Ara Zambrano
Sarathiel Ren

The breeze carried on it the acrid scent of molten metal, dirt, ash, and of course, blood. The battlefield around them glowed with the abrasive orange and sulfur hues of the raging magma flowing past, a natural moat meant to ensnare the unobservant or weak into the fiery depths. The screams of the passing TIE and x-wings overhead whistled through their ears, a dog fight for supremacy of the stars mimicking the simple battles for survival on the ground. Green and red flashed above, a fireworks display clashing against the crimson pools of blood soaking into the dirt beneath the soles of the ivory clad soldiers of the First Order.
The spray of artillery fire sent pieces of Duraplast scattering, shrapnel embedding itself into each available surface, ripping into armour and machinery with equal abandon for friend of foe, soldiers felled with anguished cries of rage and pain, the keening rising high above the field to penetrate into the minds of those still standing. Shouts of orders carried on the winds spurred the mass of bodies forward, the hard unyielding tones inspiring bloodlust and venom into the hearts of men.
The knight stood above the din, her eyes narrowed in derision as she watched, cloak whipping in the winds, edges torn and burnt, a sinister edge to the dark robes she swathed herself in. Tendrils of chocolate locks clung to her neck and face as sweat coated her body in a second, less pleasant layer of protection, the sting of salt in the myriad of cuts and wounds peppering her form, largely ignored.
The crimson glow of her ignited blade flashed up and out, meeting with the emerald hue of her opponents in a shower of sparks and heat, not unlike the tapestry of colors that filled the sky above. A viscous grin curled up the corners of her mouth as they disengaged and met again, body moving with ease as the power flowing through her anticipated each new sweep of his blade, her body reacting with quick efficiency.
Another explosion of dirt and rocks showered the pair as passing air support continued their torrent on the ground forces. A split second to glance above cost her dearly, the man before moving with a swiftness held in check until just such an opportunity arose. Verdant plasma arched through the air, unopposed, meeting with the exposed flesh of her upper arm, the smell of hair and skin burning a grisly aroma added to the heady mix swirling around them…
Ara tumbled to the ground, blinking in surprise as the stick smacked against her upper arm hard enough to bruise. Face screwed up in a grimace, tongue pressed against the back of her teeth as angry tears welled, blood flooded her cheeks in embarrassment, the ten-year old glaring at the figure now towering above her with a triumphant grin.
”Hey stoopid face, I’m supposed to be stronger than you! I’ma KNIGHT!”
With all the indignation a young girl could muster, she scrambled to her feet. A skater skirt, almost too short for someone her age, adorned in splatters of mud and dirt added to the pink motif, along with a ”Daddy’s Little Girl” tee and equally bright, rain boots. The braid her poor father had attempted to master that morning coming undone with the onslaught of activity the playground wrought.
Fuming expression banishing away the last of the tears, she hurled a fist at the boy’s arm, connecting solidly with the flesh, “lightsaber” cast aside, the poor stick lying useless on the ground.

This is the first of our “For Poodoo and Giggles” RP topics! Meant to be a fun de-stressor, completely non-canon, these threads will allow us to explore our characters in new ways and settings, adding some fun and hilarity to our time on Chaos. Geared towards members of the First Order, anyone is welcome to join, just please contact me first.
This week’s theme: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!
The idea is simple, we are now children playing pretend on the playground! Suddenly, the lightsabers are sticks, clashing against each other as children giggle and scream. [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] running around the gathered children with arms held out making flight noises at the top of his lungs. [member="Natasi Fortan"] and [member="Dante Calgar"] watching with arms crossed while everyone refuses to abide by the rules of engagement on the playground. [member="Mishel Zanteres"] running from one scene to another, jumping in mid-story, causing a ruckus and running off laughing maniacally.
Jump in, start a story and have fun! If anyone wants to claim to be the boy Ara just punched, go for it! Weave your own solo adventure or interact is completely up to you. This is meant to be a creative outlet just because.
Tagging those who have expressed interest:
[member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Jaron Lesan"] | [member="Caehl Ren"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kayla Wylen"]
Any and all others are welcome to join!