Noatyr Moldmerr
Neutralish Warrior
NAME: Noatyr Moldmerr
FACTION: Independent
The Confederacy of Independent Systems
Mercs Legion
RANK: Mercenary/Hired Gun
SPECIES: Humanoid
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 foot 0 inches
WEIGHT: 156lb
EYES: Deep red
HAIR: Ginger, kept short and thick.
SKIN: Pale
Too Fast: Can move very quickly, both when running and when fighting. Prefers speed over strength.
Jack Of All Trades: Skilled in many things, after working many jobs, but master to none, since having little time to focus on one.
Skilled Fighter: Trained in combat with a vibro sword, and a decent shot with a blaster. Able to take small groups head on.
High Tolerance: Most drinks have little effect on him, and it takes a good many to have any real effect.
Cold?: Can withstand low temperatures for long periods of time without protection.
Neutral: Eagle Eyes: Can spot small details over large distances, however, this doesn't improve his aim.
It's Hot In Here: Can't handle high temperatures for long as having been born on an ice planet has weakened any chance of being able to handle to much heat for long.
A Challenger Appears: Noatyr is not used to fighting others of similar skill in a blade to blade encounter, as he has gotten used to fighting weaker opponents and blaster wielding combatants.
The Force? No Thanks: Not wanting to get involved to much with force wielders, Noatyr has no idea how to use his force abilities and therefore can't always control them.
*Crunch* : Doesn't do so well when it comes to being sneaky, so stealth missions tend to turn into run and gun situations.
APPEARANCE: Tall, thin, but not frail, with hair that is trimmed to neck height, and a clean shaven face. Wearing a light brown shirt underneath a blue field jacket, and black boots over grey pants. Sometimes wears a long black hood, which shadows most of his face, but leaving his red eyes shining from underneath. Looks mostly human until you pay attention to his eyes. A large scar trails up his left arm.
BIOGRAPHY: Born on a planet of ice and snow, Noatyr lived a very normal life up until the planet was taken over by a hostile force he no longer remembers. After the planet was thrown into chaos when the people of the planet began to rebel against the invaders, he was forced to flee the planet, leaving his family behind when they smuggled him onto a ship that was meant to take the richer families off of the planet. He chooses to forget any of it ever happened, and now works as a gun for hire, working for whoever pays him the most. Noatyr is force sensitive, and several of the employers he's worked under were Jedi or Sith, but the few that tried to recruit him were turned down, he has enough trouble, why add more? Due to visiting many bars while on mission, he has developed a strong tolerance for all kinds of drink. Although he thinks of himself as a neutral bystander in most things, he has a rather large soft spot for planets that have been taken over or nearly destroyed. Due to having to travel around a lot for work, one of his friends from the only planet he comes close to calling home, Hays Minor, leant him the ship he now travels in, the Z-10 Seeker.
An Old Blaster Rifle (BL-28 sniper rifle: )
Blue Field Jacket, Grey pants, Tunic, Black boots, Black cloak.
A Handheld Holoprojector
Two Months Worth of Consumables (Stored on ship)
A Transmitter
SHIP: Z-10 Seeker Class Scout Ship (Borrowed)
Gun Geek: Can take apart, and given time, put back together any blaster given to him.
Hand-to-hand: Can fight well with almost any melee weapon.
Piloting: Can fly his ship, the Z-10, but has a hard time with other ships.
Tracker: Able to track most species, and sometimes even predict where they might go.
Intellect: Although not a scholar or researcher, studying various books and tomes have left him with some knowledge on many subjects.
Force Abilities: Force Push (Only in times of great need, and only with extreme concentration.)
Levitate objects (Living beings have yet to be effected, still only in times of great concentration.)
KILLS: None for now.
