Formerly Sith
Coruscant was tired. Everyone knew it. There was only so much one could handle in a single year, and the line was most certainly drawn at orbital bombardment. The Dark Empire had left wounds, but still the people of Coruscant remained. They were, after all, the most resilient people in the Galaxy. And after going through hell and back, why shouldn't they just cut loose for a while?
Haven't they earned it?
Xeno certainly thought they had, and he was nothing if not an arbiter for the people. That's what a musician was. Perhaps his music was a mouthpiece for his personal struggles, but what he created was in service to the joy of others. It was a road to righteousness that he saw in song, something that gave back in some way to a galaxy he had been forced to take from to survive. In that way, Coruscant had been good to him. It was his home now, which was more than he had ever had before in his entire life. He was nothing if not strangely sympathetic to their plight, which was... unusual for him. He struggled with displays of such emotion. Perhaps this was really the only way he knew how to express it.
So the stage was set. A large venue off the steps of the partially empty Senate building, surrounded by lights and the setting evening fog. The crowd must have been in the thousands, all lining the streets up to the base of the structure. How had he even managed such a thing? Friends in high places combined with people really liking their work. Sithspit was in, even if Xeno wasn't entirely prepared for the shear size of their success.
"Alright, here we go," Klocto muttered as he moves to his bass. "Today's gonna be a crazy fethin' day."
"Crowd's electric," Luxar mused. "It's wrapping itself around my very soul. Energy like this could wake the dead."
"Let's not get philosophical," Xeno remarked, briefly giving an uncharacteristic smirk before his face returned to neutral. "Let's just play the gig."
The half-Nagai stepped up to the microphone, tapping it to ensure that the device was on. A faint hum rippled out across the venue, immediately drawing the attention of the crowd. There was a ghastly silence for a moment.
"Evenin' all."
And then thunderous cheering, what felt like enough to shake Coruscant's very foundation.
"Damn, that's a lot of ya," Xeno noted. "Can't say we've earned it, but we're a mouthpiece of the people, y'know? It's been a hell of a year, one not all of us have seen the end of. But I know I'll be damned before I let dispair walk over us. This is a day of celebration and rememberance. We fethin' made it, and we gonna announce it to the whole damn galaxy. So... I think that's enough bein' poetic and all... I know what you're here for."
This is an event hosted by Galactic City in collaboration with various charitable parties featuring Sithspit as the opening and closing act. The event is open to bands looking to lend their talent, donors who wish to set aside funds for a good cause, or any simply wishing to enjoy the evening. Proceeds from all sales will go to procuring supplies for families in need on Coruscant and assist in rehousing those who lost their homes in the Battle of Coruscant. All ticket-holders are automatically entered into a raffle, of which prizes will be announced later in the evening. Good luck and have fun...
OOC Note: This is a chill thread for vibing and charatcer interaction. If you show up to start a fight that will be frowned upon. Thank you in advance.