Nor'baal Durga Bareesh
[SIZE=11pt]Name: Nor’baal Durga Bareesh[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Faction: Bareesh Family[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Rank: Fence [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Species: Hutt[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Age: 120[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Sex: Hermaphrodite (Male Personality)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Height: Stout[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Weight: Overweight[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eyes: Blue[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hair: N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Skin: Dullish Green/Brown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force Sensitive: No[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Strengths and Weaknesses: Thanks to his professional occupation, Nor’baal can boast a considerable aptitude for double crossing, persuasion and trickery. Naturally, his prestigious mind is offset by his slow movement and his gluttonous approach to dining.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Appearance: Like many of his kind, Nor’baal is a large sentient, easily recognisable in a room due to his sheer size. However, to non-Hutts he is hard to tell apart from others of his ilk, due to an overall lack of noticeable redeeming features. His skin follows a paler pigment than some of his cousins, and is known to adorn himself in jewels when he is engaged in meetings with others - as a means of displaying his wealth.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Biography: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Nor’baal the Hutt was born as the youngest son of a Hutt Crime Lord, known as Aruba the Hutt, one of the members of the expansive Bareesh Hutt Family. Born as a result of a political requirement, to found and cement an alliance between two Hutt Kajadics (Families), his birth parent gave him as collateral to the Besadii family, as part of a large deal that would secure the fortunes for both their families.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Regrettably for Nor’baal, this union, with him being the youngest Huttlett on the Bareesh Hutt side, put him out of the main line of succession, entitling him only to a small portion of his birth parents wealth in the event of their death. With this at the forefront of both his mind, and the minds of his Besadii hosts, Nor’baal was relegated to supervision duties for slave stock and sales for the better part of his youth.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]For nearly a decade he enjoyed the spoils his position would bring him, dining, smoking and drinking to his chubby little self was content, all the while learning the art of the Slave trade, as well as the internal politics of the Hutts. Soon, when he felt quite ready, the young Hutt began to work on a plan to return to the family of his birth, and break free of the contract - forged by his parent - that bound him to the Besadii.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]For nearly a decade he propagated and formulated plans with shady scum and associates, so that he was in the correct position both financial and politically to launch the next stage of his plan. Soon, on the occasion of his 75th birthday, when he officially became an adult in the eyes of his Hutt peers, he arranged a grand feast for his Besadii Hosts, to celebrate his coming of age. Vast stores of Tree Frogs, Hookah and Wine was purchased, and brought in from across the Hutt Lands, to commemorate this great occasion.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Lining his stomach with absorbing stones, which he consumed over several days, the Hutt was ready to commence his plan, when the Besadii who has signed his contract forcing him into the new family, arrived at his party. Nor’baal, having laced all the wine with poison, offered it around, and to build trust consumed it himself. Within one hour, his guests started to convulse, and Nor’baal joined in - so as to appear that he himself was likewise affected.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Nor’baal, being an intelligence and scheming Hutt, was of course saved by his previous consumption of stones, and put it down to him being younger and more resilient than the now deceased members of the Besadii. Thus, with the death of one of the parties, the contract broke down, allowing the now adult Hutt to return to his family, despite the once again rekindled rivalries between the Besadii and Bareesh Hutts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Returning to Nar Shadaa, and taking up residence in his father's palace there, Nor’baal took up a job as one of the many assistants or ‘Captains’ for his father's enterprise, filling the role of ‘medium and broker’ for the many different contracts and deals that his family and their members brokered on a nearly daily basis. Left to fend for himself within the confines of the Palace, the Hutt set about forming new contacts and contracts with scum and criminals from across the Outer-Rim.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Of course, with a lack of trust now rampant between the two large families, the Bareesh and Besadii, business was tough, and competition was high, requiring a cut-throat approach to dealing with competitor, or loan defaulters. Nor’baal therefore engaged in a dangerous game, the game of tackling the rising and hostile influence of his families life-long enemies, the Besadii Clan.