RP's: The Guiding Hand / The Nar Shadda New Year:│-the-nar-shaddaa-new-year-dmed-thread-open-to-all/
ORCtoberfest - Trash Manda Edition:
Coruscant Cries For Liberty:
Pets on the Promenade (Genpals Event and Exhibition) :
The Grand Hunt:
FACTION: Independent
The Confederacy of Independent Systems
Mercs Legion
RANK: Mercenary/Hired Gun
SPECIES: Humanoid
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 foot 0 inches
WEIGHT: 156lb
EYES: Deep red
HAIR: Ginger, kept short and thick.
SKIN: Pale
Too Fast: Can move very quickly, both when running and when fighting. Prefers speed over strength.
Jack Of All Trades: Skilled in many things, after working many jobs, but master to none, since having little time to focus on one.
Skilled Fighter: Trained in combat with a vibro sword, and a decent shot with a blaster. Able to take small groups head on.
High Tolerance: Most drinks have little effect on him, and it takes a good many to have any real effect.
Cold?: Can withstand low temperatures for long periods of time without protection.
Neutral: Eagle Eyes: Can spot small details over large distances, however, this doesn't improve his aim.
It's Hot In Here: Can't handle high temperatures for long as having been born on an ice planet has weakened any chance of being able to handle to much heat for long.
A Challenger Appears: Noatyr is not used to fighting others of similar skill in a blade to blade encounter, as he has gotten used to fighting weaker opponents and blaster wielding combatants.
The Force? No Thanks: Not wanting to get involved to much with force wielders, Noatyr has no idea how to use his force abilities and therefore can't always control them.
*Crunch* : Doesn't do so well when it comes to being sneaky, so stealth missions tend to turn into run and gun situations.
APPEARANCE: Tall, thin, but not frail, with hair that is trimmed to neck height, and a clean shaven face. Wearing a light brown shirt underneath a blue field jacket, and black boots over grey pants. Sometimes wears a long black hood, which shadows most of his face, but leaving his red eyes shining from underneath. Looks mostly human until you pay attention to his eyes. A large scar trails up his left arm.
BIOGRAPHY: Born on a planet of ice and snow, Noatyr lived a very normal life up until the planet was taken over by a hostile force he no longer remembers. After the planet was thrown into chaos when the people of the planet began to rebel against the invaders, he was forced to flee the planet, leaving his family behind when they smuggled him onto a ship that was meant to take the richer families off of the planet. He chooses to forget any of it ever happened, and now works as a gun for hire, working for whoever pays him the most. Noatyr is force sensitive, and several of the employers he's worked under were Jedi or Sith, but the few that tried to recruit him were turned down, he has enough trouble, why add more? Due to visiting many bars while on mission, he has developed a strong tolerance for all kinds of drink. Although he thinks of himself as a neutral bystander in most things, he has a rather large soft spot for planets that have been taken over or nearly destroyed. Due to having to travel around a lot for work, one of his friends from the only planet he comes close to calling home, Hays Minor, leant him the ship he now travels in, the Z-10 Seeker.
An Old Blaster Rifle (BL-28 sniper rifle: )
Blue Field Jacket, Grey pants, Tunic, Black boots, Black cloak.
A Handheld Holoprojector
Two Months Worth of Consumables (Stored on ship)
A Transmitter
SHIP: Z-10 Seeker Class Scout Ship (Borrowed)
Gun Geek: Can take apart, and given time, put back together any blaster given to him.
Hand-to-hand: Can fight well with almost any melee weapon.
Piloting: Can fly his ship, the Z-10, but has a hard time with other ships.
Tracker: Able to track most species, and sometimes even predict where they might go.
Intellect: Although not a scholar or researcher, studying various books and tomes have left him with some knowledge on many subjects.
Force Abilities: Force Push (Only in times of great need, and only with extreme concentration.)
Levitate objects (Living beings have yet to be effected, still only in times of great concentration.)
KILLS: None for now.
RP's: The Guiding Hand / The Nar Shadda New Year:│-the-nar-shaddaa-new-year-dmed-thread-open-to-all/
ORCtoberfest - Trash Manda Edition:
Coruscant Cries For Liberty:
Pets on the Promenade (Genpals Event and Exhibition) :
The Grand Hunt: