Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private No Sleep Till Brooklyn


The entire planet seemed to scream leave.

From the moment Jonah descended onto the remote world, everything about it was off. The air was thick. The winds were harsh. And every minor inconvenience one could think of occurred. Yet he, like so many before him, was stubborn. Eons ago, this world had been a gem ruled by the Sith. Now, it was a shadow of its former glory. The old wars had left it battered and devoid of life in the traditional sense. But one thing was for certain, the Dark Side lived here - and it was not pleased to have company.

The target today was an old library-temple. These locales were used by sorcerers to record findings, experiment, and learn. Jonah hoped that venturing into the depths would aide in his own budding understanding of magick. He prepared himself for what was surely going to be a grueling experience, as he doubted it would be as simple as walking inside the ziggurat and picking out a book. Thus, he was careful in his approach. The cloak of his vessel was activated so that its presence at the foot of the temple would be obscured. He donned a hood and rebreather, both to obscure his identity and to save him from any airborne fuckery.

And of course, he moved with one of his hold-out blasters clutched firmly in his offhand.

It did not take him long to scale the excessively long flight of stairs before him. And as he reached the top, Jonah heard the telltale sign that he was not alone. The roar of engines. The whine of landing gear. The crunch of the earth as a new player entered the game. Of course someone else would be here - and Jonah was not in the mood for a confrontation. So, ducked behind a pillar and waited.

Fingers-crossed it was only a tourist who made the wrong left turn at Coruscant.

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Equipment | In Bio

Location | Krayiss II

Tag | Jonah Jonah

A far cry from the bustling streets of Jutrand, but at least even farther away from those chits at the academy. She had been tasked with following a path pretty much made from the bones of those before her.. The unlucky ones.

The shuttle that had dropped her off had swiftly left, reinforcing the fact that she had to learn and conquer the tests before her or die like the rest.

Jonah would get to see as the ship left, it bearing distinct Order and academy markings. Silence filled the air as the vessel flew back into the atmosphere, leaving only one thing left for the Sith Knight to sense, a little budding ember of darkness.

Said ember was watching the ship leave, the girl letting out a single solemn sigh that many could relate to.

No real armor, and only an electroblade training sword as a weapon.

The directions were clear, prove herself to the library and find not only knowledge, but also a warblade deep within.

And with her first step forward, her boot sinking deep into the harsh sands had solidified her willingness to push onward. Her first goal would be to traverse the canyons, to seek several small shrines along the way and hopefully speak with the monks who wandered this place.




From his hiding place, Jonah carefully looked to see who else would be "joining" him at the ruin. There was a single individual who disembarked and then, surprisingly, the engines kicked back up again. Jonah squinted as sand whipped into the air, but as the vessel took to the sky, he recognized some of the imagery emblazoned on the side. This was a ship belonging to the Sith Order - whose backyard he had entered unannounced. Though Krayiss II was not formally within the empire's boundaries (assuming his knowledge of the Galaxy was accurate) that didn't mean that the locals would take kindly to his being here.

So, what to do what to do?

He squinted, sensing who and what could be around. And for the time being, there was only the one who was dropped off. What's more, they didn't appear to be a deity in the Force. Far from it in fact. Jonah could make out little embers of shadow and little else. This filled the man with a bit of confidence, but he remained in his hiding spot. Perhaps he could slow down the competition and find out more about this ruin. Or. If he pressed the individual, maybe the road ahead would be unlocked?

Jonah exhaled, debating...and settled on a course of action. His dominant hand moved and clenched into a fist. His power sought out the sand and stray rocks surrounding the little ember in order to make them move. With a grunt of effort, he began to whip a twister of dirt around them, hoping to hold them in place.

And depending upon what happened next, he could press the "advantage" or run like hell.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Krayiss II

Tag | Jonah Jonah

Being caught within what looked like a sandstorm, feeling at the very sands sliced at her skin, the stones bashing into her bones. As one would expect, the acolyte stumbled out from the storm after retreating back and falling out onto her rear.

Such an occurrence was... Odd, she knew deep down this had been an attack. Her gut told her that much, the already on edge student coughing up sand while trying to clean her eyes out.

Supplies were limited, and with so far having no time to explore the area the girl could Ill afford to use water to fully clean her eyes, settling with a partial cleaning from mere rubbing.

Sclera red and irritated, the girl rips part of her shirt. Deciding to fasten it into a makeshift half-mask to protect her nose and mouth from any future sand attacks.

Her heart picked up speed a little as she stood back away and hurried away from the area, instead fleeing into the canyon ahead...

She was out of sight as quickly as her legs carried her.




What occurred next was not what Jonah had anticipated.

Though the whirlwind or sand and stone was far from lethal, it did its work in impeding the immediate progress of the Embers. However, there was no divine retribution for this assault. There were no rocks hurled telekinetically at his position. No nightmares unleashed into his skull. Embers picking themselves up off the ground and retreating from their position.

With said retreat, Jonah rolled the dice. He sharpened his psyche and wielded it as a javelin, hurling his thoughts beyond his sight, focusing upon the little Embers.

And upon arrival, what the target would hear was his voice, angrily distorted by the Force:

<<Who are you? What do you know of this place?>>


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Krayiss II

Tag | Jonah Jonah

A voice, calling out to her? No, it wasn't being picked up by her ears.. It was in her mind. Whoever this was seemed to be prodding for answers, angrily barking orders like the overseers at the Academy.

For now she had hoped to keep out of sight, away from where they could be.


The girl simply stated as she was now somewhere off into the canyon beyond.

<<Acolyte of the Jutrand academy...>>

Her senses sharpen, in order to survive she would need to adapt to the world around her, to become as harsh as the dry winds.

<<I have been tasked with proving myself to the library, given only a handful of information to go off of. Prove myself worthy of the title of Sith, claim a war blade.. Or die.>>

If her words were true, it would explain why the ship had left the girl.




For a few moments, all that the young Acolyte would hear is the faint howl of the arid breeze rushing over the sands. There was no immediate response on Jonah's part, as he had to think.

The Sith had dumped this girl into the desert to find information or die. That definitely tracked for their kind. What's more, identifying herself as an acolyte seemed to line up with what the man had felt so far. Embers and little more.

Finally, he spoke.

<<I see. I am Jonah. Apologies for the sandstorm.>> he began. <<I am also looking into this library. Definitely did not anticipate any 'company.'>>

<<If it's not outside of your assignment, perhaps we can assist one another. Two heads are better than one after all. I'm at the top of the stairs, if you're interested.>>

Jonah kept it simple - if this one had information, that was more than he had to go off of. And, if she were truly an acolyte, his own experience might help keep her alive. Win-win.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Krayiss II

Tag | Jonah Jonah

Oh of course, what is the most normal reaction? Just blast her with sand.. Not like it got in her eyes or anything.

<<I wouldn't mind help... But only to an extent. This is my test to prove I was born to be Sith, something tells me that if I let you do all the heavy lifting that library won't open.>>

Just her luck to be stuck with a paranoid nutcase on this gods forsaken dust rock.

Against her better judgement, Brooke steps out from her hiding place, she had been planning to ambush her attacker if they wandered into that canyon after her.

And so the girl crosses her arms, that classical moody flair being shot in the direction of Jonah.

"Alrighttt, come on. We have people to find and limited supplies!"

She yells out, grumpily waiting for him to get off his ass and get over here.


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