Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Nor'baal the Hutt

Nor'baal Desilijic Tiure (otherwise known as Nor'baal the Hutt) was a male Hutt criminal, who operated primarily on the desert planet of Tatooine, where he operated a Cantina, the 'Dusty Dewback'. Primarily working in the underworld, Nor'baal tried to make a living in the shady world of crime, bets, smuggling and more besides as he tried to establish a name for himself.

Personality & Traits

A decadent Hutt of the classic traditions of his species, Nor'baal had an eye for commerce and scheming. Although he grew up in the dank underworld of Tatooine, he had a keen understanding of the realities of the galaxy and had a penchant for blood sports, alcohol and food. Aware of the existence of the force, and its power, Nor'baal is a practical Hutt, and seeks to avoid direct confrontation himself - preferring instead to act through agents, be they unwitting or otherwise.

Not one to let grudges go lightly, Nor'baal has a cruel streak and tends to obsess over ensuring his 'enemies' are punished for imperceptibly small transgressions. He is not force-sensitive, and his only real skill outside of his understanding of crime is that he can speak Huttese and basic to a fluent level.

Physical Description

Nor'baal Desilijic is a large, imposing Hutt whose presence commands, in his eyes, attention and respect. His body is a formidable expanse of leathery, mottled green and brown skin, marked with the scars of past conflicts and the indulgences of a life lived in opulent excess. His enormous bulk is supported by a powerful tail, which he uses to propel his massive form with surprising grace for a being of his size.

Nor'baal's face is broad and expressive, with deep-set, calculating eyes that gleam with a mixture of cunning and intelligence. His eyes, a striking yellow, are capable of intimidating those who dare meet his gaze. A wide, almost predatory mouth sits beneath a flat, stubby nose, and when he speaks, his voice is a deep, resonant rumble that echoes with authority.

His arms are short but muscular, adorned with jeweled bracelets and rings that signify his wealth and status. Each hand ends in thick, stubby fingers, capable of surprising dexterity. Despite his generally sluggish appearance, Nor'baal's movements are deliberate and calculated, reflecting his sharp mind and strategic nature.

Overall, Nor'baal Desilijic cuts a figure of both awe and fear, a true representation of Hutt power and decadence.
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