Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was a rare moment to find Allyson doing free flight hours. She was originally out doing recon for the Alliance out in the unknown space, but her free time was now taking out her old ship, the Kraken for a spin. It had been docked for some time in a location that Kaili Talith had set up for her. The ship was her smuggling run ship also got her places when she wasn’t traveling with the Borleian girl. Being back in the Kraken was like being home again, the ship was home before she had found a more permanent place to call home, but that was another tale. Leaning back in the pilot’s seat she looked around, the place needed a good dusting and she knew she would eventually do it.

One day?

“Bait, where are you?” The Corellian, placed her feet onto the ground getting out of her lounging position in the pilot’s seat. “What are you getting your round little self into?” She called out to the droid again after placing the ship into autopilot. Footsteps echoed down the small hallway into the cabin area and she saw the droid spinning in circles trying to make himself dizzy – yet as a droid you can’t become dizzy. Frowning, Allyson wandered over and placed her finger on the dome head of her BB Unit companion. “You know you can’t get dizzy, right?” The droid trilled with frustration as his head had stopped but his little body kept spinning. Allyson smiled and left the droid to his games.

She wandered back into the cockpit and looked around, everything seemed as calm as it could be. Which brought a sigh to the Corellian. She was hoping she was going to find something out here that she could make a buck or two on, specifically something from the Lords of the Fringe – she had heard many wars were fought out here by them and their tech was advanced. Sitting back down she nodded off, until the radar blared to life. Sitting up quickly, Allyson figured she was under attack but there was something floating off in the distance. The ship pushed forward towards it and Allyson moved to get her space suit on to help drag it back into the hanger.

It took quite some time and Allyson was completely destroyed from bringing what looked like to be a cryo stasis pod. She removed her helmet and put her chestnut brown hair into a messy bun. Bait wandered in curiously as he started to beep stating that there was a faint distress signal coming from the pod. “Jeez lasted that long, mustn’t be that ol- wait a minute.” Allyson found symbols and a serial number that was registered to the pod. She took a few snapshots and sent the images to Bait, “Check the Holonet and see where this came from…” Beeps and whistles and Allyson rolled her eyes, “Yes I’m going to open it calm down.” The girl climbed onto the pod and did her best to clean the small window that was there, not really being able to see in, Allyson slid off and looked at the control panel.

“Thing looks like it needs some sort of key or something, oh well time to Mechu Deru my way in.” Placing her hands on the control panel, the cryopod took its sweet time to come back to life. Technomancy was her only connection to the Force – she was a master of it and had a great affinity to it, beyond that – she was pretty helpless in the Force. Hopefully the person she saw inside the pod was going to wake up in a mood not to fight. The decryoing sequence started and Allyson stepped back and took the time to take off the space suit. Standing, she waited to see what came out of the pod, her Corellian Bloodstripes would give her away to being Corellian and while she waited her fingers played with the dog tags from the Rogue Squadron, hanging against her white v-neck t-shirt. “Bait get to running those numbers please – oh and go hide in case this turns violent.”

[member="Sera Dresden"]

Sera Dresden

Sera's eyes slowly opened. She didn't know what was going on and the last thing she could remember was being placed into a cryo pod against her will. She knew that somehow, she could have survived without any air thanks to the Force, but her men wouldn't allow it. They even went so far as to disobey a direct order! She instantly closed her eyes due to the bright light. Sera wasn't used to having her eyes open as she was in cryo long? Suddenly she sat up, that question burning in her mind. How long has she been in cryo? What happened to her Cor? What about her men? Did any of them survive? Of course, she knew Cor would have survived as she was placed into cryo as well, but there's no guarantee.

Sera opened her eyes again and looked around. Thankfully, her eyes had adjusted and she could see things clearly. What she saw suprised her. Sera wasn't in her ship anymore. That means someone must have found her. Them. They were saved. who? "Shit,"she muttered softly to herself. She needed to get information. Now. Somehow, another person who was in the room had escaped her notice. She was a young woman with chestnut brown hair. Somwhere in her early 20s, maybe late teens. Sera could feel something in the young woman. A connection to the Force. Though it was not enough to garuntee her a spot amongst the Order. Sera decided to ask a question that she considered very important. "Who are you? What year is it?" Granted it was two questions, but Sera also wanted to know the identity of the young woman who rescued her from the cold hearted clutches of deep space.
Allyson watched with her hand hovering over her blaster. The woman inside seemed more dazed than ready to fight and kill her. Which in this case was probably a good thing. The hovering hand moved from the blaster and Allyson felt her body somewhat ease up. Being completely relaxed wasn’t something she could be in this moment, but confusion meant she had the upper hand for the most part. Allyson paused and listened to the woman who seemed to have found her voice.

