Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Touching the Goods [TGR-TJO]

[Undisclosed Planet]
Because I can't be bothered with finding a suitable one.

The setting sun bathed the cities in it’s warm golden embrace as the final moments of today’s pod race began to reach its conclusion. From each mesa the excitement and grief of money paid and lost to gambling could be heard as crime lords stroke their egos amongst each other. In the alleys lay vagrants readying themselves for the night that could be their last and amongst the cantina-goers the bounty hunters bragged of their scores in either cautious silence or drunken boastful stupor.

Slave trading had been a central part of the local economy until the old Republic had come crashing down on them, but some habits died hard it would seem. At least the surface of it. In a stroke of luck the jedi caught whiff of rumors about a underground slave auction. Being a matter of concern from an old era to the Order, Jedi Master Corvus Raaf along with Knight Kana Truden was issued to settle the score again.

However, with plans come trouble. What had been the original plan to simply arrest the crime lord in charge might have changed and one thing would be certain. The minute the jedi set foot inside the musty re-purposed cantina the presence of a dark presence would be felt.

Stuck at the front door the jedi saviors were prompted to display their invitations lest the twitchy guard had to open fire on them. Rest assured all three of them had been given a card each but hadn’t shown them yet.

Meanwhile in a dirty cellar Kana had to endure the whimpers and silent cries of man and twi’lek alike as they awaited the impending death sentences that would be cast upon them by the man upon the big stage out front. Her own clothing had been ‘impounded’ and in their place were a couple of sweat-worn, blood-stained, dirty rags. The thought of it’s previous wearer weighed heavy and she had to block out the notions to consider if they were alive or not.

Back with the jedi there was only one thing that the bouncer seemed to care about. With a simple question he stared each of them down with total indiference.

“Who are you and where are you invitations?”

I wanted to try something new. In this mission I will play Kana and a more active role in what NPCs are doing. You are free to split up and make up NPCs as well as environments. Just make sure to always tag me and I will see about running the conversations in return.

You all have an invitation from a contact you've met at an earlier point. You are free to describe him if you want. We begin this story at the front door in a shady alleyway. The bouncer wants your invitations. Remember, just like in any Telltale Games game ever: Silence is a valid option.

Of course, if this format proves too annoying or hindering then we can just revert back to a simple story, no biggie. It's all improvised so I expect you to do that as well.

Anyway, your objectives are:
  • Rescue Kana
  • Put an end to the slave auction
  • Have fun
Oh and, I gave the mission a better title. The old one felt a bit... Meh.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"]
[member="Veega Anarth"]
([member="Maria Natalja"])
Corvus led the group to the cantina that they’d been assured would be the place to simply find Kana, arrest the crime lord and ridicule her friend for wearing whatever slave girl outfit she’d been forced to wear.

But as she approached the building that was purported to be the centre of the underground slave-trade, she sensed two presences. The first was positive – Kana was nearby. The second was troubling, it was a strong Dark-sided aura which was most certainly not part of the plan. On the plus side, it was likely the Padawans would not pick it up until they were closer. And there ended the plus side points.

They were undercover, Corvus in still the only set of clothes she owned – ones she’d arrived in from Ossus five years ago. She’d only worn them once since, on a Jedi Shadow mission. But this time she insisted on wearing her Jedi boots. Her saber and shoto were hidden out of sight but when the bouncer asked for identification she instinctively went for a pocket in her robes that of course wasn’t there.

So she fumbled in her bag and pulled out the invitation. “This is all you need, understood?” Corvus’ voice was calm and collected. “Our credit speaks volumes for who we are, but if you want a false name, I’ll give you one.” She gave him a look that said, ‘who on earth gives out real names?’ Her eyebrow even joined in to give extra emphasis to the ‘who on earth’ part.

[member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] | [member="Veega Anarth"] | [member="Maria Natalja"]
Cities were never of much appeal to Tia, and this one she liked least so far. Sure it smelled a little better than the preposterously named Lakeside City of Attahox and air here was bearable but something about the people here and the.. pulse of the city that left her uneasy.