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Tasked by his father to bring the Besadii Gun Running operations into disrepute, the Hutt began a process of betrayal and deceit that would set his name on the Desajilic Stage as a worm of great repute and reputation.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]It was important for the Hutt to achieve what his Parent had tasked him with, or else the Bareesh would find themselves several steps behind their rivals. As such, he formulated a Plan to expose the Besadii as a group working against the interests of the Empire, at the highest peak of the Sith Emperor's power. Hiring a team of Mercenaries to take out a Besadii weapons shipment in secret, and send the vessel across the Imperial Border to be sold to rebel groups, who Nor’baal then tipped off with information on the schematics of an Imperial Bastion, the Hutt simply had to wait.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Within weeks the bastion was bombed by the Rebels, with Besadii Weaponry, and the Clan attracted the ire of the Imperium, which was against the Cartels ‘Foreign Policy’ at the time. Besadii, forced to pay vast reparations and bribes to keep the Imperial War machine at bay, was crippled, and its Gun running operation was shut down within months, to prevent a repeat of the incident.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Reporting back to his father, victorious in his quest, the Hutt was lauded by his Clan as an extraordinary schemer of great renown and repute, and granted a great reward by his Parent, a throne of his very own, next to his Fathers. Nor’baal, having brought shame and damage to the Besadii, was once again welcome in the halls of Bareesh.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Such happy times with the family would not last however, for soon plans were wet in motion by his uncle, to see the removal of Nor’baals father from the top of the family, so that he himself might assume control of the their wing of the Kajadic. Over nearly a year, plans and counter ploys played out, with the Palace of his father becoming a place filled with deathtraps and plotters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]However, his father fell behind the pace of the ploys against him, succumbing to the age old trick of poisoned wine, succumbing quickly to the agonising death it caused in front of his entire court. Soon, Nor’baal Uncle took to the throne, and the Hutt was forced to act fast to cement his own position in the family, and to ensure that he could benefit from the death of his parent.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]No time to mourn, and little desire to do so either, the Hutt began gift giving, bribes and information trading with his new Lord, currying favor to preserve his own life, reputation, and position within the Kajidic.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]His toadying paid off however, with the Hutt being swiftly rewarded with the position of ‘Majordomo’ within the Clan, assuming new quarters, responsibilities and powers within the Clan, managing the life of the Clans Lord - his Uncle, and his Father's killer. Taking to the role with ease, the Hutt began to cement the Clans hold over local gangs and criminal associations, arranging a series of killing and bombing in the streets of Nal Hutta and the Smugglers Moon, in a night that became known as ‘Bareesh Hutt Massacres’.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Soon the Clans loyal subjects declared themselves, and their enemies either defected to other families, or fled the system - thus enabling the newly appointed Majordomo to gain a further understanding on the full extent of the Clan in which he found himself in high office. Over the course of the next few years, the Majordomo secured the loyalties of new criminal groups, betrayed piracy gangs and short changed other families.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Busy as he was, the Hutt failed to notice the vast bounty that had been posted on his Master's head by one of his Brothers, in revenge for their father's death. Now deeply en-grained in the regime of his Uncle, Nor’baal would regret overlooking the placement of the Bounty for the rest of his life.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]One the day of the anniversary of his Uncles ascension to Head of the Family, Nor’baal suddenly became very much aware of the Bounty on his Lords head. Sat in his throne at the head of the feasting hall, the Lorda suddenly exploded, showering the various guests in gore and entrails. Shortly afterwards a fragment of an explosive device would be found in the remains of the deceased Hutt Lord.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Now very much aware of the plot on his Lords life, but far too late, the Hutt Majordomo Nor’baal soon found himself ushered out of the Palace in disgrace for his failures, but not before he managed to secret off chests of Nova Crystals from the Palace vaults in order to keep himself stable in his retreat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Within weeks, spent pilfering the Palace, the Hutt was removed from office, and sent away, like so many before him, to make a name for himself, bring in a profit for the Clan, in return for being welcomed back to the Clan in the future.