Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not sure what to say

First Order Planetary Defense Forces
I know I have said I was going to leave in the past, and recanted that, but alas this time, I feel for the health of myself I must bid everyone farewell. I am not going to say it is fond because well I'm not leaving with good terms in my mind. I feel it is way too clique here and well people like me just don't belong. Those that have me on Steam don't be strangers, and those I have added else where as well. I however cannot stand idly by though as my mood seems to get worse and worse the more I stay here. [member="Tefka"] if you wish to speak to me about how I feel you are more than welcomed to but I don't expect it. Again another reason why I feel like leaving problems aren't addressed by people. I know what I am saying is going to make people mad, but honestly I don't care anymore. I have been walked over, or pushed around or even just invisible to 99.99% of people here, and most of those are in the factions I have been in as well. I also want to call out the people, not naming names, that said there are friends but honestly when people can see me in pain don't even bother coming to try to help me out or cheer me up. I came here looking for people who were as nerdy as I am when it comes to Star Wars, but alas all I find is bullies and jerks just like everywhere else. Now I know people are going to well you can't escape them in a 100% percent manner, and I know that but....I was hoping for a little less of it since there was some common interest.

Anyway I now say, so long farewell Auf Wiedersehen, and Adieu
I know it's pretentious to think that the words of a stranger can change the mind of someone set in their decision and arrogant to think it would really matter but I'm sorry you feel the way you do about Chaos. Have similar motives as you for coming here, shame it didn't work out. Take care of yourself, maybe we play similar Steam titles? Live long and prosper. (V)
I will readily admit, I already made a report on this page.

Remember guys, not everyone deserves "Bye Felicia" sort of comments.

I have reached this point in the past, and lets all be honest, it happens. Very few of the people on site have not been privy to this type of thing. Maybe not directly causing it, but being aware and doing nothing.

Not gonna start any drama, it doesn't need to be here. So Im going to say, have a good one mate, come back if you like, and we can role-play.
[member="Garett Van"] I'm sorry things didn't work out for you here. Sometimes this place can get ugly, but there are still all sorts of friendly writers around here, too. It would be nice if you came back, but if not, then take care.

Helah Dawnsword

[member="Garett Van"]
I tried to ask, but you told me not to ask. :/ Can't help if you don't tell. Sorry, mate.

-Raze (too lazy to switch alts)

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