She couldn't place the feeling anywhere particularly but if forced to define her concern she could only say that this city felt hungry. She had said so to Master Raaf and Veega Anarth on the way. Her master at least had appeared to understand something of the Togruta's meaning. From what she had been able to ascertain from public records whilst in transit to [Undisclosed Planet] it appeared that this planet existed primarily to facilitate the materialism of criminals, it had puzzled Tia that the republic stood for such things taking place in their own back yard so to speak.

But then that's where we come in...

She felt exposed as she was, her simple disguise consisted of a long waving skirt of cheap course fabric, and a strapped halter neck in some pitted dark brown leatherlike material. On one of her bare shoulders they had somewhat hastily recreated a local slave tattoo and about Tia's neck was a disarmed slave collar, an intricate model meant for personal servants or more intimate workers. She had stored her training saber beneath the dress at her thigh. The only other ornamentation she wore was a cheap looking string of jewelry which hung from between her montrals to sit against her forehead. After a bit of a roll in a dusty storeroom where they had prepared and Tia was willing to admit that she made quite the convincing companion slave.

She still didn't like it much but it would at least be convincing enough for the doorman, “Eech kalla mi-no trski..” she muttered under her breath turning her nose from the door, but still being sure to be loud enough for the doorman to hear. The words had been native Togruti and it translated to some unkind statement concerning the smell of the establishment. She hoped such a touch might help reinforce her disguise, just another alien slave, probably bought right here before.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Veega Anarth"] | [member="Maria Natalja"]

Asbjorn Olafsson

"What do you mean you want an invitation?" the girl played a fool. It was one of these times where proper manners were not exactly needed, but where creativity was the base of everything. She had the invitation. But before she wanted to tell the bouncer that, she wanted to act a bit. Even though she was most likely in a hurry. "What is this... 'invitation' you speak of?"

Veega, a Padawan of the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic, was on the planet of Zygerria for one reason. She was there with Master Raaf and Padawan Shaasa to save somebody, but she still had no idea of who that someone was. It was her first time on a mission, so she didn't know what exactly she had to do. At least she'd find that out this time. "Why does everybody else have an invitation?"

The girl looked at Corvus and Tia'Ilandra, thought they didn't like her playing around, so she took her invitation out of her pocket and showed it to the man standing at the door. She was wearing a black leather jacket and the invitation had been in one of the pockets of that. She also wore a white shirt underneath it, black skinny trousers and leather boots, which was her camouflage. As they had to hide their identity, of course.

[ [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] ]​
The bouncer let out an annoyed grunt as he stared the group down. His eyes met with each of them as if trying to prod them for a reaction. First came the bossy woman with the stare. A small grin spread on the bouncer’s lips at the act and for a moment everything looks solid. However it quickly fades as the whispering togruta utters something incomprehensible. His eyes narrowed in suspicion before they set on the ditzy kid. He grabbed the invites and gave them an unusually thorough look over before handing them back. With a mean stare and a huff he stepped aside to let them in, but not before grabbing the disguised Jedi Master’s arm.

He stared at Tia’Ilandra. “Keep your pet on a leash. We wouldn’t want any mix-ups to occur, would we?”

He let go of Corvus’ arm and let all three of them pass into the shady little establishment.

The first thing you can see as you enter the cantina is the bar as well as a small stage behind it. The room is busy and several patrons are quietly enjoying their drinks, alone. In front of the raised platform stands a whole bunch of tables. Most seats are occupied and facing the stage. It is in this direction that you can feel the dark presence, but you don’t know it’s exact origin.

To your left is a big empty space. Traces in the dust would suggest several tables had been placed there but that they had been moved. Behind that lay the lavatories. Off in the far distance behind the stage you can see what seems to be a door but it’s hard to see from here.

If facing your right all you can see is another raised portion of the cantina. A couple of booths guarded by yet another bouncer. Shady figures lurk within and their looks meet with yours as you turn their way and quiet warnings broadcast themselves between the both of you.

In the exact middle of the room is the bar. The gran bartender gives you a weird look before diverting his attention towards the stage again. The static of a microphone rings through the cantina and people throughout causing even the toughest of bounty hunters to cringe. A small yet ‘big boned’ man steps up with a grin that could devour nerf spilling. Behind him stands yet another guard, a well-armed guard.