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Using one of his several dozen stashed of Nova Crystals hidden around the Outer-Rim, the Hutt bribed his way into the criminal group ‘The Black Son’ as a Vigo in their Spice Trading Operations, based on one of the moons of Oba Diah, dealing in Glitter Stim, through hosting his own Spice Den on the distant moon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]His skills as a Majordomo came in useful in this endeavor, as he quickly turned a large profit through the sale of Spice, Loan Sharking as well as a large amount of private deals on the side which he used to line his own pockets, hidden away in various bank accounts across the Galaxy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Remaining in the Rank of Vigo for his entire time with the Black Sun, the Hutt soon left the Black Sun after a decade of working for them, confident that he had secured sufficient credits to make a bid for power back in his home clan. Buying his way out of the Sun, and returning to Bareesh with his fortune, Nor’baal was welcomed back with open arms - following a campaign of hefty bribes - by the incumbent Lordas.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Soon after his return to the family, Nor’baal was permitted to broker slaving agreements with certain small piracy groups and markets. Once again he excelled, his plotting and scheming proving most successful in this, having Bounties placed on those who refused to pay (or were unable to), and rewarding those who consistently adhered to contracts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Moving his operation to a small Palace of his own, based in a Tower on Nal Hutta itself, the Hutt expanded his operation, taking in vast amounts of slaves before a mutiny and revolt from his stock pushed him out of the Trade.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With decades spent within the Courts of the Bareesh, with nearly half a century of running a wide spanning criminal empire, the Hutt was not without experience, and hardly lacking for allies. He positioned himself as a Hutt of means, and soon it became known that Nor’baal Bareesh was a man to whom you went if you had need of items or information that otherwise would be hard to come buy. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Fencing stolen goods, people and information, trading in highly classified weapons and secrets, the Hutt rebuilt, slowly, a semblance of his former fortune.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ship: None[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Kills: None[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Bounties Collected: None[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Roleplays: - [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Name: Nor’baal Durga Bareesh[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Faction: Bareesh Family[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Rank: Fence [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Species: Hutt[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Age: 120[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Sex: Hermaphrodite (Male Personality)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Height: Stout[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Weight: Overweight[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eyes: Blue[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hair: N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Skin: Dullish Green/Brown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force Sensitive: No[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Strengths and Weaknesses: Thanks to his professional occupation, Nor’baal can boast a considerable aptitude for double crossing, persuasion and trickery. Naturally, his prestigious mind is offset by his slow movement and his gluttonous approach to dining.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Appearance: Like many of his kind, Nor’baal is a large sentient, easily recognisable in a room due to his sheer size. However, to non-Hutts he is hard to tell apart from others of his ilk, due to an overall lack of noticeable redeeming features. His skin follows a paler pigment than some of his cousins, and is known to adorn himself in jewels when he is engaged in meetings with others - as a means of displaying his wealth.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Biography: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Nor’baal the Hutt was born as the youngest son of a Hutt Crime Lord, known as Aruba the Hutt, one of the members of the expansive Bareesh Hutt Family. Born as a result of a political requirement, to found and cement an alliance between two Hutt Kajadics (Families), his birth parent gave him as collateral to the Besadii family, as part of a large deal that would secure the fortunes for both their families.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Regrettably for Nor’baal, this union, with him being the youngest Huttlett on the Bareesh Hutt side, put him out of the main line of succession, entitling him only to a small portion of his birth parents wealth in the event of their death. With this at the forefront of both his mind, and the minds of his Besadii hosts, Nor’baal was relegated to supervision duties for slave stock and sales for the better part of his youth.