Noel Strasza
Music | GRIM |
Class(es) | Combat Controller |
Birthplace | Krieg |
Age | Thirty-five |
Rank(s) | Lord Executor |
Faction(s) | New Imperial Order |
Home | Ravelin, Bastion |
Species | Human Cyborg |
Language(s) | Mando'a (Native), Galactic Basic, Binary |
Gender | Female |
Martial Status | Divorced |
Force Sensitive | Force-dead |
Character Alignment | Lawful Neutral |
Height | 5'10" (1.8m) |
Weight | 300 lbs (136kg) |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Glowing red; augmented by cybernetic lenses |
Scars | Extensive facial scarring. |
"You ever had the sun set over a world you're siegin' and not even notice 'cause of how bright the fire still is? That's my favorite kinda night."
Born on the Mandalorian world of Krieg, Noel was raised by the Shi'lai, valuing the principles of their culture and society above all else. As such, she was raised alongside her six brothers as equal, with high emphasis put on the inevitable eventuality of becoming a warrior. She fought beside her family in many skirmishes on their homeworld, tucking some serious battle experience under her belt by the time she was seventeen. Like all good things, though, such came to an end.
But not by outside forces, no.
Hearing the passing word of galactic warfare and the warring factions from visitors in the city, she caught herself consumed by the desire to leave Krieg and do more with herself. And so, the same night she had heard the word, she snuck out from her family home and bargained passage with the merchants to their next destination: Carlac.
Once she had landed on the icy, industrial world, Noel strode into the recruiter's office, snow still on her shoulders, and signed up for The Carlaci Corps.
The grueling, soul-crushing training required much from her, more than she thought she could offer plenty of times over- but every time she felt ready to stay down, she summoned up the strength and pushed on. When it was time to finally train with firearms, Noel stood out above her class by head and shoulders, having the previous experience to absolutely crush every challenge and task placed before her. With this much established, her true skill began to shine during classification training.
She was picked out and designated to be a marksman and sent promptly to scout training.
Once she had finished her training and was assigned to her squadron, Noel participated in a plethora of battles, always keeping to the fringes of the bloodshed to provide long-range support, and occasionally delving deep into enemy territory to establish footholds and sabotage critical points and locations to aid her forces in gaining the advantage, and thus, "Bridgebreaker" was born.
![The insignia of Doom Division- edited together from stock images by the writer. The insignia of Doom Division- edited together from stock images by the writer.](https://i.imgur.com/xIRq881.png)
Supreme General Halketh caught wind of her outstanding achievements sometime after she had earned her bars, and had her transferred into his special company, which would later be known affectionately as "Doom Division". But like everyone else, Stras had to work her way up the chain of command, all while surviving battle after battle alongside other troopers who were just as skilled as she was. She learned much in her time at the bottom of the food chain, namely a greater resilience and humility. It wasn't easy being at the bottom of the pecking order, but never would she have wanted it to be.
Eventually, as the Doom Division project grew, Strasza was promoted to the rank of Major and given her own squadron of shocktroopers to command. Most prominently, she led them into battle during The Third Imperial Civil War, when the New Imperial Order seized the capital of The Sith Empire, Bastion. She was among those to climb Fortress Carnifex and plant the new banner at the top, claiming the fortress for her faction.
Yet, after they had claimed victory, Strasza was ambushed and thrown from the roof of the fortress, barely surviving the impact to the scorched ground below thanks to the intervention of her corps' Force-weaving medics, the VALKs. For weeks, Strasza teetered on the verge of death, saved through rather grim means, and repurposed to be a super-soldier. From the jaw down, her body could not be saved, and instead, she was rebuilt almost entirely with extensive cybernetics- turned into a machine with only some of her face, mind, and internal organs remaining as a reminder for what she once was.
Since her "rebirth" of sorts, the major was reassigned to TASK FORCE 66 and continues to serve the New Imperial Order as the elite strike team's commanding officer, marksman, and scout specialist. "Bridgebreaker" is no more, and in her stead back from the brink, "Deader" has risen.