“The show has been delayed twenty minutes due to, uhhhh… Management problems…”

The audience let their displeasure be heard in a roaring manner. For now all you needed to do was locate two people. The dark presence and the crime lord. Don’t worry about Kana, she’ll show up sooner or later. For now she is sitting in the insufferably warm cellar awaiting her turn up at the stage.

((Remember, you're free to add NPCs of your own and interact with whatever you want. I am merely providing a general sense of direction, plot and atmosphere. You are even allowed to place the crime lord and the dark presence yourselves. However, for now I recommend not doing either.))

([member="Maria Natalja"])
[member="Veega Anarth"]
[member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus let the arm-holding slide. The last thing they needed was an incident before they even entered the place. She felt she ought to have made an issue of it but bit her lip both physically and metaphorically and walked into the joint. At least her silence would serve as an element of defiance.

As they entered the room, she knew the Padawans would feel the presence of the Dark-side. But patience was her strong suit and she knew that the Force would present the owner of that aura when the time was right.

The news the show was being delayed was both good and bad for Corvus. Good because they could use the time to find out more information. Bad because it gave others more time to find out about them.

Corvus looked to her companions and spoke softly. "We should go and get a drink. Feel free to wander around. Tia, I'm afraid you'll have to stick with me. Can't have you being accidentally bought, now can we? And really, that language? My basic grasp of your tongue had me blushing back there.". She smiled at both Padawans. One of the benefits of having recently been gifted her own protocol droid was the ability to learn new languages. Invaluable!

So she indicted to Tia they should head to the bar. "Corellian finest for me and a blue milk for this one.".

[member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Veega Anarth"] | [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"]
It would be fair to say that her time spent studying other cultures in the lower archive of the Jedi temple had not actually done much at all to prepared Tia'Ilandra for the realities of this place. She wasn't totally naïve she had in her time seen a very few holovids which portrayed somewhat half-hearted versions of such establishments as this.

What the holovids primarily lacked to provide a totally authentic den of villainy feel was foremost the smell. This place was actually rank to Tia'Ilandra's senses at least, stale sweat, strong alcohol, acrid smokey emissions you tasted as much as you smelled originating from whatever the patrons were smoking on this planet. All of these scents and more mixed in this place.

But their was something else here too. Tia almost considered it a part of the fairly disturbing ambience of the space but something in the back of her mind made her reconsider and focus, a feeling like a cold shadow running down her spine.

Corvus looked to her companions and spoke softly. "We should go and get a drink. Feel free to wander around. Tia, I'm afraid you'll have to stick with me. Can't have you being accidentally bought, now can we? And really, that language? My basic grasp of your tongue had me blushing back there.". She smiled at both Padawans.

She smiled to Corvus briefly in reply as they headed to the bar - she had to admit that the language had been enjoyably crass - but still she looked and felt uncomfortable for the moment. Something here was wrong, more wrong than the rest.

"Corellian finest for me and a blue milk for this one."

As the Barman wandered of to prepare the drinks Tia glanced to Raaf once again.

Master... something is wrong” She screwed up her nose as if smelling the stench again.

Before she could go on Tia suddenly yelped as a broad hand connected sharply with her ass. She spun to face her culprit quickly, rage boiling up and ready to offer more choice words in her native tongue. She changed her mind when she found herself facing the armoured chest plate. Slowly, and with much trepidation she looked up to the collection of scales, teeth and scars that made up the face of the vast Trandoshan looking down at her with what she imagined was a smile of sorts.

How much you want?” The reptillian asked, speaking past Tia and directly to her owner. “I take”

No one else seemed to be taking much notice, the ambient noise having covered most of her outburst from those not already close by.

Tia was shaking, a mixture of outrage and a twinge of fear vying for control over her limbs. She very much wanted to strike back at the big Trandoshan, but even if that would not have seriously endangered their cover here she was painfully aware that at this range the Trandoshan could probably have killed her before she landed a second blow.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Veega Anarth"]
Corvus was about to reply to Tia when the Trandoshan sidled up to them and then she heard the loud thwack of flesh on flesh. Keeping calm, she considered using the Force but whoever else was in here would likely pick up on it - if they hadn't detected their auras already.

So she kept Mind Trick up her sleeve for now. "This one's not for sale. And I'll give you that first touch for free. Touch her again and I'll extract payment in a way that I assure you, you'll regret." Corvus turned away from him, hoping the show of bravado would be enough to send him on his way. At very least, he'd turn his attention away from Tia and towards her.