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]For nearly a decade he enjoyed the spoils his position would bring him, dining, smoking and drinking to his chubby little self was content, all the while learning the art of the Slave trade, as well as the internal politics of the Hutts. Soon, when he felt quite ready, the young Hutt began to work on a plan to return to the family of his birth, and break free of the contract - forged by his parent - that bound him to the Besadii.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]For nearly a decade he propagated and formulated plans with shady scum and associates, so that he was in the correct position both financial and politically to launch the next stage of his plan. Soon, on the occasion of his 75th birthday, when he officially became an adult in the eyes of his Hutt peers, he arranged a grand feast for his Besadii Hosts, to celebrate his coming of age. Vast stores of Tree Frogs, Hookah and Wine was purchased, and brought in from across the Hutt Lands, to commemorate this great occasion.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Lining his stomach with absorbing stones, which he consumed over several days, the Hutt was ready to commence his plan, when the Besadii who has signed his contract forcing him into the new family, arrived at his party. Nor’baal, having laced all the wine with poison, offered it around, and to build trust consumed it himself. Within one hour, his guests started to convulse, and Nor’baal joined in - so as to appear that he himself was likewise affected.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Nor’baal, being an intelligence and scheming Hutt, was of course saved by his previous consumption of stones, and put it down to him being younger and more resilient than the now deceased members of the Besadii. Thus, with the death of one of the parties, the contract broke down, allowing the now adult Hutt to return to his family, despite the once again rekindled rivalries between the Besadii and Bareesh Hutts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Returning to Nar Shadaa, and taking up residence in his father's palace there, Nor’baal took up a job as one of the many assistants or ‘Captains’ for his father's enterprise, filling the role of ‘medium and broker’ for the many different contracts and deals that his family and their members brokered on a nearly daily basis. Left to fend for himself within the confines of the Palace, the Hutt set about forming new contacts and contracts with scum and criminals from across the Outer-Rim.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Of course, with a lack of trust now rampant between the two large families, the Bareesh and Besadii, business was tough, and competition was high, requiring a cut-throat approach to dealing with competitor, or loan defaulters. Nor’baal therefore engaged in a dangerous game, the game of tackling the rising and hostile influence of his families life-long enemies, the Besadii Clan.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Tasked by his father to bring the Besadii Gun Running operations into disrepute, the Hutt began a process of betrayal and deceit that would set his name on the Desajilic Stage as a worm of great repute and reputation.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]It was important for the Hutt to achieve what his Parent had tasked him with, or else the Bareesh would find themselves several steps behind their rivals. As such, he formulated a Plan to expose the Besadii as a group working against the interests of the Empire, at the highest peak of the Sith Emperor's power. Hiring a team of Mercenaries to take out a Besadii weapons shipment in secret, and send the vessel across the Imperial Border to be sold to rebel groups, who Nor’baal then tipped off with information on the schematics of an Imperial Bastion, the Hutt simply had to wait.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Within weeks the bastion was bombed by the Rebels, with Besadii Weaponry, and the Clan attracted the ire of the Imperium, which was against the Cartels ‘Foreign Policy’ at the time. Besadii, forced to pay vast reparations and bribes to keep the Imperial War machine at bay, was crippled, and its Gun running operation was shut down within months, to prevent a repeat of the incident.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Reporting back to his father, victorious in his quest, the Hutt was lauded by his Clan as an extraordinary schemer of great renown and repute, and granted a great reward by his Parent, a throne of his very own, next to his Fathers. Nor’baal, having brought shame and damage to the Besadii, was once again welcome in the halls of Bareesh.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Such happy times with the family would not last however, for soon plans were wet in motion by his uncle, to see the removal of Nor’baals father from the top of the family, so that he himself might assume control of the their wing of the Kajadic. Over nearly a year, plans and counter ploys played out, with the Palace of his father becoming a place filled with deathtraps and plotters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]However, his father fell behind the pace of the ploys against him, succumbing to the age old trick of poisoned wine, succumbing quickly to the agonising death it caused in front of his entire court. Soon, Nor’baal Uncle took to the throne, and the Hutt was forced to act fast to cement his own position in the family, and to ensure that he could benefit from the death of his parent.