
NAME: Nok-Krah-Nin
FACTION: Outer Rim Coalition
SPECIES: Tiss’shar, kal-ar subspecies
AGE: 23 standard years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’ 7” (2 m.)
WEIGHT: 770 lbs (350 kg.)
EYES: Amber
SKIN: Dark green scales with black tiger stripes.
+ Quick on His Feet: Despite his size, Nok can move very quickly, easily keeping pace with most humanoids.
+ Primal Strength: Alongside his speed, Nok is incredibly strong, even capable of holding his own against a Wookie if needed.
+ Good-natured: Despite his appearance and chosen career path, Nok has a kind heart, means well, and will do his best to help those in need.
+Proficient Close to Mid Range Marksman: As is befitting a being in his line of work, Nok can engage targets with both pistols and rifles with little trouble, although long-range sniping is beyond his skillset.
+Excellent Hand-to-Hand/Melee combatant
- Animalistic Bloodlust: Though he tries to be quick and efficient in combat, his predatory instincts can take over in close quarters combat, causing him to become more crazed and go overboard, often causing collateral damage.
- Reptillian Physiology: Despite his usually good intentions, Nok often draws fearful reactions from people, as a six-foot tall lizard with razor-sharp teeth and dagger like claws doesn't exactly convey a friendly image. This makes making friends and creating alliances decidedly more difficult.
-Technologically Inept: While capable of performing basic operations with them, Nok has next to no technical know-how, leaving him to need to rely on others when it comes to slicing.
Standing at an imposing six and a half feet when drawing himself up to his full height and having a sleek and muscular frame, Nok is certainly not inconspicuous. His scales are primarily a dark green, though like other members of the kal-ar subspecies, thin concentric bands of black scales extend from his jawline to the tip of his tail. These stripes, along with amber colored eyes that seem to catch the light and a long snout full of sharp teeth, combine to give him a dangerous and predatory appearance.
Claw-tipped, four fingered hands allow Nok to manipulate most things with ease, although the single sickle claws on each of his feet are his preferred weapon when unarmed. His tail, being of a moderate length, assists with balance when running, and tends to lash from side to side when Nok is agitated or excited.
When on the job, Nok can be found wearing a set of HK LA-2 light armor, sans knee guards with twin vibrodaggers, a HK-45 heavy blaster pistol, and a pair of frag grenades secured to the vest. When a little more kick is needed, he can be found carrying around an Outback Long Gun. Occasionally, Nok will don a hooded black cloak when some measure of concealment is needed.
Having grown up under the care of two loving parents in a trade city on Tiss'sharl, Nok’s childhood was far from troubling or tough. Like many of his people, his family were under the patronage of a corporation, which provided a place to live and general essentials in exchange for work. With there being several hundred families within this company’s patronage, these accommodations were far from extravagant or generous, but they served their purpose well nonetheless. Such circumstances taught Nok from a young age that to get what you wanted, one needed to work hard to earn it, and fight to keep it. Taking this lesson to heart, Nok worked hard, eventually working his way into a supervisory role on the company’s assembly line.
One day on the line, the CEO came through to conduct an inspection. As the executive and his entourage made their way down the line, Nok noticed one of the workers, a fellow Tiss’shar, giving the man furtive glances and shifting in place. Acting on gut instinct, he rapidly approached the worker, reaching him just as he pulled a blaster. Letting out a screech, Nok tackled the worker, dispatching him with his teeth. For his quick thinking and bravery, Nok was promoted to the company’s security team, a position he happily worked in for quite some time. At least until the Sith showed up.
Once the emissaries of the Empire showed up and the Sith took control, Nok’s company found itself losing profits in the wake of the economic shift the takeover caused. Deciding to cut his losses before the company dragged him down with it, Nok packed up and left his homeworld, using his experience on the security team to jumpstart a career as a mercenary. Eventually he caught wind of a ragtag group of folks fighting the good fight out in the southern rim, and liking the look of the group, decided to join up with them.
Jast 1 freighter, modified to include a forward facing, ventral mounted concussion missile launcher with a magazine capacity of six at the expense of reduced cargo space.