Keepin Corellia Weird
Ijaat stood stroking his goatee as his eyes watered and swam from sleep deprivation. The counter ticking off seconds into minutes into hours read seventy eight hours, fifty five minutes, and thirty eight seconds in flashing red digital display, a slight chiming that was just the annoying side of pleasant clashed with the otherwise utterly silent and dead atmosphere. Beakers broiled slowly in different colored solutes, some with various measurement and metric devices inserted that were taking readings of goodness knows what. Other had half-formed, dead, or barely living specimens that looked like nothing more than bronze colored slugs with odd shells or backs to them, some of them looking almost chitinous and others looking translucent, despite the bronze tinge, almost gelatinous.
Turning, he moved to scribble in a notebook with an old fashioned graphite pencil and actual flimsi paper, an odd affectation for such a master of technology and science as he was. The paper was covered in cramped, pressured writing that spoke of obsession and desperation, geometric sketches and shapes interspersed within the formulaes and equations. The page next to the one he wrote on bore a sketch strikingly similar to the creatures in the various solutes, and he cursed, slamming hands on the durasteel table that were sheathed in shimmering gold, denting the surface of the working area as he vented his ire at his failures.
[member="Draco Vereen"]