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]No time to mourn, and little desire to do so either, the Hutt began gift giving, bribes and information trading with his new Lord, currying favor to preserve his own life, reputation, and position within the Kajidic.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]His toadying paid off however, with the Hutt being swiftly rewarded with the position of ‘Majordomo’ within the Clan, assuming new quarters, responsibilities and powers within the Clan, managing the life of the Clans Lord - his Uncle, and his Father's killer. Taking to the role with ease, the Hutt began to cement the Clans hold over local gangs and criminal associations, arranging a series of killing and bombing in the streets of Nal Hutta and the Smugglers Moon, in a night that became known as ‘Bareesh Hutt Massacres’.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Soon the Clans loyal subjects declared themselves, and their enemies either defected to other families, or fled the system - thus enabling the newly appointed Majordomo to gain a further understanding on the full extent of the Clan in which he found himself in high office. Over the course of the next few years, the Majordomo secured the loyalties of new criminal groups, betrayed piracy gangs and short changed other families.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Busy as he was, the Hutt failed to notice the vast bounty that had been posted on his Master's head by one of his Brothers, in revenge for their father's death. Now deeply en-grained in the regime of his Uncle, Nor’baal would regret overlooking the placement of the Bounty for the rest of his life.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]One the day of the anniversary of his Uncles ascension to Head of the Family, Nor’baal suddenly became very much aware of the Bounty on his Lords head. Sat in his throne at the head of the feasting hall, the Lorda suddenly exploded, showering the various guests in gore and entrails. Shortly afterwards a fragment of an explosive device would be found in the remains of the deceased Hutt Lord.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Now very much aware of the plot on his Lords life, but far too late, the Hutt Majordomo Nor’baal soon found himself ushered out of the Palace in disgrace for his failures, but not before he managed to secret off chests of Nova Crystals from the Palace vaults in order to keep himself stable in his retreat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Within weeks, spent pilfering the Palace, the Hutt was removed from office, and sent away, like so many before him, to make a name for himself, bring in a profit for the Clan, in return for being welcomed back to the Clan in the future.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Using one of his several dozen stashed of Nova Crystals hidden around the Outer-Rim, the Hutt bribed his way into the criminal group ‘The Black Son’ as a Vigo in their Spice Trading Operations, based on one of the moons of Oba Diah, dealing in Glitter Stim, through hosting his own Spice Den on the distant moon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]His skills as a Majordomo came in useful in this endeavor, as he quickly turned a large profit through the sale of Spice, Loan Sharking as well as a large amount of private deals on the side which he used to line his own pockets, hidden away in various bank accounts across the Galaxy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Remaining in the Rank of Vigo for his entire time with the Black Sun, the Hutt soon left the Black Sun after a decade of working for them, confident that he had secured sufficient credits to make a bid for power back in his home clan. Buying his way out of the Sun, and returning to Bareesh with his fortune, Nor’baal was welcomed back with open arms - following a campaign of hefty bribes - by the incumbent Lordas.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Soon after his return to the family, Nor’baal was permitted to broker slaving agreements with certain small piracy groups and markets. Once again he excelled, his plotting and scheming proving most successful in this, having Bounties placed on those who refused to pay (or were unable to), and rewarding those who consistently adhered to contracts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Moving his operation to a small Palace of his own, based in a Tower on Nal Hutta itself, the Hutt expanded his operation, taking in vast amounts of slaves before a mutiny and revolt from his stock pushed him out of the Trade.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With decades spent within the Courts of the Bareesh, with nearly half a century of running a wide spanning criminal empire, the Hutt was not without experience, and hardly lacking for allies. He positioned himself as a Hutt of means, and soon it became known that Nor’baal Bareesh was a man to whom you went if you had need of items or information that otherwise would be hard to come buy. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Fencing stolen goods, people and information, trading in highly classified weapons and secrets, the Hutt rebuilt, slowly, a semblance of his former fortune.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ship: None[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Kills: None[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Bounties Collected: None[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Roleplays: - [/SIZE]