Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SPECIES: witch of Dathomir

AGE: 32

SEX: female



EYES: change colors

HAIR: black

SKIN: pale

FORCE SENSITIVE: yes, dark side

good at sith alchemy

favored leader
not very strong
sarcastic and witty

tech savy
has an artistic eye

Norvandi is the leader of a witch tribe in northern Dathomir. She relocated to this region after being raised in central Dathomir. Norvandi discovered that she enjoyed the cold much more the heat. She began her magical practice by learning how to freeze things, and after her mother died she started to trek more northern in search of snow and glaciers or people who knew of them. Her dad followed suit a few years after Novandi. They didn't have the best relationship, although they did share a love of designing ships; he was renown for it. Novandi partly blames her dad for the death of her mother. Norvandi built a life for herself in a far portion of Dathomir that was very remote. She had learned the ways of many witches and wise people who've been through it all. I guess you can say she built herself up to be the leader is now. Now she is the head of a medium sized tribe of witches that she has gathered along her journey. They have their own self sufficient town known to them as Wisovia. They don't have much technology since she started their town from scratch. So far no intruders have dared to threaten there way of life due to the fear of the unknown, but Novandi wishes to connect with outside communities to gain better technology and continue her research. Is that what is best for her people?

D-5 mantis control craft

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