[member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Veega Anarth"]
The toothy grin of the Trandoshan never changed for a moment, his dark tongue flicked out and over his lips as he seemed to consider Corvus threat, then a moment later the chuckled an introduction “Motthk. My boss want her,” he explained slowly his eyes looking Tia up and down once again, “You here for this business yeah? He trade maybe two for this one.. if you want no trouble.”

The big reptile flexed his massive clawed hand as he spoke, displaying two digits then one as if to explain his trade further.

Tia swallowed her anger as best as she could, grinding her sharp teeth, muscles still tight. She was as annoyed with herself now as she was with the Trandoshan, she really hadn't expected such a reaction had been so easily provoked. Time in the peace of the academy had left her overconfident it seemed. Despite her urge to look away from the monster towering above her she found herself rooted, unwilling to turn her back whilst he still lingered in reach.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Veega Anarth"]
The Trandoshan’s breathing intensifies as the rejection chews at his nerves. His stare turn into a fiery gaze and the tension in the immediate area starts to grow. The people around you turn to look for a second at what promised to be the second bar fight of the night. Eyes running their inspection of the fighters to be involved. A slave and a bounty hunter, the odds look obvious and quietly the credits were passed through the room as bets are laid out.

“I said if you want no trouble, you deal.”

The trandoshan takes another into Tia’s personal space. A man approaches you.

“Calm yourself, Krad. There’s plenty more merchandise where that one came from.” The twi’lek man points at [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"]. “It is hardly worth it to get yourself tossed out before the show has even begun, is it?”

‘Krad’ approaches Tia with one final step and places himself quite literally face to face. With a huff he adds a final insult to the entire situation before leaving with a very bitter expression spread across his face. All around the cantina a quiet sigh of disappointment could be heard as the bets were off.

“I do apologize for my friend. He can be a bit too eager to, aaah, ‘prove himself’, Miss...” The twi’lek leans against the bar as his eyes wander between the master and the ‘slave’. “Well, your name escapes me at the moment.”

“In any case I saw your servant’s markings. You must be quite happy with Grexi’s goods if you’ve come back. Many do.”

[member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus stepped forward one the brute moved forward and with her left hand pushed Tia behind her. She started to stare the trandoshan down until the twi'lek approached them.

'Krad, eh? OK, filed away for later.'

"I came to view, not to talk. This one is not for sale and I'd appreciate the subject to be closed now. But on the subject of viewing, do you know what's on offer today?"

[member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] | [member="Veega Anarth"]

Asbjorn Olafsson

Veega shivered. Veega shook. She had never ever felt that kind of terror in her life, not even in the orphanage where there were so many cruel teachers and other personnel. No, it was nothing like that. Right now, she felt real panic, not just some tickle inside her. Her innocent eyes looked at the trandoshan and Tia, ready to release some tears, ready to get the wettest they had ever been.

She wanted to attack. She wanted to do something about it. But she was afraid to do that. She only waited for Corvus to do something about it - she was a Master, she should have known better what to do.

A tear. It flowed down the girl's smooth cheeks.

[ [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] ]
Tia slipped behind her master and closed her eyes a moment trying to cool off. She felt the darkness immediately, it was pervasive and seeped into her mind against her will. She imagined that the darkness was inside her, tugging at the loose edges of the rage she kept tightly help within her. The Padawan shivered, fists balling and loosening as she sought out her serenity.

It took her longer than she had hoped, but her hands stilled and Tia felt her heart slow as she regained her composure slowly.

She turned to see her Master talking to a Twi'lek who appeared to have called off the Trandoshan. Tia was unsure as to what to do next, so she simply smiled as the Twi'lek looked at her.

[member="Veega Anarth"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
“Not much, they still keep everything as hush-hush around here as they always do.” The twi’lek looks over at the door behind the stage and then slowly leans towards [member="Corvus Raaf"]. “However, I heard rumor that a jedi is being held in one of the cells. She’s to be sold to the highest bidder, a surprise item.”

The man leans away. “I look forward to seeing the fight over that but for now I will leave you and your - eh, ... servant - to your drinks.”

