As a leader, the people will look to you to do what's best for your Nation" Veiere spoke up after a moment, glancing back to Darlyn, feeling sympathetic for the man. "Putting others before yourself is never easy. My wife's a known criminal living on the opposite side of the Galaxy befriending the very type of people that I've sworn to protect the Galaxy from. Being someone of influence in the Galaxy, such as you are now, your actions have a ripple effect, consequences that stretch far and wide. I won't tell you how to run things on Commenor, that's not my place anymore but...-I will encourage you to keep an eye on the political climate around us, and consider the risks that come from associating with such people...-Should tensions come to a head, even if only temporary, distance between Commenor and the Clans of Mandalore would be for the best, until things quieten down".

Sadly, Commenor lost it's neutrality the moment the Sith Empire invaded and forced them into taking sides.
"I'm aware of this, my friend. But it changes little on how I feel, because I know how it feels to have everyone against you. I've temporarily allied with sith before, there's nothing yet to suggest this is more to me than a necessary precaution. When you have two nations ready to tear into your borders, even villains seem useful as allies. But I would rather not discuss and project another nation's problems, I certainly don't know their reasoning." He sighed a bit and waved his hand dismissively, indicating he would not further delve than he already had. He'd probably already overstepped his boundaries and inferred deeper into what very well might be not all that deep. Yash's mind was an enigma to him, so it was best to ignore an attempt at reading it seeing how useless that would be.

What he did say to [member="Veiere Arenais"] next though was of more importance to establish strongly, rather than his personal conflict. "Commenor plans to uphold its economic and other obligations with the Order, don't you worry about that. My personal life is not going to get in the way of my obligations. Commenor's military may be staying home more likely than not, but we are going to honor our agreements as fully as possible. Commenori don't break a promise easily, or I don't at least. Not anymore." Ignoring, of course, any vows he had made while forced into the life of a sith apprentice shortly before turning bounty hunter. It wasn't willing of course, so it technically didn't count, but some might consider them valid promises regardless of the duress.

"As far as I'm concerned, I view the matter as settled. Commenor will honor everything it promised, as it should, and I myself will not do anything to endanger anyone involved. Truth be told this was all meant to simply inform you, and the rest of the Order, that you may hear some talk from the Confederacy, particularly Voph, which is biased and made in bad faith. I wanted my word to be heard first, and it needed to be heard by someone who wouldn't look at me in disgust for..." Well, for being darkside. But that was obvious enough, Darlyn knew full well Veiere was probably one of the few people in the Order who could look at him and actually see past the surface level. Few in the Order that he met, at the very least.

"On a... more pleasant note, I want to leave you with something good to think about. Would you care to hear, or would you prefer to leave it all dark and somber?"
"I'm sorry that my views are not those that you wish to hear, Darlyn" Veiere replied after a moment of silence to consider all that he'd said, "I don't take comfort in the present political climate of our Galaxy, nor do I like the idea of my homeworld being caught up in a War, any more than you do yourself. I still have a home on Commenor and it's the place of my children's birth and livelihood. I will continue to protect it to the best of my ability, as I have always tried to do" Veiere explained, his words having fallen on a more gentle tone.

"I do understand your feelings, your predicament" He added, his thoughts moving to [member="Kay Arenais"] and their Children. "My family isn't the first victim of this conflict, but it's looking more and more likely to be lost amidst the turmoil. Kay and I are quite possibility going to be standing upon either side; She in support of the Mandalorians and I, with the Jedi as I have most always been". He was relieved to hear that Darlyn planned to continue to support the Order of the Silver Jedi as had been the original agreement, though Veiere didn't enjoy having to remind him of it. It wasn't Darlyn's fault of course, the failing relations between their familial ties was a consequence of those continued raids against undeserving worlds.

"What exactly happened between you and Voph?" Veiere asked out of curiosity, Darlyn having accused the other of bias in his approach. "The only talk I've heard from the Confederacy is Commenor by mention of name alone, in connection with Kay's past. They've no quarrel with our people, and thus far your meeting with Voph is the only action I'm aware that's been taken on the matter".

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"Views are fine, Veiere. I welcome whatever advice you can give as long as it comes respectfully and calmly, which you've always done my man. Just as long as you understand mine and treat me fairly for them, I couldn't care any less if we disagree." [member="Veiere Arenais"] seemed to want to push the issue a bit, understandable considering the circumstance. As long as they understood where each other stood personally and professionally, he could continue to talk about the unpleasant topic. He moved his glass off to the side, where it was at no risk of falling, and considered what he wanted to say to explain.

"It was the manner in which Voph questioned me. He asked me to explain the situation, and when I put forth my honest answers he chose to ignore the points and press the issue, dismissing them. I don't have a problem with Voph asking me questions or questioning my motives anymore than I have a problem with you or the Silvers doing so. But neither you nor the silvers would have what felt like his single minded determination to make me out as some kind of traitor and a target, nor would either of you put forth such thinly veiled threats. I don't know what Voph's problem with me is, maybe he's upset the President of Commenor isn't some sixty year old with a boring color scheme that he can predict easily. I don't know."

"I do know that I don't appreciate his tone with me, and had it been a few years ago I don't think I'd have managed to keep as calm as I did. And believe me, I was so very ready for him to throw hands first so I could get everyone else involved on my side. The man seems to me to have a narcissistic belief he is so very precious and perfect and above criticism and I clearly must be a problem for him to fix. OF course ignoring the fact he left Commenor when the planet actually needed him for Force knows what reason..." HE managed to realize he was getting worked up at that point, and went quiet. Slow, deep breaths, as he unclenched his right hand slowly. Maybe he should have waited until the situation didn't work him up, at least he got his dark presence and anger under control again.

"HE just, didn't listen, and dismissed everything I said to continue questioning as though I only made his point stronger. And I was concerned about it, enough that I don't want the matter between him and myself to spiral into anything bigger than is and felt the need to send the alert further up. And by that I mean you, seeing as I don't know which other Jedi can look past the obvious with me."

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