With Lord Halketh declaring independence for Carlac and the planet going to war, Strasza defected from her Corps to provide intelligence and support to the Grand Imperial Assembly and was present when the bombing occurred. She was severely damaged during the attack, though was rebuilt and made a full recovery. From recovery, she was selected by the new Imperator, hand-picked to serve as the enforcer of his will directly; an Imperial Spectre.
As the Second Great Hyperspace War began in full, the seat of Lord Executor within the New Imperial Order remained empty, until the Sovereign Imperator Rurik Fel named her the next in line, elevating the loyal operative to serve as his direct successor and right-hand.
![By the writer. By the writer.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789880777814966273/879521180808269904/REVENANT_no_frame.png)
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order military personnel currently within active service.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who participated in engagements within the Braxant Campaign.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who participated in the onset of Operation Kyber Dark.
To be distributed to New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who displayed acts of significant merit in combat situations.
To be distributed to New Imperial Order military personnel injured or killed in action.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who participated in engagements within the Stygian Campaign.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who participated in engagements within the Pentastar Campaign.
To be distributed to New Imperial Order ground forces who displayed acts of significant merit in combat situations.
To be distributed to New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who went above and beyond the call of duty in combat.
To be distributed to honorable, worthy combatants at the discretion of the Galidraani High Command.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who participated in the Third Imperial Civil War.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order and allied military personnel who participated in defensive engagements of the New Imperial Order.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order IMPMAG personnel who participated in allied military operations.
To be distributed to all New Imperial Order and Bastion Protocols military personnel who participated in joint military operations.
"The Major? Oh feth, yeah don't piss her off- she hits like a damn Destroyer."
![Artwork commissioned from the fab @roritopito on Twitter! Artwork commissioned from the fab @roritopito on Twitter!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/696554848950288425/925870713682944060/IMG_4789.png)
With extensive battle history under her belt, the cyborg approaches situations, especially tense ones, with a very heavy-handed approach, resorting to violence quickly to resolve issues. Where she was something of a daydreamer before, she's long since gone ice-cold and seeks only to serve the interests of The Order, finding purpose in that alone where existence would otherwise be meaningless. Establishing any sort of relationship with her outside of the professional seems extremely unlikely.
- Resilient - Her harsh upbringing prepared her for the reality of the world.
- Powerhouse - Stronger, faster, and more resistant than ever before, Stras is an absolute powerhouse physically.
- Quiet - She doesn't often speak much, though one may get the impression she's highly engaged anyway.
- Tactician - Overthinking and overanalyzing are her best friends.
- Scrappy - If there's a problem, oh, she'll solve it.
- Cyborg - She's incredibly resistant to physical damage and Force influences on her body but suffers severely from electrical and energy-based attacks.
- Distant - Her tendency to be reserved often reads as aloofness, causing her interpersonal skills to suffer.
- Fiery - She's got a wicked bad temper and not nearly enough ammunition, most of the time.
- Sacrificial - She's more than willing to be the one to hold the door for everyone else while the bomb is counting down.
- Heavy - Her cybernetic frame is over twice as heavy compared to her organic one, resulting in a cumbersome weight that may cause issues if she is plunged into water for long periods, must be carried, or when supported on treacherous terrain.
- Haunted - War is no stranger to Strasza. Violence, even less so. She's plagued with nightmares and occasionally suffers near-crippling relapses into trauma when reminded or confronted with the previous horrors she has endured.
![Artwork credited to Julian Qar. Artwork credited to Julian Qar.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/801177301093974017/826673087676284948/image0.png)
From the upper jaw and above, her features remain the same, untouched save for the cybernetic lines tracing her skull from the corners of her upper lip to her ears, and branching off to curl beneath each eye to support the implants and modifications done there. The flesh remaining on her face is supported by synthetic lifeblood and artificial fluid pumped through her frame by her false heart, keeping it alive and animated in order for her to retain some sense of purpose and self. Her chest is the bulkiest portion of her body and is the most heavily reinforced.
