Lanx Velishin
That Cathar Flyboy
There wasn’t a moment that she had stopped thinking about what had happened in those mines. What had happened after the attacked occurred. And what had happened..that made him lose the closest thing had had ever had to family. All of which culminated in the rescue that brought him away from those horrid mines feeling empty. The Cathar should have been much happier to no longer spend his days mining for someone else, with the constant danger of losing a limb to a rusty machine becoming faulty.
It didn’t matter. Nothing did without her.
He barely even remembered how they got separated. All he did know was that cave in that cut off half the tunnel from the exit. One side of the cave-in had him..and the other had her. He was on the side with the exit, and she wasn’t. And there was no way to get to her. Not that he hadn’t tried. But by the time he was outside and flying anything remotely spaceworthy, the last transport carrying the slaves were gone. And Sybilla with it. Taking his heart with her.
The next few days were little more than a blur for the Cathar. He remembered talking to the leader of the squadron that had broken them out. Lanx had tried his best to put a smile on his face, thank her for rescuing him and the other slaves from that horrid place. The twilek he had met during the raid had even asked him to stay on as a pilot after they had found places for all the rest of the slaves to be safe. He was a decent pilot then, and had been able to help with the relocation as well. They seemed..happy to bring him on. And he was happy-ish to join. This Starfall Squadron was the best chance he ever had at seeing Syb again.
That was over a week ago. It had taken that long to find a place for the other slaves to put down and help them get settled in. It was another half week before any news of where the slavers of the mines had fled to, and where they had taken what was left of their slave force. Even then, to plan the attack safely and actually get in the position to launch it had taken a while longer. By the time they were finally in hyperspace, it had almost been two weeks since he had seen the grumpy Chiss’s face.
What he wouldn’t give to find her again, have her punch his arm for being annoyed at his happiness or..anything. To just have her back. And it was looking like there was a possibility that this would happen again. They would just have to go through hell and high water to do so. And then some. Not that Lanx would have it any other way.
Well, maybe one other way. The way that they had both escaped that day. Together.
The time for reminiscing was past, however. He was hurrying now, pair of flight gloves in one hand, pilot’s helmet held tightly in the other, and a DH-17 strapped to the outside of his thigh. They would be coming out hyperspace soon, not that Lanx fully knew their final destination. All he did know was that starfall was allowing him to fly a starfighter. Or the cargo ship. something to wherever they were going to get Sybilla back. A lot was supposed to be explained at the briefing. He just hoped what they were facing wasn’t too daunting.
His boots echoed throughout the hanger as he came in, near the back of the small group of pilots, looping his arm around a his helmet as he did so. Soon, they would know exactly what they were facing. Soon, they would fly in to the jaws of the enemy. Soon…
Soon, he’d get his Sybilla back.
Hopefully she wasn’t broken by the time he got to her.
| Sybilla |
Kiandra Ceryss
![Kiandra Ceryss](/data/avatars/s/16/16974.jpg?1620661620)