The man turns around to leave but not before throwing a quick look towards [member="Veega Anarth"] and then [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] again. His eyes squint for a moment but he shakes it off. The small tear on the young woman’s cheek causes him to throw Master Raaf a disgusted look under the assumption she had bought a couple of kids.

Not much happens at the bar. The tender becomes far too busy with others to notice you anymore and there is still at least a couple of minutes until the ‘show’ begins. People start making way to the few remaining tables in front of the stage that’s still available.

The dark presence grows stronger and stronger. A man - a hooded man in black - passes you by as the dark presence’s proximity reaches it’s peak. He seems to pay you no mind for the moment, but something feels odd. He takes a seat at the very back of the stage area.

The same ear-deafening feedback echoes throughout the room as the big-boned man speaks again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the auction will begin in five.”

If the jedi had anything to take care of before the show began, now would be a good time to do so.
Tia had managed to focus up a little better now but still the passing of the hooded man in black tested her resolve. She wanted to check her lightsaber was still in position but held off, not wanting to draw any attention to herself. Still she watched the figure walk off to the distant table as she nursed her blue milk.

"Aanarr trrea mi-riiso" she spoke to Corvus in her native language, the phrase translating roughly as an apology for failing her master, she leaned in close to her masters ear as if offering some obeisant gesture of affection, whilst close she whispered to her master. "Master are we to bid for Kana?"

As she whispered she kept her eyes in the direction of the shadowed man at the dark table.

[member="Veega Anarth"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kana Truden"]

Asbjorn Olafsson

Veega tried to calm down now. There was no need for panicking anymore, but somehow, she felt... disturbed. She was feeling emotionally challenged the way she had never been in her short life. It was something like a mixture of bad nerves and at the same time, unexplainable happiness. It was a powerful feeling. It made her feel a bit sick.

Then the feeling got only worse when a man in a black hood got closer to the group. It reached its peak when the man's shoulder accidentally touched the girl's. Now she truly felt like vomiting.

"I'm sorry!" she told the Master and the fellow Padawan, then started running somewhere. She hoped she would find a toilet soon, or otherwise things would get messy because of her. On the way, she ran into a few people, spilled some drinks, and definitely damaged herself with something.

[ [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] ]​
Corvus feigned disinterest at the Twi’lek’s words. ”I prefer my…prizes to be a little more exotic. But a Jedi? That might work. As long as she can be controlled of course.” Aware of Veega’s reaction she added quickly. ”Exotic and, shall we say tender.” She purposefully glanced at Veega now. ”Just how young is this Jedi?”

In truth Corvus felt extremely uncomfortable with the manner of her deception but the alternative was to risk their exposure. Better to be considered a pervert than a Jedi on this occasion.

Corvus listened to Tia and simply nodded. Until they were fully appraised of the situation, bidding was the best option. Perhaps the Dark-sided adversary would make themselves known at this point. Corvus decided to exercise patience and see what would play out.

When Veega ran off, Corvu smiled openly – as if this were something she enjoyed. Speaking openly to no one in particular she added, ”Don’t you just love that innocence, that immaturity.” She attempted what she thought was a leer, but could have just looked like she had gas.

[member="Veega Anarth"] | [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Tia'Ilandra Shaasa"]
The fat man got off the stage and all eyes set on the panicking padawan as she rushed for the bathroom with quite the commotion. It didn’t take long for things to go back to normal and for a few more patrons to huff once again at Corvus’ comments on immaturity and innocence as they eye her into ‘taking care of her servant’. Nobody here seems willing to talk anymore. Perhaps it was the upcoming auction, or maybe it was the Master’s disguise that did it.

From the bar you can see a suspicious man look around for a second before following the padawan to the restrooms. He looks young. Young and very angry.

Without anyone noticing he slips into the bathroom.

[member="Veega Anarth"] ([member="Maria Natalja"])

You stumble into a restroom. All around you there’s stalls. The smell could definitely have been nicer and could have passed as the stink of a nerf herd's ‘leftovers’ yet somehow the place looked clean enough not to be as such.

From the other end of the spectrum the man who entered the room would prove considerably more benevolent. With soft footsteps echoing throughout the room he called out for Veega.

“Hello? I know you’re in here. Don’t be afraid. I don’t want to hurt you.”

His words sound sincere, but you can never be too certain in these locales. Can you?

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