Noticeably, on the flat guards of her chest, she's painted quite a few custom pieces, with perhaps the most memorable being a spray-painted falling sparrow and the numbers '00-01' in bold lettering.
- VHD-895 - A microcomputer module with a series of processors and databases designed and programmed with multiple code-breaking and counter-cryptography subroutines. This provides her immediate assistance in bypassing, shutting down, or overriding electronic systems with standard or non-standard terminal interfaces.
- VHD-895SH Informational Warfare Obfuscation Augmentation - An augmentation to the VHD-895 itself, this module slots into the primary processor within the cranium to provide Stras aid in electronic-intrusion scenarios. This module emits misdirection and noise packets to reduce the chances of detection and trace when slicing.
- Network Scout Electronic Systems Analysis Augmentation (NSESAA) - Works in conjunction with the VHD-895 to provide her with important information during a slicing attempt; including the likelihood of detection, content/suspected content of network modules, route bypasses, and the encryption levels of data stores. This cranial implant provides real-time feedback to Strasza on nearly every aspect of an electronic intrusion.
- Hostikyan NeuralOptics Fortifier System (HNFS) - A defense module socketed onto the VHD-895 that protects Strasza's personal network from counter-intrusion and alerts her to attempted slice.
- Wayfinder Radar System - Projects directly onto the augmented retinal interface, this offers Strasza location information about targets, objectives, and allows the tracking of targets beyond the physically visible range. This system's module is rather compact given its implementation into her skull, and only boasts a core-processor, ranging and detection system, and a connective link to her visual cortex for the active collection of data.
- Commlink - A telecommunications implant allowing Strasza to receive and transmit message signals without creating audible sounds through implanted cochlear and vibration detection devices.
- Video signals accompanying transmissions are displayed directly onto her retinal HUD.
- The process of sub-vocalization allows the cyborg to communicate over communications networks and links without making any audible sound of her own.
- EyeSight Retinal Prosthesis - Retinal augmentations boasting connective link to her visual cortex.
- Optoelectronic Retinal HUD - Allows direct data and information to be displayed over Strasza's field of view and vision.
- Smart Vision - An optical membrane implant that enables Strasza to scan through some walls (excludes betaplast and beskar), doors, and organic material to see what lies beyond. This module implants the physical eye with a series of suspended organic-plastic lenses that use embedded circuitry to build on the data provided by the EyeSight Prosthesis. These layered lenses result in the strange, ring-like circles orbiting and turning in opposite directions around her pupils. This data provides the ability to match silhouettes and body kinetics into micro-thermograph and t-wave lens modules, thus providing a limited capacity of 'X-Ray Vision' through solid objects.
- Night Vision - Infrared, thermal, and even motion-based night vision options are available to Strasza depending on her environment.
- Cybernetic Arms - Built on a frame of advanced polymers and heavy-duty metals, and utilizing myomers- collections of electro-stimulated plastic cables that mimic muscle tissue- to a massively enhanced degree, on the surface alone, Strasza's arms are nothing to scoff at. Powered by micro-motors and high-powered, shock-absorbing liquid polymer buffers, she is able to vastly overshadow and achieve strength beyond traditional human capabilities.
- Ace - Concealed within the paneling of her right forearm lay a vibroblade totaling twenty-six inches in length that becomes active and powered once deployed. The blade itself is fashioned from a poly-cortosis blend, making it optimal for duels with lightsaber-wielding opponents.
- ODO - Highly charged conductors within the socket of her right-hand power-up, causing the hand itself to snap out of the way, making way for the release of a charged, electro-magnetic wave capable of blasting back threats. This generates heat which must be vented and cooled, and also consumes quite a deal of power from her storage cells.
- 2-5 VIPER ARRAY - A slicer array built into her left hand; sports all the ports and cables required for a direct electronic high-jacking or intrusion.
