Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not quite a Sith yet

Cyrus Tregessar here with my new alt. I posted in the guest forum but I get the feeling it's not frequented much, and since I eventually intend to have this guy become a Sith I figured I may as well go ham already.

I'll be honest, I'm new to RPing a force user or getting that in-depth into that particular area of Star Wars mythos. In contrast, RPing a commander-type and fleeting are second nature. Ideally, Bass' descent to the Dark Side is a gradual process that builds of his currently beliefs and stereotypes, and to be frank I'm wary to attempt such a thing in random public threads. Like I said, this is somewhat new for me so I'm coming to you the faction for assistance.

I have a thread I started here which I was going to go in-depth into with [member="Darth Hauntruss"], but he had to take a hiatus so I'm interested in continuing it with another Sith Master. If that piques your interest, shoot me a PM and I can explain some of where I wanted to go with it (though I'd also love to have it develop organically).

Anyway that's my spiel. Don't let the post count fool you, I really do want to develop this alt and see where I can take him.

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