Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not all wounds can heal

Standing cornered in the Corscuant alleyway Zamza turned to see three other Ghost Commando's at the end. They had forced him into a corner once again. Even after escaping the Xedael Empire that was based in the unknown regions and going to the core worlds they had still chased him. All the training Zamza had as a ghost commando had not prepared him for the sheer tenacity that the Xedael Empire had to kill him. It had been a full year since Zamza's desertion and even then they still sent squad after squad after him. The most disheartening thing was the times where he'd been force to meet his past brethren in combat, even worse was when he had been forced to kill them. Each time it broke his heart to see the anger and rage on their faces when they looked at him. As though he were the real traitor. The Xedael Empire had raised all the ghost commando's from birth so it was a given that they were fiercely loyal to them, however Zamza had been freed from that brainwashing.

"You don't have to do this." Zamza said putting his back to the wall as his eyes scanned across all three of the commando's in their full suited body armor. Something that he had forsaken long ago after realizing that he no longer deserved to wear such a thing. He had turned his back on not only the Xedael Empire but all other Ghost Commandos when he had left. He did not deserve to wear their armor anymore.

"You're wrong. We do have to do this. You committed treason! Killed your own brothers and sisters!" The head commando shouted as he drew a vibroblade from its sheath. "And thus you shall be slain like the hound you are."

"Don't do it." Zamza pleaded with them. "Can you not see what they're doing to you?! What they did to us! They stole us from our families! BRainwashed us, and if we did not meet their standards they killed us! Even as adults they use us as weapons of war! We have no lifes of our own."

Without answering the other two commando's drew their blades and began to close in on Zamza. "So be it." Zamza said his lavender skin changing to emerald green showing his depression of knowing what was to come next. Even if he didn't want to kill them he knew that eventually they'd just come back again, and again till either he was dead or them. Even then more would be sent. So pulling out a simple dagger Zamza faced his old comrades.

Less than an hour later he came stumbling out the alleway his Lavender skin coated in blood, tears rolling down his emerald cheeks. An arm clutching his side Zamza tried to keep pressure on a wound in his side, however the blood flow wouldn't stop. So laying against the wall Zamza slinked down to the ground where he sat looking up. "So this is how it ends?" He asked as his vision began to blur darkness swimming at the corners of his vision. "So in the end I was nothing." Zamza said scoffing as a thin line of blood flowed from between his lips and down his chin. "Well at least I got a year of freedom." Zamza said as the darkness took him.

[member="Nara Basaar"]
[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]

Tonight was a quiet night in Coruscant. It was just one of those nights where most people decided to enjoy the comforts of their own home. Tonight had been rough for Nara, really rough. The started as normal routine with her getting up, opening up the clinic and helping whoever needs it. The first half of the day was normal, she had to deal with a broken arm, a few cases of the cold, a pregnancy checkup and a man who almost overdosed. Normal stuff for Nara to be honest, however it's what happened late in the afternoon that really shook her. A young teenage street boy was brought to her in a critical condition with multiple stab wounds on his body. It was horrible seeing this boy who was not much younger than she was laying on the work table drenched in his own blood.

Nara worked furiously to try and save this poor boy, despite her assistant telling her to give up. The blood loss and internal damage to the boy was just too severe. Things got worse when the boy's heart stopped. "No no no no, please no" Nara pleaded with the boy as if she was expecting him to reply. Pushing her assistant out the way she began to try and resuscitate him, it was her last option. Unfortunately it did not work and her assistant called it. This poor boy had no family to speak of so Nara waited at the clinic with his body alone until people arrived to take him away to a crematorium.

Nara had to get out of the clinic, she had seen death a lot but this really shook her. Walking along the streets Nara could not help but cry for the boy. The thought of him having no family or loved ones was gut wrenching and she could not feel more sorry for him. Nara had been making her way home for about 30 minutes now, her crying had stopped and she was now deep in thought. Still zoned out she turned onto a quiet street and her where her daydream was quickly ended.

Nara could not believe her eyes! Not far in front of her was a man prepped up against a wall clearly injured. Nara could not tell what race he was but it was clear this man needed help fast. "OH MY GOD" Nara exclaimed as she ran over to the man still draped in her medical gown. Nara reached him and quickly got on her knees next to him. She placed one hand on his shoulder and began patting his cheek with the other.
"SIr can you hear me? no, please not another one. Sir please answer me!" Nara pleaded with the man.
In his arms Zamza held his best friend Kirin. Blood flowed from between her violet lips as she laid in Zamza's arms a smile on her thin face. "Don't go! I can't loose you?!" A younger Zamza said as he cried over his friends corpse. All around the crowd stayed silent as the judges grimaced and waved their hands for the guards to take Zamza away and dispose of the corpse. "We were supposed to run away! To explore the galaxy together, to take down the Xedael Empire. To bring justice and order." Zamza whispered as he placed his forehead against Kirin's.