- COIL - Built into her left knuckles, this module allows Strasza to fire up to three bursts of quiet, arcing electricity to disable humanoid and mechanical/electronic opposition. The range for COIL is a standard 10m (30ft) and can be used on a maximum of three targets simultaneously with the aid of her retinal HUD.
- Liquid-polymer Reaction Management Buffers - These serve within her wrists, elbows, and shoulders to reduce or eliminate the recoil of firearms when she wields them.
- Bioplastic Shock Absorption Compressor - Activated when she fires weapons at their top rotation, killing recoil and required compensation completely.
- Strength - Durable, military-grade myomer muscle units within her arms allow her to lift and carry up to 272kg (600 lbs.) without strain.
- Reflex Stabilizer - An implant connecting her cranial augmentations to the external servos and artificial nervous system; this reads and processes inputs from her sensors for balance and orientation, and modifies them. This gives her great advantage in the departments of hand-eye-coordination, balance, and muscle-control, regardless of her current condition or stability.
- Quicksilver - Fast-link neural servos within these arms improve her agility and hand-to-hand combat prowess, allowing her to engage targets in CQC situations and incapacitate them simultaneously.
- Cybernetic Legs - Built on a frame of advanced polymers and heavy-duty metals, and utilizing myomers- collections of electro-stimulated plastic cables that mimic muscle tissue- to a massively enhanced degree, on the surface alone, Strasza's legs are nothing to scoff at. Powered by micro-motors and high-powered, shock-absorbing liquid polymer buffers, she is able to vastly overshadow and achieve strength beyond traditional human capabilities.
- Flightline MX - Myomer strands in her ankles, calves, and charged power cells in her knees grant her the ability to jump up to 3m (9ft) into the air from a standstill.
- Hermes PRT - She is able to sprint up to 7.5m/s (24ft/s).
- Utilizing and leveraging the motors and absorbent polymer in her ankles and knees, Strasza is able to walk and run silently.
- Utilizing and leveraging the motors and absorbent polymer in her ankles, shins, knees, and hips, Strasza is able to leap and land silently.
- Guardian RX Health System - A complex, combination implant that uses electro-cardio action, adrenal stimuli, and protein-therapy to fight off infections and injury through a very limited regenerative capability.
- The primary components of this implant are a series of hair-fine sensor probes connected to organic organ tissue and providing constant, real-time biomedical data to the central health monitor implanted in her cranium.
- This data is displayed onto her retinal HUD.
- Tracks her medical condition and triggers secondary modules should certain biomedical values fall beneath or exceed pre-determined thresholds or suffer critical damage. These modules are implanted in her heart tissue, her lymphatic system, and her adrenal glands.
- The primary components of this implant are a series of hair-fine sensor probes connected to organic organ tissue and providing constant, real-time biomedical data to the central health monitor implanted in her cranium.
- Lazarus Defibrillator V47 - A defibrillator implant unit capable of restarting Strasza's heart up to 80 times without needing a recharge.
- Rebreather - The core components are implanted in the primary bronchi, where the lungs connect to the trachea. A combination of nanomesh filter and oxygen circulation unit recycles and cleanses indrawn breaths before passing them into the organic lung tissue. Additionally, chemical exchange reactants injected into the alveoli assist in the process of blood oxygenation, increasing Stras's stamina, and the duration she is able to hold her breath.
- This module also provides her chemical and biological weapon immunity but does not allow her to breathe in conditions where no oxygen is present at all.
- Kinetic 8 Energy Converter - Adapts and absorbs the impact and force absorbed by the liquid polymer in her body into power cells located on her four limbs, which may later be used.
- These cells can passively be charged by walking/running/jumping/landing.
- Celest Landing System - Implanted towards the base of her cybernetic spine, this module boasts a descent sensor with the sole purpose of detecting freefall. Once detected, it deploys a focused, projected electromagnetic field to decelerate her velocity, and allow her to fall from reasonable heights without injury or damage.