“Uh, I’m Lieutenant Allyson Locke with the Galactic Alliance…” The year? That was a new one, not even when she was having her amnesia did she ask the year. An eyebrow raised on the young woman’s face as she tried to think about the year. “The year? Okay, it’s like 851BBY.” Allyson had to think about it and she nodded with some confidence. “Yeah its 851BBY” Its was curious that she was asking the year, Allyson wondered how long she had been in Cryo.

“Uh, who are you? Why are you in that Cryopod?” [member="Sera Dresden"]

Sera Dresden

Galactic Alliance hmm? Sera wasn't familiar with that government. Wait a minute. Did Locke just say it was 851BBY? Almost 800 years had passed after the Battle of Endor? Just how long has she spent in cryo without anyone finding her? This is troubling. Sera sighed. This is going to be a big problem. She vaulted out of the cryo pod and landed on her feet. She looked at Luitenant Allyson Locke.

"You're probably not going to believe me, but I am General Sera Dresden of the Rebel Alliance. In the final days after the Battle of Endor, I was sent out with my companion and several Rebel soldiers to find and eliminate the remaining Imperial fleet. It must have been bad luck, because we were hit by a pirate raid that came out of nowhere. Our ship was badly damaged and we went into cryo to wait for rescue. Are you SURE that it's 851BBY?"
Well this lady was older than dirt.

Allyson thought quietly as she explained her situation. She introduced herself which was a good thing, also hopefully marked her not a Sith – which would have entered some fun times for the Corellian. Fun times as in not so fun times and a dead body hopefully not Allyson’s. Either way, this was shaping up to a weird yet good thing for the most part. Allyson scratched the side of her lip for a moment as she tried to think of something to say. Was there any sort of words of comfort? If there were, they were escaping the Corellian.

“Yeah, I’m very sure that its 851BBY, I was born 832BBY so I’m 22.” She leaned against the wall across from the pod and shrugged. “Guess would be a good thing to catch you up. First off, the Rebel Alliance won pretty sure – I was always terrible at history. Uh, Endor still sucks bantha balls, pirates are still around and I’ve never heard of you.” Allyson once again shrugged. History had only announced the names of the famous few, like Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca stuff like that, no one by the name of [member="Sera Dresden"].

An eyebrow raised as she looked at the woman. “I’m a bit skeptical, that’s centuries upon centuries that you were cryoed. Are you sure you’re from that long ago? I mean I won’t know for sure till Bait my droid finishes running the serial numbers on the side of the pod. How do I know you’re telling the truth? Are YOU sure you’re from a bajillion years ago?” The woman didn’t look no older than twenty-five at least, but to be over 800 years old and look like that pfft that was crazy. She had to be more recent, she had to be or this was super weird.

Sera Dresden

Sera sighed faintly. She's gonna have to explain a lot. Locke is quite right to be skeptical, and Sera herself doesn't believe herself either. How the fuck does a Rebel vessel go missing for 800 years? She watched Locke for a couple minutes and could tell that she was being genuine.

Sera said,"It's fine if you don't believe me. Even I find this insane. But I can tell you that I was a Padawan pre Clone Wars and during it. Despite what you might think, I'm not 800 years old or anything. I'm 46. The ones that are in the spotlight? Solo, Skywalker, Organa, Chewbacca and Calrissian? I fought alongside them but never interacted with them. I was also keeping the fact that I was a Jedi secret and pretended to be an ordinary Rebel commander. So it would make sense that I wouldn't show up in the history books. Maybe we should wait for that droid of yours to prove that I am who I say I am correct?"

