Noah Corek
Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel

- Intent: To create a new personal armor for Noah based off of all his other armors and the experience gleaned from them
- Image Source: Original and Recolored by
Ingrid L'lerim
- Canon Link: Beskar'Kandar
- Permissions: Maji Ironworks Purchases - Jaeger Solutions Purchases
- Primary Source: Noah's Beskar'gam Mk III
- Manufacturer: Noah Corek
- Affiliation: Noah Corek
- Market Status: N/A
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: Various Different Pouch Configuration and Wrist Mounted Weapons
- Production: Unique
- Material: Beskar (Armor Plates) Micronized Beskar Weave (Bodyglove Outer Layer, Kama, Pauldrons and Gorget), Biogel (Bodyglove Mid Layer) and Alchemized Terentatek Leather (Bodyglove Inner Layer)
- Classification: Multipurpose
- Weight: Extremely Heavy
- Resistances:
- Energy: Extreme
- Kinetic: Very High
- Lightsabers: Extreme
- Force Attacks (Physical and Mental): Very High
- Ion: Low
- Sonic: Very Low
- Helmet:
- M.I. Universal Heads-Up Display
- Faraday Cage Protective Lining
- Torso:
- M.I. Exoskeleton
- Reinforced Chestplate
- Dual Shoulder Pauldrons
- Beskar Weave Gorget
- 24x Magnetic Hardpoints for Attachment (10x on the chest, 10x on the abdomen and 4x on the back
- Lifeline-class Utility/Combat Belt
- Endurance-class Survival/Battle Rucksack (Optional)
- M.I. 'Sunstroke' Jetpack (Optional)
- ND-013 "White Noise" Class LRWD (Optional)
- Arms:
- House Corek Vambraces
- Shuk'orok Gauntlets
- 4x Magnetic Hard Points (1x on each shoulder and bicep)
- Legs:
- Magno-Grip/Friction-Grip Boots
- Knee Length Kama
- 4x Magnetic Hard Points (1x on each thigh and 1x on each calf)
- Walking Tank: Being made with Beskar armor plating, several bodyglove layers and multiple defense features Noah's set of beskar'kandar turns him into essentially a walking armored tank on the battlefield
- Extremely Versatile: Like all Mandalorian types of armor Noah's Beskar'kandar is designed to be highly versatile, with tools designed to meet any challenge or foe that might come his way
- Heavy Like a Tank: Though his Beskar'kandar provides great physical protection from almost every type of projectile and physical attack, even a few mental ones as well, the armor is also extremely heavy, so much so that Noah had to implement a exoskeleton into the design to handle the weight and still move normally
- Ionic Vulnerable: With all the gadgets and gizmos crammed into the Beskar'kandar it is no wonder that it is especially vulnerable to Ion attacks such as grenades and blasters and though this won't affect the protective qualities of the armor it will temporarily disable the aforementioned gizmos and gadgets making the armor less versatile
After almost a decade after having constructed his old set of Beskar'gam Noah began work on reforging the armor into a new set, this time instead creating a set of heavier Beskar'kandar made out of pure Beskar armor plates. With the basic design already laid out in his mind Noah began work on choosing the materials for his new armor.
Obviously for the armor plates of his new armor Noah used the same Beskar that he had used in his previous armors, smelting it down and removing any impurities or damage it might have developed, he also added in a few extra ingots to make the armor thicker, and then reforged the molten Beskar into plates for his new armor. Next came the bodyglove for his armor and for this Noah decided on a multi layered design.
The first layer was made of micronized Beskar weave to absorb blaster shots and provide some protection against slashing attacks. The next layer was made of Biogel, designed to limit any concussive force that might be inflicted onto him and provide protection from slughthrower rounds. Lastly he recycled the alchemized Terentatek leather from his former armor to protect against both mental and physical Force powers.
With the materials chosen and Noah sticking with a similar style of armor as his old set he moved on to implementing the gadgets, features and accessories you would expect to find in a Mandalorian's armor. Unlike his old armor Noah chose to make his armor of as 'pure' Mandalorian construction as possible and tried to use as many Mandalorian produced items and as such purchased many of the items from Mandalorian producers.
Starting with the helmet Noah implemented a new heads up display from Maji Ironworks and also lined the helmet with a faraday cage protective lining to help avoid the helmets electronics being knocked out by a strong Ion or EMP pulse. With the helmet out of the way Noah moved onto the torso.
When it came to the torso the first thing Noah did was install a Maji Ironworks exoskeleton which allows him to better handle the weight of the armor without sacrificing mobility or speed. Next he installed a reinforced chest plate made thicker than the other armor plates because why Beskar is nigh impenetrable under normal circumstances a bit of extra protection never hurts. In that vein a pair of shoulder pauldrons made from micronized Beskar weave were installed to better protect the shoulder and collarbone regions and a gorget of the same material protects from decapitation strikes.
With the protection out of the way Noah began adding what he would refer to as 'quality of life improvements'. One such improvement is two dozen magnetic hardpoints on the torso that allow the mounting of holsters, sheaths, ammunition, grenade, utility or first aid kit pouches. A Lifeline-class Utility/Combat Belt provides even more mounting points for pouches and the likes. An optional Endurance-class Survival/Battle Rucksack allows for the carrying of more extra gear or items too bulky to be carried on ones person. A optional Maji Ironworks 'Sunstroke' Jetpack allows for aerial combat options. Lastly for a torso a optional Jaeger ND-013 'White Noise' Class LWRD can be mounted to help level the playing fields with force users.
With the torso done Noah moved onto the arms. The first thing Noah added was a pair of Mandalorian classics, vambraces, more accurately a set of House Corek vambraces that are the House's own twist on the Mandalorian classic allow for the weapons and tools on the vambraces to be swapped out at the user's discretion. Another classic Noah added were a pair of Shuk'orok Gauntlets, called Crushgaunts by non-Mandalorians, to be used for various...applications. Lastly for the arms Noah added four magnetic hardpoints, one on each bicep and shoulder.
The arms now done Noah moved to the last portion of the armor, the legs. He added Magno-Grip/Friction Grip soles to his boots to allow him to keep his footing no matter the environment. A knee-length kama protects the upper legs from blaster bolts, sword and lightsaber strikes, shrapnel and jetpack downwash. Noah rounded out the legs with yet another set of magnetic hardpoints, with one on each thigh and calf.
Satisfied with his new creation Noah assembled the armor fully and began the painting process choosing to use the same color scheme as his old armor, with Grey and Orange for House Corek, Blue for his wife

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