Noxu Za'tire
Legitimate Businessman

Corellia Spaceport / Three Months Ago
No time for the old anymore? Pfft, there was no such thing as old in the older smuggler's eyes; in fact, he was just as young and spry as he was when he first started his entire smuggling work. Retirement? That was long gone, now it was time to get back into the groove of things, and to figure out just how he was going to get this entire show on the road. His first step, was to make some quick holocalls to some neighboring smugglers, and it came as no surprise to him when they didn't remember who he was.
"Zetai? Nope, don't know you."
"Zesius? Never heard of you."
It was a resounding disappointment as he came to the realization that no one remembered him, maybe he didn't leave that much of a mark on the galaxy as he'd hoped? No matter, he had a business now, and up until just recently had only dabbled in legitimate work. Now, it was time to expand on the horizons of the Fenzati Corporation to encompass more of what the galaxy had to offer.
For a few months now, he'd been working on the name of the company, and the reputation it would have down the line. It didn't come as much of a surprise when he'd started to slowly make a name for himself, and even become at least slightly more known in the unknown reaches of the galaxy. The Underworld was the place he wanted to be, and it was where he would always have his roots. Things have changed for better.
Corellia Spaceport / Present Day / Mid-Day
It was time to get the show on the road. Everything was prepared, and everything was good to go. He'd acquired a new job, and one for off-planet dealings. Most of the work he'd done up until recently had all been local, but now it was time to move on elsewhere. The galaxy was his home, and that was where he would spend most of his time doing work. Smuggling, 'twas the life for him.
"Are we ready to go?" He asked out, turning his attention back to the crew behind him, as he stood at the ramp up to his XS Freighter, Light Stock ship. The two millennia old ship had sat, and it looked as though it was still made from the old metals of the Old Republic era. He'd kept the ship in fantastic condition, and always managed to repair every dent, mark, and slight scratch that may have been placed upon the metal.
There was no time to waste, but as always, he was one to betray his own rules. "I'm not one for fancy little chats, like the lot of you know..." he began to say, bringing up a cigarra from his pocket, and lighting it. "That's why I'm not going to give you one." With that being said, he dropped the cigarra down and stepped on it; it was a mark to start a new era of smugglers. He always had a vision, and now this vision was coming true. "Welcome to the Maximus." He said with a bit of a wry smirk and turned away from the crew, continuing up the ramp. Once he'd made it to the top, he tapped in the old code on his console.
Taking a step inside his ship, he took a quick gaze around it. Up until now, the ship hadn't been in use at all, and in fact, had just gotten out of its renovation to be able to be made for smuggling again. He didn't want anything fancy installed on the ship, and in fact, had kept it the way he'd had when he originally received it as a gift from Kassey. The walls were in pristine condition and the flooring was shining and new. Running his right hand along the corridor as he entered the ship, he slowly made his way around the hallways, inspecting each of the rooms.
Sure, he had been the one who worked on the ship, mostly alone as it was his hobby, but it was still so new to him; it was good to be back at work, and doing what he'd always loved--smuggling. Passing by the cargo hold, he took a quick look in and made note of all the supplies that were in place and secured, ready for transport. Walking past the med-bay, he looked at the two large kolto tanks that sat in each corner of the room, along with the resting tables. "It's good to be home.." The older smuggler said, taking a quick gaze along the hallways again and made his way toward the bridge.
Taking his seat in the cockpit, he leaned over and tapped a key on the comm by his side. "Whenever you're all ready to go, well... it better be right now, 'cause I'm not wastin' any more time." A light laugh escaped his lips as he couldn't handle waiting any longer; this was going to be a good day, he was sure of it. Starting up the engines to the ship, he'd made sure to waste no time in shutting the ship's doors and closing up the loading ramp. The engines rumbled for a brief moment as they started, but quickly came to a quick, and smooth calm as they came to full power.
In moments, the ship began to lift off from the ground, and tilt upward toward the skies; seconds later, the ship's engines revved up and the ship propelled forward, aiming for the skies, breaking the atmosphere and leaving Corellia.