Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nocturna, The Maw Of Death


Personal Information:

NAME: Nocturna

FACTION: The Horde

Affliation: The Supreme Overlord Dredge, Break, Dagon, Ashe the Reaper

SPECIES: Ragna Dragon: Vong Shaped

AGE: 20

SEX: Female

Biological information:

HEIGHT: 12 Meters High, 25 meter Wingspan, 50 Meters from mouth to tail.

WEIGHT: 3 tons


HAIR: None

SKIN: Black



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Hardened Scales:as a Ragna dragon she is completely covered in protectively hardened scales that make it hard for her to be harmed by most conventional weaponry, save anti armor weaponry, high energy cannons, and the likes. Even her wings have been changed into a more powerful weapon by adding armor and more scales

Maw of Doom: Nocturnas teeth and claws are something to be highly feared, they are made for rending flesh and killing its enemies with efficiency, her maw has also been changed to have toxic amount of bacteria a small cut from one of her teeth will be fatal within a matter of hours. As well as such she possess a strong tail and limbs, enabling her to simply crush her surroundings should that be her order.

Blackfire Breath: Nocturna is capable of breathing black flames of immense heat from her maw, this is pretty self explanatory.

Resistant mind: Nocturna is a Vong shaped creature designed to carry out her own objectives, as well as being a battle mount for the Supreme overlord. She is not easily manipulated like other dragons save for a chip that causes her unimaginable pain should she decide to disobey an order from her master. Aside from that she has her own aspirations and emotions.

Intelligent: Nocturna was Born smarter than other Ragna dragons, as such she is known to create her own strategies in able to help the Horde in tight situations (though most are ignored). Aside from that she has learned 2 languages and often converses with her handlers.

Extra armor: Nocturna has been fitted with extra Durasteel armor to be able to withstand heavier physical damage, however lightsabres and armor piercing rounds are highly effective against it, as well as it being bladed.

Size: Due to her size it is hard for her to fit into most ships and as such also makes her a massive target on the battle field, making her more easier to hit with projectile weaponry and firearms.

No arms: No front arms... need i say more?
limited flight: due to her armored wings and body its harder for her to get lift, she is able to fly however the distance and speed are greatly lowered that of an arkadian dragon

Control coral: Although she is able to think she does have a yorrik coral embedded into the base of her skull. if it is activated she will be completely incapacitated, however the only person able to access this is Dagon.

Pride: Nocturna is Pride personified, nothing scares her which can be dangerous considering she hasnt much experience in her adult body yet,


Nocturna is one of the original dragons born from the Vong shapers. She was the first to be able to communicate with another species and the only one capable of holding a conversation so far. After her first attempt at escape she destroyed half of a research facility and more than 100 people lost their lives. Thankfully Dredges madness sought to see her rewarded for her tenacity rather than punish her. By letting her live.





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Nocturna said:
[member="Cuu'rha"] plants are not dragons.
Nope, but this is. Since when is Cuu'rha a Mando, hmm?
I can do somethings you cannot; use the Force and turn into a little girl. :p
Dalansa said:
We may need a dragon-slayer tag soon.......
Not that I can do it, but there are some frighteningly powerful people here. And you may not want to get on their bad side
Knock knock.

Ill be willing to hunt a few of these people down.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
[member="Zoey Marix"] Hunt something... for a reward...


;) You could always hire a certain awesome Freelancer to help you slay the beastie. And if things go wrong, said Freelancer can drag your battered body to safety.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
[member="Nocturna"] ;) I am just messing with you. I don't intend to hunt you. The horde is one of my largest contractors. Killing one of their dragons wouldn't do well for my profits.
Nocturna said:
Force dead. armor of the gods. teeth that can crush all armor. have fun dying.
That just means I cant use it directly against you. and I'm gonna quote [member="Mikhail Shorn"] on this one "Force dead, No problem, chuck a bolder" With a beskad I can still cut your head off with enough power, strength and determination. You have no idea what I have done. I won't be so easily to die as you may think.

Kung Seilois said:
You could always hire a certain awesome Freelancer to help you slay the beastie. And if things go wrong, said Freelancer can drag your battered body to safety.
I would like that, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.

Nocturna said:
fight me and my 20 brothers and sisters at the same time.
I'm gonna improvise on Shorn's saying, "20 force dead, no problem, chick 20 boulders" If you get what I am saying here is that I never give up.

Supreme Overlord Dredge said:
*puffs up chest and waves arms in the air like a crab to ward off predators*
*Looks at dredge with a weird look* OKAAAAAAAYY

Xyhn-Tuhros said:
Fite me and my Aliit Vode!
*rolls eyes*

And the rest is really just messed up.

[member="Kung Seilois "]Your lack of Zoidberg is bad, and you should feel bad!

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