General Information
| Name | Norbert Wilhelm
| Aliases | TK-1337, Buckethead-4
| Age | Early-Thirties
| Species | Human
| Vocal Sample | Crosshairs
| Force Sensitivity | N/A
| Faction | New Imperial Order
| Occupation | Stormtrooper
| Rank | Corporal
| MOS | Rifleman
Physical Information
| Height | Six Feet
| Weight | One-Hundred Ninety Pounds
| Build | Muscular
| Hair Style | Buzzcut
| Hair Color | Black
| Notable Features |
The one distinct feature that sets Wilhelm apart from most normal individuals is his lack of a left arm, replaced with a cybernetic replacement after his biologic one was ripped off after getting in a scuffle with a Wookie. Other than that, he appears as what you might expect from a soldier.
Psychological Information
| Sexuality | Heterosexual
| Relationship Status | Forever Single
| Personality |
Hot-Blooded | Stubborn | Vulgar | Trigger-Happy | Adaptive
Skills and Traits
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