Sera leaned against the wall of the ship and crossed her arms with a nuetral expression. When she gets to "Galactic Alliance" territory, Sera plans on finding someone who can help. It most certainly isn't going to be this Locke who admitted that she was bad at history.
Allyson narrowed her eyes for a moment listening to the story. Sounds about right, but the whole being 46 years old was a bit weird. She wanted to correct the woman and say she was 846, mostly because she was still alive for the most part, but it would have been a silly argument and one someone wouldn’t want to have once they’ve been uncryoed. Pushing herself off the wall, she scratched the back of her neck. A hand waved in front of her and she nodded. “Since it is taking Bait rather long, I’m going to for now accept your explanation – I still think you’re from like two months ago – but I’ll bite.”

Things were way too weird especially when she was just out here doing patrol on the X-Wing. “Rebel Commander – you hid because of the whole Order 69 stuff? Or was it 67…I don’t remember. Must have been crazy…” Allyson thanked her lucky stars that she was born in this era and had a weak enough connection to the Force that no one realized it. Looking at the woman, she frowned. “You should at least say thanks you know. Could have left you out there for another 800 years.”

Allyson was going to offer to share dinner, but not if she was going to be grumpy pants in the corner. Doing her smuggler things, Allyson wandered back up to the pod. She examined it for a moment and then grinned. If this thing was from that era – the money she could get for this pod would be amazing. Her mind wheels turned as she could almost feel the credits in her bank account. “So, what are you going to do now? Since you’re all unfrozen – at least you didn’t get freezer burn.” Allyson chuckled at her joke and continued to examine the pod. [member="Sera Dresden"]

Sera Dresden

Sera chuckled. She's starting to like this woman. "Thanks for the save. By the way, it was Order 66. Yeah. I've hid during that period. Well, I hid that I was a Jedi. I was smuggling with a friend that I met during the beginning days of the Order. She took me in and we stayed together for 15 years until the Rebellion happened."

"What I'm going to do now? I have no fucking idea. Maybe I might join the Galactic Alliance. War is the only thing I've known. It's like we were childhood friends. In a way."

Sera sighed and folded her arms on the back of her head and looked up to the ceiling of the ship. "That reminds me. What the hell happened to my ship? Why was my cryo pod floating around out there? [member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson scratched the side of her head. When they had scanned the area there was nothing saying there was a ship around. Maybe it was blown up and the pod was evacuated. She shook her head and shrugged. There was nothing more information wise she could give the woman besides what she had already given her. “Ship? There was no ship in the area not even debris.” Allyson wished she could do something more, but her hands were tied for the most part.

“I could bring you to the Alliance HQ, like I said I'm a pilot for them, just finished survey rounds when I came across your pod. Before you ask all I found was yours, not your friend or anyone else.” Bait rolled in and twilled the information back at Allyson. Nodding the woman sighed, “Looks like you're not crazy. Your pod is registering parts that date back to that era. Oh boy..”

Allyson needed a moment to catch herself, this was the weirdest and oddest situation she had ever been in. Either way she needed to be helpful. “Okay. We are out in the unknown regions. Gonna take some time to get back. So you're welcomed to one of the bunks and the refresher.” [member="Sera Dresden"]

Sera Dresden

Sera frowned and thought about her next options. She definitely wants to talk to whoever's in charge and Locke mentioned the Alliance HQ. Maybe she can come back out here and find where her ship has gone and see if her long time friend is still out there. Sera noticed the droid was of an unfamiliar make, but thought nothing of it. She was about 850 years in the future after all. Who knows how many advances in technology had occured?

Sera nodded to [member="Allyson Locke"]. "Thanks for that. I do need actual bed rest after staying in cryo sleep for close to 850 years. Maybe a shower too." Sera sighed. "Well,I'll wash up and take a short rest. See you soon."

Sera walked through the ship concious of her hidden lightsabers. So far, so good. At least she actually met a living sentient being. A friendly one at that. She made it to the refreshers and took off her gloves, turned on the water and splashed it on her face. Sera stared at her reflection in the mirror. Even though it's been decades, she still remember her master's voice telling her to run moments before her death. Sera dried her face and hands and pulled the gloves back on. In due time, she found the room with the bunks and took one of them. She crossed her her arms behind the back of her head, and closed her eyes.

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