Kirin's breathing was shallow and her heartbeat way to slow however she reached a hand up to touch Zamza's face. "No... You must live on. Do the things that we promised for the both of us. I have a different path to follow and its calling me." Kirin said releasing a labored breath. "Goodbye my friend." She said. Those ended up being Kirin's last words as the guards came grabbing Zamza's arms and pulling him away from her.

"NO! NOOO!" Zamza said fighting against the guards trying to get back to Kirin.

"No!" Zamza shouted as he jerked back awake to the women talking to him. All the lights of the streets were bright and felt as though they were blinding him, and his vision blurred. So looking over to his left he saw the women and as his vision cleared Zamza could see her clearly. A twi'lek, he'd seen plenty of them while on the run, many were bounty hunters. However this women was different, she had a look of concern on her face. She seemed genuinly concerned about Zamza. Glancing to the white medical gown Zamza knew what she was. "Yes I hear you." Zamza grunted out before going into a fit of coughs. "Two broken ribs, and a puncture wound right beneath my liver." Zamza said spouting out what was wrong with him internally. Externally he had a bruise forming on his cheek and other places across his abdomen but they weren't important to him. They were merely superficial wounds.

[member="Nara Basaar"]
[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]


The man's shout was so unexpected that it cause Nara to flinch and lean back a bit. For some reason the Twi'lek had it in her mind that this man was going to pass away, but maybe it was just the event from earlier that caused her to think that way. Nara still had one had reassuringly placed on his shoulder as she took a quick moment to look around only to discover there was not really anyone else around who could help them. As the man came to his senses her medical mind got the better of her and she was already checking him all over. "You can hear me? that's good. Just try to remain as calm as possible" Nara gave the man a soft smile, something she often did to help try and make whoever she was helping more comfortable.

Nara placed one hand on his forehead checking his temperature. The man's next comment caught her by surprise. "Oh, i noticed the puncture mark but i did not notice the ribs" Nara lifted his hand that covered the puncture up so she could take a a quick look and unfortunately it did not look good. "well you don't need me to tell you that you need urgent medical attention." Nara wiped some of the blood from the man's face "I am a medic and i have a private clinic not far from here, if i helped you do you think you would be able to walk there?"
[member="Nara Basaar"]

Focused on pushing the pain from his ribs and the stabbing wound back down Zamza barely heard what the women was saying and didn't really notice her gestures till the last second. He tried to offer a smile for it to end up looking like nothing more than a grimace. "Thank you for your kindness." Zamza said to the twi'lek telling him to be calm. In fact he was as calm as he'd been in days. While his heart did ache for the brethren he had been forced to kill he knew that their deaths would by him at least a bit of time to relax and heal... Hopefully.

Not fighting the women's touch he let her see the stab wound and just how deep it went which was deep into his intestines. Most people would be screaming in pain or whimpering, but all Zamza did was shiver every now and again. The first decade of his life he had been trained to resist such pains and work through them. However no matter what your mind thought it could do, the body overrode it most of the time. "I think I can make it." Zamza said using his legs and the wall he leaned against as leverage to get to his feet. Though the more he moved the more he could feel the broken ribs and it took his breath away. "I'll repay you for this." Zamza grunted as he looked at the twi'lek noticing the height difference between the two of them. It wouldn't really work if he tried to lean on her, she'd just have to try and hold him up. "Sorry about the inconvenience."
[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]

Things were getting bad now. Although the man was outputting a calm demeanor, Nara was getting noticeably worried. Nara had plenty of experience dealing with injured people but finding a person left for dead on a street was new to her. The twi'lek stood up for a minute and wondered a few steps away from him just to check again for any passerby who could help, but it was really late so there was nobody around. Nara quickly returned to the man's side and his thanks caused a smile to creep across her lips. "Don't worry about it! i do this for a living" Although she had not clue as to what happened to him, she could tell that he was struggling emotionally as well.