- White Rabbit Cloaking Device - A grid of fine induction wires mapped across her cybernetic frame and connected to the control modules located on the backs of her artificial ribcage, which feed into her brain- serve to bend the light around her frame when activated. Through the use of conductive, electromagnetic manipulation, Strasza is able to vanish to near-perfect invisibility.
- Using the WRCD drains her power cells heavily.
Darkness Falls: NIO Invasion of TSE Held Bastion - The planting of NIO banner and her tumble from grace.
Over and Over | Second Battle of Borosk | NIO DOMINION - PRE-CYBORG ERA on the timeline of events.
Humans Are Such Easy Prey | Dominion of New Bakstre | NIO - TASK FORCE 66 sets out on a special mission beneath the warring streets.
Reclamation | NIO & Allies - A rare moment of peace and celebration for The New Imperial Order months after Bastionfall.
The Calling | Frigid Dawn | NIO vs GA - After adding "terrorist" to her blacked-out resume, Strasza and her newly trained squadron of insurgents defend their fortress from Galactic Alliance invaders.
Onward | Dominion of Ord Thoden | NIO - The NIO must stop a revolution on Ord Thoden before they risk losing the world completely. Strasza rendezvous with an unfamiliar unit and steps out to squash the insurgency before it can get off the ground.
Rage Awakened: TSE Invasion of NIO Held Bastion - The NIO faces the vengeful TSE on Bastion. Strasza plunges into the fray and dukes it out with a Sith Apprentice and S-IMP Trooper. Lots of things explode.
Sunsworn Pact | Dominion of Thyrus | NIO - Strasza steps into the arena to test her might as the annual Feast of Blades held by the Thyrsian people kicks off. No holds barred, no allies, just a free-for-all deathmatch with blades on the sand.
Archaisians Never Die | Dominion of Archais | NIO - Caught in an ambush by guerilla forces, Strasza and her men must hold out until reinforcements arrive to rescue them- but things aren't always so easy, depending on just who it is on the other side of the scope.
Crumbling Castle | NIO Invasion of TSE Held Gravlex Med and Ibanjii (Generis) - HAHA BIG GUN GO BRRRRRRRRT.
Hope Never Dies | GA Invasion of TSE Held Ziost and Tiss'Sharl - LIGHT CALLED- IRON PAID. The Death of Doom Division.
You're Invited | NIO & Allies - A rare reprieve from combat.
Far From Any Road | Reclamation of Concord Dawn - Kicking in doors, stacking bodies.
Operation Shadowdance: TSE Invasion of NIO-held Muunilinst, Orinackra and Ord Thoden - Blue balls.
Kill Them All and let God Sort them Out: AC Invasion of TSE held Ziost, Mirial, Ruuria - Communications crumbled.
Revelry in Ravelin | NIO Capital Crowning of Bastion - A sudden and swift moment of humanity.
Deathly Defiance | Populate of Gravlex Med | NIO - Leaving her home behind, Strasza offers valuable information to The Grand Assembly. Terrorist attack. Tavlar dies.
Death's Sting: SJC Invasion of BotM held Lao-Mon - The first task of her new assignment as Imperial Spectre; things don't go so smoothly.
Lord and Master | Dominion of Lorrd | NIO - The enigmatic Spectres meet with the Iron Imperator to receive assignments and share reports.
Stratego | Dominion of Toprawa | NIO - REVENANT returns with the details of her infiltration of Maw territory and receives the promotion to Lord Executor.
Remnants | NIO Dominion of Tandun III - The Lord Executor leads The 7th Fleet in the base-delta-zero of Carlac and spends time amongst the Carlaci refugees, sniffing out the Caelitus Loyalists amongst their ranks.
- If you would like to set up a thread or interaction, feel free to DM me, I don't bite.
- I consent to character injury/damage, go nuts!
- Artwork/Commission credits listed in the alt text for each image.
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