Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Sure What to Expect Out of This!

Well-Known Member
It's been awhile since I've had my hay day as the Sith Emperor by popular demand, and many don't even remember me being that active!

I know that I'm not a very active or consistent writer, but when I am capable of making an appearance with any of my characters, how do people receive them?

Praise is nice, but if you are going to I would like it to accompany a weakness you see in my writing if at all possible :)

(P.S., I'd also like to see what some of peoples favorite characters of mine there are, both current and past :3)

Lord Ghoul

Triam Akovin was great, but I think you do caricatures really well. And honestly on an RP board there's only so much room for true depth. Characters that attempt to be "too" deep often seem grandiose, melodramatic and all around 'blah.' I want more caricatures, like Voracitos.
Extended LOA In Effect
[member="Fatty"] I have only experienced you from the GBA. But I like that you can just seem to run whatever character fits the situation. It's a difficult concept for me as I really have to be in the groove to switch from Rev to another character. And I think your attention to detail is something quite admirable and something to aspire to.
Well-Known Member
[member="Mikhail Shorn"], This is really good feedback, thank you! Despite the outcome, I really enjoyed our duel together. From the two times that I've dueled you, you have been more than fair and quite amicable :) Also, occasionally I miss Voracitos as a human, I think if I ever get around to it I'm going to ditch his ghostly antics and put him into a proper fat person (like a certain crime lord named "Fatty" for instance :p)

[member="Sabena Shai"], That's kinda misleading isn't it? :p Basically it's a warning that you can't expect me to reply on a consistent basis.

[member="Reverance"], I've been told in real life that I have an overly developed attention to detail, so I guess it's good that it carries over in my writing without bogging you down enough to be marked as a weakness! Thank you :)

[member="Darth Vornskr"], I wish, lol. I feel like I could do a better job now of being Sith Emperor if I knew the mistakes I made at the time. That's life I suppose :p
Yer a [member="Fatty"] , loose some weight.

See what I did there?

Anyway, rpin with you has been a blast. Wont lie, I was kinda sad when you left. That dark side group seemed really good in all honesty. The duels we've had (I owe you a post) have been a blast. Tuskan raider mandalorian in a pod racer duel to the death? I mean, it ended with both of them dying technically, but hey. It was fun none the less. You love writing stories though. Throughout the duel you added in things that seemed irrelevant, but then you'd bring it in on a later post and bam. It mattered.


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