Nara took another quick look at the man's stab wound, a look of surprise fell upon her soft blue face. "I....just don't understand! The wound is so deep. A lot of people would have went into shock!". Nara decided to shake that thought off, even she knew that there is always more that meets the eye with a lot of people in this galaxy. Nara's medical mind soon caught wind of the man's shivers and her surprised expression soon turned into that of a concerned one. Nara smiled when the man stated he could make it. Despite being in such a condition he had such willpower. "Oh carefully, take it slowly" Nara quickly said as the man rose to his feet. "Please, it is no inconvenience! i do not mind helping people so you need to repay me either." Nara said with small giggle. The man was now on his feet barely, Nara motioned the direction of her clinic. The height difference was a problem, instead of him leaning on her Nara placed one hand between his shoulders to help guide him and one over his chest to help him stay up. "What's your name? how did you manage to get into this mess?" Nara asked
[member="Nara Basaar"]

Looking down at the women as he half limped and stumbled to her clinic Zamza chuckled along with her though the pain it brought made him grit his teeth. "Yes being a doctor is a noble profession, it fits you to help a random stranger." Zamza said in a tone that an adult would usually take when talking to a child. He didn't mean to of course but it came with age and he was no doubt older then the women though he may not look it. He was actually envious of the Twi'lek. She had been given a choice of what she wanted to be and do with her life. She was able to go off and pick a profession of her own and carve a name for herself. To be unique... Something that Zamza had never been granted and now that he was trying to attain it he was hunted relentlessly.

"The wounds are very recent." Zamza said assuring the women that he wouldn't go into shock. In fact he was holding his body together with the force as it was the only thing that allowed him to stay conscious at the moment. "The name's Zamza, and do I need to explain it?" Zamza asked with a labored laugh. "This is Coruscant, I was jumped and fought my assailants off." Zamza said not necessarily lying as he did fight off the ones who had attacked him, and the Coruscant underworld was known for such things.

As they reached the clinic doors and he leaned against the wall waiting for the twi'lek to unlock the doors. "As I gave my name may I have yours as well?" Things were tough on Zamza and talking to the nurse was distracting him from the feeling of his broken ribs grinding against each other and keeping him conscious. However his lavender skin had begun to pale and his eyes dilated.
[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]

"You think so? thank you" Nara said in reference to the man's comment about her profession. Nara seriously loved what she did, the feeling of helping others in their time of need satisfied her so much. Nara had always considered herself lucky, work is work and everyone understands that but to get a job you genuinely and enjoyed was something to be grateful for. Although they looked the same age, a twi'lek on the shorter side helping a towering stumbling man did draw in a few odd looks, but it's Coruscant so everyone minded their own business. As time went by and they neared the clinic Nara became more worried, a man this injured should not go this long without medical attention.

"They are recent? i see. Well Coruscant is not the cleanest of places. I am worried about infections" Nara new the wounds were recent, her medical mind figured it out but to her that just meant she had more time. As they were walking along Nara stopped, the word assailants shocked her. Nara thought this man was just jumped by some lowlife scum but assailants meant he had people chasing him. Nara decided she would delve into that later and laughed along with him.

Finally they reached the clinic. Nara was about to punch her code into the keypad when he asked her name. The Twi'lek turned around and smiled at him "Sorry about. My name is Nara" Nara turned back to the keypad and entered the rest of her code. The door to the clinic opened and she turned around to Zamza to see him look worse. "No no, Stay with me Zamza" Nara said patting his face gently. She grabbed his arm and draped it over her shoulder leading him into the clinic. Nara sat him down in the surgery then scrambled around looking for medical equipment.
[member="Nara Basaar"]

"Yes I do agree this place is far from unclean and it seems as though there aren't to many that are willing to help like you." Zamza said trying to keep his focus but his vision had begun to blur making it harder for him to focus on his surroundings. If Nara hadn't caught him when she had he would've fell to the ground.

"I'm still here." Zamza said as the twi'lek helped him the rest of the way into the clinic and to the surgical table. He'd been through alot of things before, but this was easily the worst. He'd been trying to spare his comerades lives and one took advantage of his kindness thinking it weakness. Moments later Zamza had struck him down even though he didn't want to. No one seemed to leave him with a choice in what he did. Looking up into the bright lights above the surgical table it almost seemed as if it was telling him to let go. Beneath him he felt the cold metal of the surgical table which caused him to shiver as a chill retreated down his spine.

"I'm still here... Just need a nap." Zamza said letting the darkness claim him for the second time that night. His breathing became shallow as he delved deep into his mind using the force to staunch his bloodflow to make Nara's job a bit easier.

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