Vaermina was new to this whole exploring the galaxy business. She was new to it all. At lot of her information came constructed from Maiev and the people she associated herself with. Beyond that a lot of it was rumours and hearsay. What most people talked about was most likely to reach her ears first, and catch her attention.
Vaermina had many plans. There was a lot she wanted to do, and a whole galaxy to do it in. What she recognised now was that she was weak, relative to her potential. She knew the tales of great witches of Dathomir, and she was but an initiate compared to them. So it was power that she desired. A good place to start then was at the seat of power, and rumour had it that meant the Dark Lord of the Sith Empire. From what she understood, her quest for power seemed well-aligned with the Sith ideals, and so she judged them slightly less likely to persecute her than the options.
Dark Lord of the Sith it was. And where does the Dark Lord chill? Why, in the Palace of the Dark Lord of course! This meant she had to travel to Bastion, the capital world of the Sith Empire no less, which she promptly did. Vae had never been there before, but she found her way around soon enough. Soon she found herself looking upon the impressive pyramid-like structure.
Getting in would be no easy task. She anticipated it to be heavily guarded. But she had a plan. While far from a powerful witch, she still had her gifts and abilities. With her magic she played tricks on the minds of people to get where she wanted, to learn what she wanted to know. To send a message, she intended to reach the seat of the Dark Lord's throne. It was open to the public, from time to time it seemed. The issue was that she was not here on official business, and neither was she going during visitation hours.
Vaermina skillfully and elegantly manoeuvred herself around the palace's many defences, outwitting its many guards until she made it past the Grand Reception Hall and into the Audience Chamber. Escaping notice and managing her way through the intricate corridors designed to confuse, finally, she found the throne of the Dark Lord, empty and unguarded. Pleased with her own accomplishment, skill and guile, she planted her behind down on it, crossed her legs, and with a smug grin on her face she awaited the Dark Lord's arrival.
That did not happen. It was a very bad plan. Very bad.
What really happened was that quite quickly it became clear that she was in way over her head. She did not know where she was going, and though she made it past a few patrols, the palace's surveillance systems caught her easily enough. Guards were notified of her location, she was caught, and the jig was up. The brunette witch, dressed in a long-sleeved black dress, was dragged into the throne room by force and thrown at the floor in front of [member="Darth Carnifex"].