Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not to sound dumb, but…

So, this is gonna make me sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about, which I probably don't. So I'm currently using an iPhone 4,( not by choice, but by necessity) and I've been wondering, because I've seen it everywhere, How does one turn links into words/ phrases? I feel like some idiot that doesn't know technology by asking that question. I don't spend much time on computers, but I do spend time here, and it would be very convenient if I could learn how to do this. Thanks!

Atlas Kane

You can type it the long way:

The Word you want to tie the link to
Which will look like this Click here to see your avatar

Or click the button next to the listing tool that looks like a chain with a tiny green plus on it (
the middle one), though I'm unsure on if it works on mobile as well. The option above definitely does, though it is a little time consuming.

And don't worry, it's a perfectly reasonable question!

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