Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Sure I Belong Here

Well-Known Member
So I joined here to discuss war stuff, and alternative organizational strategies for Invasions and combat and the like, but I found that I haven't been discussing much. Right now it looks like the same few people are talking over and over again, and fresh blood is non-existent. It's hard to believe there are 15 people here! lol

Anyway, as the title suggests, I'm not sure I belong here any more, but maybe you can convince me otherwise.

There seems to be a colossal focus right now on Fleeting systems, and that's great, and probably the main focus due to its current testing in the current OS-Republic Invasions, but I am not really able to contribute very much to that if at all.

I'm a very inept spacer person, probably because I'm kinda lazy. I don't know what it is, but I always get a kick out of ground stuff, and it seems ground stuff doesn't have a very large focus, thus leads to my problem of not being able to contribute to discussion around here :/

I guess that's all I really want to say. I wanted to end this post with a suggestion of some kind, or some kind of prompt to illicit a response I'd be interested in... but I guess just post whatever! I probably won't leave the group, but I'm just kinda... bored. That's all!

TL;DR: Fatty is bored of the fleet stuff. Entertain me with other stuff. :p
Mate, if you're not happy with fleeting stuff, that's fine, but this is a discussion forum. YOU come up with something that YOU want to discuss!
If I can help develop your ideas I will, but this is something for all of us.
Well-Known Member
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] It's not that I'm not happy with fleet stuff, I actually quite enjoy reading well written fleet things... I just have no idea how they work or even know where to begin on giving a suggestion to contribute to a conversation.

Also, keep in mind, that I'm fairly out of touch with this board. I'm mostly an OOC floater that really has no significant bearings in the vast game any more.

I'd like to talk about broad organization tactics for entire invasions, but I believe the last invasion I really got into was probably the Second Junction Invasion... possibly the Mandalore Invasion, I don't quite remember it that well. Both of those were many many months ago.
I understand that, but if you want to start a discussion about organisation, invasions or anything else, and you've got an idea...please post it!
Fleeting is just my flavour of the month, and I'm always happy to talk about ways to put little blobs on a map. :p

So yeah, anything you can think of related to war in some way, I want to hear your thoughts!

I'm trying to lead at least one regiment in the current Kashyyk and Prakith invasions, if you have any ideas for handling that.

[member="sabrina"] and I are also going to work on a few things after the invasions end.
Well-Known Member
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], well it's good to know that fleeting is merely a current flavor! :)

[member="Veino Garn"] perhaps you could elaborate on what you've done so far? Either here or PM, or wherever that takes your fancy. I'd like to help with that :)
Well-Known Member
Also [member="Valiens Nantaris"], I was wondering if you had a tutorial of how to sift through our Fleeting System to understand it better.

I'm not sure why, but I volunteered to be a fleet for the Primevals invasion at the same time I was just complaining about it, lol xD
With my system? I’d be happy to help.

If you want me to go through a rundown of my system, understanding that its use is entirely voluntary, PM me and we can talk it out.

You’ll find it’s actually pretty simple.


Active Member
[member="Fatty"] I myself based on my experiences in these first 2 invasion for my characters see a lot of issues. I'd love to possibly discuss how ground combat or hell any combat in invasion may be improved. I feel perhaps a tighter control on how people are organized and possibly more a dare i say it realistics way of managing warfare might be in order. As a servicemen irl I am extremely used to professional armies acting as a united team not a chaotic mess of individuals because we are taught no drilled into our skulls that doing so is the way to get killed. Now it is a game in a sci fi universe and such so some of that can be loosened but still we basically get objectives and in both battles the attackers and defenders got these lop sided groupings. So on the wookie homeworld we got basically no resistance of meaningful level against 4 sith who are with some soldiers running rough shot all over the place with almost laughable resistance. Meanwhile other area's have stiff contentious fighting. meanwhile the republic for whatever reason went after the hardest possible target short of the capital for an invasion it seems and we got 3 jedi trying to take a space port with only infantry against more than 2 to 1 odd against them in numbers. They sent one master and 2 padawans [basically the only people who went after it] to face down at least 1 master sith and around half a dozen knights in a shielded space port with turrets. I think there has to be a better way.
Well-Known Member
[member="Tellos"] There is a better way, about a thousand better ways, but none of them I believe, can be implemented in the current invasion as we speak.

This is where pre-invasion planning needs to shine. Unfortunately Chaos has a nasty tendency to turn Invasions into a bunch of duels, usually stereotypically Jedi vs Sith, so I say if they are going to do that then they should capitalize it and make sure that these duels happen on even grounds on the objectives. Perhaps we have an Objective, and then each side makes a request of what type of PC's they want at which objectives. This way they can report and distinguish if they are going to have 5 masters at the spaceport, so the other side doesn't stupidly send three padawans and a knight after it.

Obviously it won't make it perfect, but it'll make a hell of a lot more sense to me than what you described happening. I'm not sure what you have for experience in online roleplaying, but would have any suggestions of how to make PC's stick together? Because I feel like that's probably your biggest gripe unless I'm mistaken?

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