Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Nothing brings people together like Sith Artifacts

Salis smiled as she stood aboard the Donnager-class Star Destroyer, her eyes glancing out the viewport as they came out of Hyperspace. They were well off from her actual chosen location. Far enough at least to avoid trackers of any kind. Close enough however, that should she send a signal, she'd have them running. Salis had brought her ship here on a mission of her own. While tasked with management of the Red Dragon's forces. She was also tasked with that of teaching Mike V'Trechen the ways of the force. And of course, that also meant she was able to look for anything related to that she wanted with resources to get it if she so chose. Salis, however, only wanted them there as security. See she had another intention, she wanted to do these things on her own. Salis was not reliant on others. She aided them when they aided him. She turned to Zepher, a droid, but one skilled enough and intelligent enough to be considered to be her second in command. "So, I'll be headed out now on my little ship. Should I call for aid, you shall send it. Should I not return or send word by, let's say, midnight, send aid. That is how it shall be. See you later Zepher."

"Yes ma'am." Responded the droid simply.

And so she was on her way, headed to a planet on her Astro Class LX Combat Freighter. She brought a few of the troops with her. Mostly just so she wasn't the one flying the ship for the boring part of the things. Soldiers, living brains in droid bodies, to do all the manual labor. While she had all the fun. Searching for an artifact. A grin across her face, for she could sense that it truly did it exist.

Extra Info:
All Terrain Rough Rider

-Salis Lightsaber
-Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor
-Sith robe/cloak
-Several phrik throwing knives
-Basic Astromech droid.
-1 Z65_patrol_droid
-2 Model_Kylan-3
-Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.
-Extra commlinks on her.

-TX-1 Robots

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